==== IRIF Newsletter of April 05, 2024 ==== === Edito === In this week's IRIF letter, a **PhD seminar** is open to registration. \\ The focus is on a quanta magazine article on **qubits and quantum computing**. \\ A webinar on **collaborative European projects** and new **calls for tender** are available, such as for the **young researcher programming school**. Enjoy reading and have a nice weekend! === Direction's announcements === * **Meeting room**: please note that the meeting table of **room 4005** has been transferred to **room 4071A**. Eventually, it will no longer be possible to use 4005 as a meeting room. Please check when you book room 4071A that the same time slot is not booked in room 4005. * **Administration workload**: Due to a heavy workload compounded by Natalia's departure, there may be delays in handling your requests. The secretariate is doing its best to address your needs. We appreciate your understanding and kindly request that you **anticipate your requests as much as possible** and take into account that it may take some days to process them. \\ === News === * **PhD student seminar**: On **May 31, 2024**, the seminar for doctoral students of the SIF (French Computer Science Society) will be held. This year, the seminar will focus on the theme **"Diversity of research methods in computer science."** The [[https://sifdoctorants24.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit |submission]] deadline is March 30, 2024. More information about the event on the [[https://sifdoctorants24.sciencesconf.org|SIF website]]. \\ === Equalities comittee === * **Functional protection FAQ**: The General Directorate of Administration and Civil Service (DGAFP) just published on its website a **Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the functional protection** from which public officials can benefit: [[https://www.fonction-publique.gouv.fr/files/files/Publications/Publications%20DGAFP/2024/protection-fonctionnelle-agents.pdf|Functional protection of civil servants]] (in French). \\ === Focus on === {{page>actualites:focus#focus_du_05_04_24}} \\ === Calls for tender and information from partners === * **Collaborative European projects**: A webinar on setting up collaborative European projects organized by the Europe department of our //Délégation Régionale// CNRS, will be held on 16 April 2024 at 2.30pm (duration: 1.5 hours). You can [[https://evento.renater.fr/survey/webinaire-monter-un-projet-en-collaboration-16-04-2024-a-14h30-v8wkmgis|register here]]. * **Young Researcher Programming School**: you can now register to the young researcher programming school of the [[https://gdr-gpl.cnrs.fr/|GDR GPL]]. It will take place in **Argelès-sur-Mer (Pyrénées Orientales), from June 17 to June 21**, 2024. The program is available [[https://gpl-ejcp.github.io/ejcp2024|here]]. it is mandatory to register before May 17, 2024. * **PARIS Recherche**: the city of Paris launch its new call for tender, which aims to **bring municipal action closer to research**. Its aim is to **fund research projects of direct relevance to the city and on themes** identified by the Paris departments. You can submit your project until **May 15, 2024**. All informations [[https://www.paris.fr/pages/appel-a-projets-paris-recherche-2024-26620|can be found here]]. For more informations, please contact [[basile.larde@paris.fr]] ou [[DAE-recherche@paris.fr]]. * **NUS calls**: 3 new calls for tender between NUS (National University of Singapore) and Université Paris Cité have been published. You have until **May 31, 2024** to submit. If you need information, please contact Dr. Mariana Losada, [[mariana@nus.edu.sg]] with in cc [[internationalisation.iro@u-paris.fr]]. More information [[ https://u-paris.fr/en/paris-nus-calls-for-proposals-2024/|on the website]]. * A research call for tender * A PhD international mobility call for tender * A educational innovation call for tender * **1st Joint call Paris Toronto**: "The aim of the fund is to provide initial support for the development of research links and catalyze further collaboration". If you are interested by this project please [[https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=JsKqeAMvTUuQN7RtVsVSEHf7BMrXVSJJuGhOsZZybNlUOTVHWTFJMkVEUkpCNlpGVks1TTRQRUw4Vy4u|submit your application intention]] **before May 3, 2024**. The closure of the call is fixed on May 13, 2024. See the call in [[https://u-paris.fr/le-partenariat-paris-toronto-lance-un-premier-appel-a-projets-de-recherche-conjointe/|french]] or in [[https://u-paris.fr/en/paris-toronto-partnership-launches-its-first-call-for-proposals/|english]]. Since it's a joint call, only one position can be submitted on the [[https://ovpi.knack.com/ovpi-grants#applicant-home/|OVPI Application Portal]]. * **JNIM 2024**: The presentation materials for the speakers at the IFM research group 2024 National Conference are now available [[https://jnim2024.sciencesconf.org/program|on the conference website]]. * **Solemn Thesis Awards 2024**: Registration for the **solemn thesis awards** of the Chancery will takes place through a digital platform. One award concerns scientific PhDs. The College of Doctoral Schools (CED) is responsible for centralizing and submitting the list of pre-selected candidates. * The **deadline** for sending files to the doctoral school at [[ufr-ed386@math.univ-paris-diderot.fr]] is **April 8th**. These files should contain 1. a cover letter in French (maximum one double-sided sheet), 2. a curriculum vitae in French (including postal, e-mail and telephone contact details), 3. a short summary of the thesis in French (between 500 and 1,000 characters maximum), 4. pre-submission reports in French or in the original language, 4. the defense report / minutes in French or in the original language, and 5. a letter of recommendation from the thesis supervisor concerning the application for the Chancellery Prize and, if applicable, of two (maximum) other members of the jury, in French or in the original language. * The doctoral shools will rank applications and transmit them to CED by April 23rd. * Pre-selected candidates will be contacted by the CED and will have to **submit a complete application file by May 24, 2024**. * More information {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-03-15:ac-prix_de_these-2024.pdf |here}}. * **Open-source software training**: The **CNRS Institutes for Humanities & Social Sciences and for Mathematics** jointly organize this **training session** which will address several issues related to **open-source software**. It will be held from **Monday 1st July**, 2024 at 2pm to **Wednesday 3rd of July**, 12:30pm at Villa Clythia in Fréjus, in-person only. You can [[ https://formation.ifsem.cnrs.fr/training/1304/3650|register here]]. **Partner newsletter** : Newsletters are sent sporadically to IRIF members. They are listed below. * {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-04-05:newsletter.diip_reminder_apr3_4pmparis_diip_distinguished_lecture_alessandro_m...assistants_-_themis_palpanas_themis_mi.parisdescartes.fr_-_2024-04-01_1852.eml |diiP newsletter}} of March 1st, 2024 * [[https://u-paris.fr/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzExODYsMCw1MzcsIjEyc3BpazZzd2Flczhja3dvYzBvMHNnb2tvMDBnc29nIiw4MDIsMF0|Fil Info Recherche of Université Paris Cité]] of April 4th, 2024 * [[https://intranet.cnrs.fr/delegations/dr1/Pages/Lettreinterne.aspx?IdLettre=51|Lettre du CNRS interne]] of April 5, 2024 \\ === Agenda for the week of April 8 to April 12 === [[:seminaires:hors-series:|Évènement spécial]] · Lundi 08 avril, 15:15, SG 1013 · \\ **Nutan Limaye** (Copenhagen), //Functional Lower Bounds in Algebraic Proofs: Symmetry, Lifting, and Barriers// [[:seminaires:algocomp:|Algorithmes et complexité]] · Mardi 09 avril, 11:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Christoph Egger** (IRIF), //On Fine-Grained Key-Agreement// [[:seminaires:combi:|Combinatoire énumérative et analytique]] · Mardi 09 avril, 11:00, Room 3058 · \\ **Relâche (Vacances De Printemps)**, //Relâche// [[:seminaires:numeration:|One world numeration seminar]] · Mardi 09 avril, 14:00, Online · \\ **Simon Kristensen** (Aarhus Universitet), //On the distribution of sequences of the form $(q_n y)$// [[:seminaires:cat:|Catégories supérieures, polygraphes et homotopie]] · Vendredi 12 avril, 14:00, Room 3058 · \\ **Fabio Gadducci** (University of Pisa), //From monoidal to cartesian categories: a computational view// [[:seminaires:automates:|Automates]] · Vendredi 12 avril, 14:00, Room 3052 · \\ **Guillaume Lagarde**, //The complexity of learning temporal formulas from examples//