==== IRIF Newsletter of May 3, 2024 ==== === Edito === In this week's IRIF letter, the position for **IRIF general secretary** (Secrétaire Général.e) is open: anticipate delays in the administrative proceduces in the transition period. The **IRIF PhD precall** is open: do not miss the deadline if you want to apply for a doctoral grant. CNRS Sciences Informatiques encourages **ERC projects** submissions and provides training. The half-day training for **CNRS OPEN** is set. We have received the **HCERES evaluation** of IRIF. On the news side, many congratulations to the **selected papers of ACM PODC conference**. The lab is getting ready to **welcome young interns** in June ; we are looking for **volunteers** ! \\ Different events are offered related to **women in the field of math and about the LGBT+ community**. **Omer Reingold** granted us with an **interview** about **//Algorithmic Fairness//** before his talk that will be held on May 14th. \\ A lot of new calls for tenders have open: doctoral contracts, Quantum PhD thesis, Residential School... and many more. Note in particular the call for **PhD grants by our école doctorale ED386**. Enjoy reading and have a nice weekend! === Direction's announcements === * **Open position**: [[https://choisirleservicepublic.gouv.fr/offre-emploi/secretaire-general-ou-secretaire-generale-de-l-institut-de-recherche-en-informatique-fondamentale-hf-reference-2024-1557442/?utm_campaign=google_jobs_apply&utm_source=google_jobs_apply&utm_medium=organic|IRIF General Secretary]]. Please spread the word. **Application deadline: 30 May**, **Position starting date: 24 June**. This position is to replace Maximilien Lesellier who will leave IRIF on May the 30th. **Nota bene: administrative operations will be reduced from June 1 till well into July**. Please, anticipate significant delays in the treatement of administrative issues and contact [[direction@irif.fr]] in case of urgency. * **IRIF precall** for the ED386 phd grants - Deadline **May 27nd**, 2024 - Accordingly to the recommendation of Conseil de laboratoire & AG (March 29th, 2022), a pre-call is organized by IRIF in order to help potential applicants to improve their file before the formal call of the graduate school ED386. When possible, applying to the pre-call is strongly recommended. [[https://www.irif.fr/en/intranet/phd_call?s[]=pre&s[]=call|Link]]. * **Submission of ERC projects**: CNRS Sciences Informatique wrote us to **encourage to prepare an ERC project submission**. A meeting will be held on **June 5th, 2024** from 1:30pm to 4pm by videoconference. More information and the program of the meeting are available {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-05-03:ercprojects_2024.pdf |in this document}}. If interested, [[https://forms.gle/sSkQfTrDAaSoo8kx8|please register]] **before May 30**. This meeting can help you either to plan your project but also to help and support other members with their ERC project. We remind you that those ERC projects concerns: * young researchers and teacher-researchers (C/EC), for the Starting and Consolidator categories, whose initial contributions have already been noticed. * senior C/ECs, for the Advanced category, whose work has received strong international recognition. * **CNRS OPEN**: CNRS Valorisation information event at IRIF on the new CNRS OPEN open source software project funding programme, will be hosted by [[https://www.ins2i.cnrs.fr/fr/personne/marian-scuturici|Marian SCUTURICI]], on **3 June 2024** (in the morning; details to be announced). * **Note that secretariat will be closed __all day long__ on Friday 10th of May** * **Call for Projects: Software Development**: The new Engineer for Software Development, [[https://www.irif.fr/~tomazm/|Tomaz Mascarenhas]], that we share with LMF and LIPN, will soon finish the projects he is currently working on. So it is time to propose new projects for him. You can request his services by filling [[https://love.lipn.univ-paris13.fr/projects |this online form]] hosted by LIPN. If you submit a project please inform [[direction+projets-ir@irif.fr]]. Since the new projects should start on June the 1st, please submit your proposals by **May the 15th**. * The HCERES published on its site the final and public version of their **[[https://www.hceres.fr/sites/default/files/media/publications/rapports_evaluations/pdf/D2025-EV-0755976N-DER-ER-DER-PUR250024229-ST6-IRIF-RF.pdf |rapport d'évaluation de l'IRIF]]** (in French). \\ === News === * Congratulations to the IRIF members authors of the following accepted papers: * **ACM PODC**: * Even-Cycle Detection in the Randomized and Quantum CONGEST Model. [[https://www.irif.fr/users/pierref/index|P. Fraigniaud]], [[https://www.irif.fr/users/luce/index|M. Luce]], [[https://www.irif.fr/~magniez/|F. Magniez]], I. Todinca * The Computational Power of Distributed Shared-Memory Models with Bounded-Size Registers. [[https://www.irif.fr/~cd/|C. Delporte-Gallet]], [[https://www.irif.fr/~hf/|H. Fauconnier]], [[https://www.irif.fr/users/pierref/index|P. Fraigniaud]], [[https://www.irif.fr/users/rajsbaum/index|S. Rajsbaum]], C. Travers * [REMINDER] **Distinguished Talk**: IRIF is pleased to announce its second Distinguished Lecture of the year that will be held **May 14th starting at 11am**! Our invited speaker is [[https://omereingold.wordpress.com/|Omer Reingold]], professor of computer science at Stanford University and the director of the Simons Collaboration on the Theory of Algorithmic Fairness (Simons Foundation). **He will talk about Algorithmic Fairness**. Read the abstract of his talk [[https://www.irif.fr/seminaires/irif/index|in the DTS page]]. * **Internships tenth grade (2nd)**: From **17 to 21 June, 2024**, IRIF will welcome highschool students for their intership. As always, we will be gratefull for **volunteers** if you could grant them with a meeting with them to **tell us about your carreer and studies**, if you could offer a **popularised presentation** on a subject of your choice or to **run a programming workshop**. If you are interested, please contact [[juliette.calvi@irif.fr]], even only for information. Thank you very much in advance! \\ === Equalities comittee === * **Women in formal Mathematics workshop**: The [[https://womeninlogic.org|Women in Logic group]] organise the workshop Women in formal Mathematics as part of the [[https://www.mathematics.uni-bonn.de/him/programs/special-events/women-in-formal-math|Hausdorff Institute program on Prospects of Formalized mathematics]]. * **Conference-debate on LGBT+ health**: The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Society and Humanities are organising a conference-debate on **16 May** from 6 to 8 p.m. in **room R229** of the Saint Germain des Près campus on the theme **"LGBT+ health: common issues and specificities"**. [[https://u-paris.fr/societes-humanites/conference-debat-sante-lgbt-enjeux-communs-specificites/|More information here]]. * **May 12**: May12 celebrates women in mathematics. You can either come to planned events or submit one. You can directly go on the [[https://may12.womeninmaths.org/|dedicated website]] for more information. \\ === IRIF & Environnement === * **May by bike**: In May, set yourself a challenge: use your bike regularly. Events are organised in different places in France. As an exemple, two events are organised near Bibliothèque François Mitterand. [[https://maiavelo.fr/nos-evenements/|Find everything here]]. \\ === Focus on === {{page>actualites:focus#focus_du_03_05_24}} \\ === Calls for tender and information from partners === * **ED386 doctoral contracts**: The call for applications for doctoral contracts for the ED386 Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre will open on **Monday 06 May** and will **run until 09 June 2024**. All the information and the form are available on the [[https://www.math.u-paris.fr/formations/doctorats/index |ED386 UPCité website]] - "CD ED386 2024/2025" section. Please send your application at [[amina.hariti@u-paris.fr]] * **Quantum PhD Thesis**: The Graduate School of Quantum Technologies launches a call for **five three-year PhD thesis funding** who is open in the field of **quantum technologies** at Université Paris Cité. Submit your application by {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-05-03:quantech-phd-2024.docx |completing this file}} by **Thursday May 23**, 2024 by email to [[quantech@listes.u-paris.fr]]. Submit your application before **May 31, 2024**. Research projects must: * be conducted either at the IRIF Laboratory or at the MPQ Laboratory; * fall within the scientific perimeter defined by the Quantum Flagship. * **PhD CFM Scholarship**: The **CFM scholarship** call is open. **You have until June 3rd** to submit your files by sending them to [[amina.hariti@u-paris.fr]]. The following documents are requested: * {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-04-26:formulaire_cand._cfm.doc |this form}} (note that is it a modified version of the one of April 19 letter) * A presentation of the research project (1 to 3 pages with title and thesis direction) * A CV with details of M1 and M2 courses and internships * A motivation letter * Recommendation letter(s) * Provisional M2 transcript * More information on this [[https://www.irif.fr/intranet/funding_and_support#doctorant|dedidated page]] * **Entrepreneurship Residential School**: DIM QuanTiP is joining forces with MaTerRE and Quantum Saclay to organize an **Entrepreneurship Residential School** from **June 12 to 14, 2024**. All information needed {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-05-03:dimquantip_diffusion_rappel_12-14_juin_2024_ecole_residentielle_a_l_entreprene...sion_mailing_list_dimquantip_diffusion_services.cnrs.fr_-_2024-05-02_1203.eml |in this mail}}. * **INRIA prize - Académie des sciences 2024**: (Application deadline: 12 noon on **Friday 24 May** 2024) * The **Inria grand prize – Académie des sciences** (25000€) : It rewards a scientist who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of computer science and mathematics. * The **Inria Innovation prize - Académie des sciences – Dassault Systèmes** (20000€) : it rewards a scientist or a team of scientists (maximum of 6 people) who have been particularly active in the field of transfer and innovation in computer and mathematical sciences. * The **Inria prize - Académie des sciences young researchers** (20000€) : rewards a scientist under the age of forty [...] who has made a major contribution to the field of computer science and mathematics through his or her research, transfer or innovation activities. * More informations [[https://www.academie-sciences.fr/fr/Appel-a-candidature/appel-a-candidature-prix-inria-academie-des-sciences-24.html|on this page]]. * **Semaine du numérique et des sciences informatiques**: The second Digital and Computer Science Week will be held from **2 to 7 December 2024**. The aim of this initiative, supported by the CNRS, is to **highlight and promote training courses and careers in the digital and IT sectors to secondary school pupils**. It also aims to **combat stereotypes and preconceived ideas**, particularly **among girls**, by enabling them to meet the men and women working in these fields. Find all the information needed {{ :intranet:lettre-irif:2024-04-19:reunion_d_infos_semaine_du_numerique_et_des_sciences_informatiques_-_hutschka_estelle_estelle.hutschka_cnrs.fr_-_2024-04-15_1706.eml |in this mail}}. If interested, please contact Juliette at [[juliette.calvi@irif.fr]] * **[[https://u-paris.fr/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzEyMzgsMCw1MzcsIjEyc3BpazZzd2Flczhja3dvYzBvMHNnb2tvMDBnc29nIiw4MTEsMF0|Convergences : journées scientifiques de l'Institut Pasteur et de l'Université Paris Cité]]** 17 juin 2024 * **Online group language courses**: Available on the CNRS e-learning platform, **Go Fluent** offers **group virtual classes** specifically for CNRS staff. These group courses are limited to 5 participants and offered in the following four languages: **English, French as a foreign language (FLE), Spanish and German**. For more information or to register, [[https://intranet.cnrs.fr/Cnrs_pratique/recruter/Pages/lancement-des-campagnes-sur-l%27apprentissage-des-langues-en-ligne.aspx|check this page]]. * **1st Joint call Paris Toronto**: "The aim of the fund is to provide initial support for the development of research links and catalyze further collaboration". If you are interested by this project please [[https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=JsKqeAMvTUuQN7RtVsVSEHf7BMrXVSJJuGhOsZZybNlUOTVHWTFJMkVEUkpCNlpGVks1TTRQRUw4Vy4u|submit your application intention]] **before May 3, 2024**. The closure of the call is fixed on May 13, 2024. See the call in [[https://u-paris.fr/le-partenariat-paris-toronto-lance-un-premier-appel-a-projets-de-recherche-conjointe/|french]] or in [[https://u-paris.fr/en/paris-toronto-partnership-launches-its-first-call-for-proposals/|english]]. Since it's a joint call, only one position can be submitted on the [[https://ovpi.knack.com/ovpi-grants#applicant-home/|OVPI Application Portal]]. * **NUS calls**: 3 new calls for tender between NUS (National University of Singapore) and Université Paris Cité have been published. You have until **May 31, 2024** to submit. If you need information, please contact Dr. Mariana Losada, [[mariana@nus.edu.sg]] with in cc [[internationalisation.iro@u-paris.fr]]. More information [[ https://u-paris.fr/en/paris-nus-calls-for-proposals-2024/|on the website]]. * A research call for tender * A PhD international mobility call for tender * A educational innovation call for tender **Partner newsletter** : Newsletters are sent sporadically to IRIF members. They are listed below. * [[https://newsletter.labri.fr/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzQwLCI5NmNiMGJkZGVmNmUiLDYyLCJjODQyNGZiOGFmZTY3NDY1YThjNDhhNTlhOWMzMzc2ZSIsMjcsMF0|LaBRI Newsletter]] from April 26, 2024 * [[http://0x0qr.mjt.lu/nl3/Luomj_uarIk2jDvMEzc9EA?m=AU0AAD8cfcQAAAAVNK4AABVTvAMAAAAAtz8AAJXZABkriQBmL53ijmZX7Cr1RpKXUIMJoDPCzgAYfD4&b=d07b26aa&e=e078d933&x=WnrpW966L3rTFmDw-TI12huTmz3i_Ub6Y2eXDYSYVZY|FSMP MathsInfos n°64 newsletter]] from April 29, 2024 * [[https://lejournal.cnrs.fr/newsletters/la-lettre-ndeg87|CNRS Le Journal - La lettre n°87]] from April 30, 2024 * [[https://www.cnrs.fr/fr/newsletter/la-lettre-du-cnrs-44|La lettre du CNRS]] from April 30, 2024 * [[https://u-paris.fr/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzEyMzcsMCw1MzcsIjEyc3BpazZzd2Flczhja3dvYzBvMHNnb2tvMDBnc29nIiw4MTIsMF0|Fil Info Recherche]] of Université Paris Cité from May 2nd, 2024 * [[https://intranet.cnrs.fr/delegations/dr1/Pages/Lettreinterne.aspx?IdLettre=53|CNRS Interne]] from May 2nd, 2024 \\ === Agenda for the week of May 6 to May 10 === [[:seminaires:verif:|Vérification]] · Lundi 06 mai, 11:00, 3052 and [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/89886269671?pwd=QlgvOVBmdjZTVGZqamdOWVdSWWU5UT09|Zoom link]] · \\ **Giovanni Bernardi** (IRIF), //TBA// [[:seminaires:numeration:|One world numeration seminar]] · Mardi 07 mai, 14:00, Online · \\ **Tom Kempton** (University of Manchester), //The Dynamics of the Fibonacci Partition Function//