==== Lettre de l'IRIF du 08 juillet 2022 ==== === Edito === {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2022-07-08:b7d194b314f504f45838e165790e9d55298b67e6446d1e2a74032e92b92856e0.jpg?400|}} Cette semaine une lettre en pleine mobilisation [[https://icalp2022.irif.fr|ICALP 2022]] de la part de l'équipe administrative et communication de l'IRIF, mais aussi de tous les volontaires de l'IRIF. Un grand merci à eux ainsi qu'à Thomas Colcombet de nous avoir tous embarquer dans cette aventure ! Une procédure particulière à suivre pour renouveler son inscription au GDR IM, et aussi pour en profiter pour s'inscrire si ce n'est pas encore fait. Ce réseau national regroupe toute l'informatique fondamentale. Doctorantes et doctorants qui soutenez votre thèse en fin d'année 2022, pensez à contacter l'école doctorale. Profitez en pour lire le portrait du CNRS d'une de nos anciennes doctorantes. Dernier jour pour s'inscrire pour l'accès aux locaux de l'IRIF durant la fermeture estivale de l'Université, ainsi qu'une annonce de fermeture de tous les services informatiques durant 36 heures. Retrouvez un portrait sur le nouveau lauréat de la médaille IMU Abacus (l'équivalent de la médaille Fields pour l'informatique), Mark Braverman qui était orateur invité du premier évènement scientifique qui regroupait les laboratoires fondateurs de l'IRIF. Bonne lecture ! === Annonces de la direction === * **GDR Informatique Mathématique** is a french network devoted to TCS in France. **All members of IRIF should register - or renew their registration -** to this GDR through one or several groups (GT). All groups are described [[https://www.gdr-im.fr/les-gt/|here]]. More information on the GDR [[https://www.gdr-im.fr|here]]. **In order to (re-) register please** - Go to [[https://mygdr.hosted.lip6.fr/]] - Click on "Laboratories" to check that your laboratory is present in the database. Please note: If you are not affiliated with any French laboratory, but only with an institution abroad, you must use "Laboratory abroad". - If your laboratory is present in the database, then go to point 3. - If not, please let us know because you cannot register. To this end, send us the full name of your laboratory, its acronym, and its web address. We'll add your lab to the list, and let you know when it's done, so you can sign up. - Click on "Register", and proceed with the registration (preferably professional email) by respecting the instructions for creating a password, and by memorizing your login and password. - Log in with your login name and your password. - Complete your form. - Click on “IM”, and the list of GTs appears. Select the GT(s) you belong to, and you're done. * **To all PhD students:** If you plan to defend your PhD in 2022, please contact before July 15th Amina HARITI at [[ufr-ed386@math.univ-paris-diderot.fr]] * **IT Shutdown July 25 4pm to July 27 morning** due to an electric shutdown at IRIF building (hat will be closed on July 26. In consequence, mail, web, cloud will not be accessible but no mail will be lost. * **[Rappel] Accès bâtiment du mardi 26 juillet au lundi 15 août (inclus)** * __Fermeture totale__ : mardi 26 juillet (coupure des postes électriques), lundi 15 août (jour férié), week-end * __Accès normal__ : mercredi 27 juillet * __Sur demande motivée pour tous les membres de l'IRIF__ : du jeudi 28 juillet au vendredi 12 août (hors week-end). Durant cette période, les badges d'accès au bâtiment seront désactivés, pour réactiver votre badge, renseigner **au plus tard le 8 juillet** [[https://sdstm.math-info-paris.cnrs.fr/shared/Pw2APoyZC8oqUEppybZQ0xknsbpVI-BSroAV_4pZmWU|ce tableau]]. Pour les stagiaires, la demande doit être validée par l'encadrant qui doit être présent. \\ === Actualités === * **Portrait du CNRS de Raphaëlle Crubillé** ancienne doctorante de l’IRIF qui a rejoint le LIS en tant que chargée de recherche CNRS en 2021 : [[https://www.ins2i.cnrs.fr/fr/cnrsinfo/raphaelle-crubille-et-letude-des-langages-de-programmation|lire le portrait]] * **Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics - MFPS 2022** will be held on **July 11-13, 2022**. The hybrid conference will hold with the in-person event at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and **an in-person local event at IRIF**. Information about the Ithaca event can be found here, and information about the Paris event can be found here. [[https://www.cs.cornell.edu/mfps-2022/paris.md.html#schedule|Registration and information]]. * **Symposium on Artificial Intelligence is organized on 12 and 13 July 2022** in honor of the 20th anniversary of the MIT-France Seed Fund Program, the Office for Science and Technology of the Embassy of France in the United States, with the support of the Consulate General of France in Boston, and Inria as coordinator of National AI Research Program. The event will take place the 12 & 13 July 2022 in Paris. The detailed program and the registration form are available at the [[https://www.eventbrite.com/e/symposium-on-ai-20th-anniversary-of-the-mit-france-seed-fund-program-tickets-362600095647|following link]] (limited places). \\ === Focus on the 2022 winner of the IMU Abacus Medal === == The Scientist Who Developed a New Way to Understand Communication == {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2022-07-08:on-couch.jpg?400|Braverman’s preferred place to think is the sofa in his office. Many of the questions he ponders involve quantifying the hardness of difficult problems. }} **Mark Braverman** is the winner of the IMU Abacus Medal! This is the Fields Medal of CS theory, awarded to one individual under 40 every 4 years. He's recognized for developing the theory of information complexity. He visited IRIF in 2013 for one of the [[https://www.irif.fr/~steiner/jifp/|first joint event]] between the two founding labs of IRIF in 2013. By the time he was 17, Mark Braverman had lived in three countries and spoke as many languages. But though he doesn’t have a hometown, he’s quick to call theoretical computer science his home. “Theoretical computer science is whatever you want it to be,” he said in his airy office at Princeton University, sitting between a whiteboard bursting with mathematical equations and a wall decorated with family photos. For more than a decade, Braverman, 38, has been developing a transformative new theory of interactive communication, expanding and enriching the pioneering work that Claude Shannon began eight decades ago. Braverman’s growing framework allows researchers to translate abstract concepts like “information” and “knowledge” into precise mathematical terms. As a result, they can recast hard problems as more precise statements. This program has led to new insights into the limitations of computation and speaks directly to the way people interact online. For this achievement and others, the International Mathematical Union has awarded Braverman the IMU Abacus Medal, widely considered the highest honor a computer scientist can receive. (The award was previously known as the Nevanlinna Prize, but it was renamed after historians pointed out that the Finnish researcher for whom it was named was a Nazi sympathizer.) The Abacus Medal is awarded only once every four years, and the winner must be under 40. Read the full article [[https://www.quantamagazine.org/mark-braverman-wins-the-imu-abacus-medal-20220705/|The Scientist Who Developed a New Way to Understand Communication]] on Quanta Magazine. === Appels d'offres et informations des partenaires === **Newsletter des partenaires** : Les lettres arrivent sporadiquement aux membres de l'IRIF. Elles sont donc listées ci-dessous. * [[https://u-paris.fr/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzcwNiwwLDc5LCJ3eTY0b244dXE2bzg0b29rbzhjZzhnMDhvc2Nvd3dnMCIsNDIyLDBd|Université Paris Cité Infos]] du 04/04/2022 * [[https://u-paris.fr/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzcxMCwwLDUzNywiMTJzcGlrNnN3YWVzOGNrd29jMG8wc2dva28wMGdzb2ciLDQyNSwwXQ|Fil info Recherche Université Paris Cité]] du 06/07/2022 * [[https://www.dgsi.interieur.gouv.fr/sites/dgsi/files/2022-06/Protection%20de%20la%20recherche%20-%20juin%202022.pdf| Flash Ingérence Économique n°85 dédié à la recherche]] du Ministère de l'Intérieur de juin 2022 \\ === Agenda de la semaine du 11 juillet au 15 juillet === [[:seminaires:verif:|Vérification]] · Lundi 11 juillet, 11:00, 3052 and [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/87413678251?pwd=Wmg5cTNuSy9XMnFNdlJhRFkrR3F5dz09|Zoom link]] · \\ **Jaco Van De Pol** (Aarhus University), //Parallel SCC Detection for Model Checking – Model Checking for Parallel SCC detection// [[:seminaires:pps:|Preuves, programmes et systèmes]] · Lundi 11 juillet, 14:30, Room 3052 · \\ **Barbara König, Ayberk Tosun, Frank Pfenning And Other Mfps Speakers**, //MFPS local event - day 1// [[:seminaires:algocomp:|Algorithmes et complexité]] · Mardi 12 juillet, 10:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Seeun William Umboh** (The University of Sydney), //Online Weighted Cardinality Joint Replenishment Problem with Delay// [[:seminaires:algocomp:|Algorithmes et complexité]] · Mardi 12 juillet, 11:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Kheeran Naidu** (University of Bristol), //Space Optimal Vertex Cover in Dynamic Streams (with an overview of graph streaming)// [[:seminaires:numeration:|One world numeration seminar]] · Mardi 12 juillet, 14:30, Online · \\ **Ruofan Li** (South China University of Technology), //Rational numbers in ×b-invariant sets// [[:seminaires:pps:|Preuves, programmes et systèmes]] · Mardi 12 juillet, 14:30, Room 3052 · \\ **Nicolas Wu And Other Mfps Speakers**, //MFPS local event - day 2// [[:seminaires:pps:|Preuves, programmes et systèmes]] · Mercredi 13 juillet, 14:30, Room 3052 · \\ **Daniela Petrisan, Alexandre Goy, Nicolas Munnich, Chris Barrett, Willem Heijltjes And Other Mfps Speakers**, //MFPS local event - day 3//