==== IRIF Newsletter of February 23, 2024 ==== === Edito === Due to vacations, this week's IRIF letter is lightweight. \\ In this newsletter **International Researcher invitations** UPCité and a procedure for internships. \\ In the news you will see the symposium **Logique à Paris**. \\ New **call for tenders** are available. Enjoy reading and have a nice weekend! === Direction's announcements === * **[REMINDER] Project Deadline**: the deadline **International Researcher Invitations** is approaching: **March 13th**. It is **very important** that there are many applications issued from IRIF since the number of missions awarded by the university is proportional to the number of applications. You you can apply through this [[https://sondage.app.u-paris.fr/234797?lang=fr|Limesurvey link]]. All the information needed can be found in this [[https://u-paris.fr/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/VadeMecum_Invitants_Campagne-2023_UPC.pdf|2023 Vademecum]]. * **[REMINDER] Missions**: For **non-permanent members**, please upload a copy of an authorization email from your supervisor to your mission requests on Etamine. * **Internships**: all informations about internship agreements and how to fill them is available [[https://www.irif.fr/intranet/convention-stage|here]]. \\ === News === * **Logique à Paris 2024**: A 3-day meeting of contemporary developments in Mathematical Logic, is organised between 29th February and 2nd March by Équipe de Logique (Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu–Paris Rive Gauche) on Campus Grandes Moulins, Université Paris Cité, 75013 Paris. More information and registration [[https://www.sylvyanscombe.com/logiqueaparis2024.html|here]]. \\ === Equalities comittee === * [REMINDER] **Théâtre Forum** : Organized by UPCité's Equality, Diversity and Inclusion mission and the College of Doctoral Schools a forum theatre session entitled "Ce qu'il en coûte" (What it costs) by the SYNERGIES company will take place on **Monday 11 March from 12:00 to 14:00** in **Amphi Turing**. The theme of the play is identifying and preventing bullying and harassment in the doctoral student/thesis supervisor relationship. Please send an email to [[mentorat.sciences@u-paris.fr]] to register. \\ === IRIF & Environnement === * 🚲**Bike maintenance** : A bicycle maintenance toolkit and a pump are available in the common space on 4th floor. Feel free to use it, but, please, put it back where you found it once you are done. * **Meeting**: Wednesday at 1pm in 3052 on how to travel by train. \\ \\ === Calls for tender and information from partners === * **ANR USERFIRST**: Présentation de l’outil d’aide au montage des projets ANR via USERFIRST mardi 27 février de 14 heures à 15 heures sur [[https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/96447620017?pwd=bHA4U1hGT1FJcFVMaHd2Vys2VVMwUT09|Zoom]]. ID de réunion: 964 4762 0017, code secret: 2zaZ8c. * **[REMINDER] International Researcher invitation**: UPCité has launched the 2025 International Researcher invitation campaign. The candidature camaign is open until 15th of March, 2024 and you can apply through this [[https://sondage.app.u-paris.fr/234797?lang=fr|Limesurvey link]]. All the information needed can be found in this Vademecum * **Faculty positions** are open at IRIF : two MCF and one full professor, see [[https://www.irif.fr/postes/universite|this page]]. * **Chaire CMM-CNRS pour jeunes chercheuses** : Appel réservé aux jeunes chercheuses, pour une Chaire CMM-CNRS à Santiago (Chili). Il s’agit de CDD de 4 ans, qui ont pour vocation à déboucher sur un recrutement en CDI avant la fin du contrat. Plus d'informations [[https://www.insmi.cnrs.fr/fr/chaire-cmm-cnrs-pour-jeunes-chercheuses|ici]]. * **Handicap PhD grant**: a call for handicap PhD grantsis open until April. This grant funds a doctoral contract over 3 years and extension months funded by the Ministry. For the procedure, please contact the doctoral school. * **Intership funding**: As part of the SMARTS-UP Graduate Schools project, Université Paris Cité is launching a call for proposals to fund master's internships for foreign students enrolled in a foreign university. In particular, the graduate schools [[https://u-paris.fr/mathematicalsciences/|Mathematical Sciences]] and [[https://u-paris.fr/graduate-schools/quantumtechnologies/|Quantum science]] cover IRIF research themes. To apply, fill {{https://www.irif.fr/?ns=intranet%3Alettre-irif%3A2024-02-16%3A&image=intranet%3Alettre-irif%3A2024-02-16%3Asmarts-up_formulaire_mobiliteentrantestage-2.pdf&do=media|this form}} and send it to [[smarts-up.mobility@u-paris.fr]]. **Partner newsletter** : Newsletters are sent sporadically to IRIF members. They are listed below. * [[https://intranet.cnrs.fr/delegations/dr1/Pages/Lettreinterne.aspx?IdLettre=48|CNRS interne du 22/02/2024]] * {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-02-23:newsletter_de_cnrs_sciences_informatiques_42_21_fevrier_2024_-_ins2i_communi...ins2i_mailing_list_newsletter-ins2i_services.cnrs.fr_-_2024-02-21_1651.eml |Newsletter de Sciences Informatiques du 21/02/2024}} \\ === Agenda for the week of February 26 to March 1st === [[:seminaires:verif:|Vérification]] · Lundi 26 février, 11:00, 3052 and [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/89886269671?pwd=QlgvOVBmdjZTVGZqamdOWVdSWWU5UT09|Zoom link]] · \\ **Loïc Germerie Guizouarn** (Université Paris-Est Créteil), //Quasi-synchronous communications and verification of distributed systems// [[:seminaires:picube:|Formath]] · Lundi 26 février, 14:00, 3052 · \\ **Julien Narboux** (Université de Strasbourg), //Formalization of geometry, and automated theorem proving using constraint solving// [[:seminaires:combi:|Combinatoire énumérative et analytique]] · Mardi 27 février, 11:00, Room 1007 · \\ **Gilles Schaeffer**, //From catalytic to algebraic decomposition, bijectively.// [[:seminaires:algocomp:|Algorithmes et complexité]] · Mardi 27 février, 11:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Sophie Huiberts** (LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand), //Open problems about the simplex method// [[:seminaires:algocomp:|Algorithmes et complexité]] · Mardi 27 février, 14:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Christian Konrad** (University of Bristol), //An Unconditional Lower Bound for Two-Pass Streaming Algorithms for Maximum Matching Approximation// [[:seminaires:automates:|Automates]] · Jeudi 29 février, 14:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Ivan Varzinczak**, //An Introduction to Defeasible Description Logics// [[:seminaires:doctorants:|Séminaire des membres non-permanents]] · Jeudi 29 février, 16:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Huan Zhou**, //Graph colouring: Extending brooks’ Theorem// [[:seminaires:automates:|Automates]] · Vendredi 01 mars, 14:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Benjamin Bordais**, //From Local to Global Optimality in Concurrent Parity Games//