===== Thèses ===== * [[#context|Context]] * [[#description_of_phd_studies_at_irif|Description of PhD studies at IRIF]] * [[#how_to_apply|How to apply]] * [[#possible_fundings_topics|Possible fundings & topics]] ---- === Context === **IRIF** (CNRS and Université Paris Cité), Paris, France, is seeking excellent candidates for Ph.D. fellowships in all areas of Foundations of Computer Science. **Every year, about 20 new Ph.D. students** start their doctoral studies at IRIF. IRIF (Institute for Research in Foundations of Computer Science) is a joint laboratory of the **CNRS** (French National Center for Scientific Research) and **Université Paris Cité**. Currently, it hosts about 90 permanent faculty members, 40 non-permanent full-time researchers, and 50 Ph.D. students. The research conducted at IRIF is based on the study and understanding of the foundations of all areas of computer science. Such research work relies on mathematical concepts developed and studied within it, but it also contributes directly to mathematics. Typical areas include but are not limited to: algorithms, their design and analysis, automata theory and applications, combinatorics, complex systems, complexity, computational formalisms, distributed computation, foundations of programming languages, interactive proof assistants, graph theory and its algorithms, logic, networks, quantum computing, software development, systems modeling and verification. For further information about IRIF please see our [[https://www.irif.fr/en/informations/presentation|presentation of IRIF]]. ---- === Description of PhD studies at IRIF === In France, Ph.D. studies are typically **3 years** long and can be extended in some cases to **4 years**. Ph.D. fellowships are full-time research contracts with some optional additional activities such as teaching. The **starting date** of the positions is usually in **October 1st**, but this may sometimes vary. All IRIF Ph.D. students must register at [[https://www.math.univ-paris-diderot.fr/formations/doctorats/index|Paris Doctoral School of Mathematical Sciences]] (ED386). Many Ph.D. studies starting at IRIF are the continuation of master programs, such as the [[http://www.math.univ-paris-diderot.fr/m2lmfi/|LMFI]] or the [[https://wikimpri.dptinfo.ens-cachan.fr/doku.php|MPRI]], but this is not mandatory and IRIF regularly welcomes Ph.D. students joining after a master in another French or foreign university. IRIF also participates to two Graduate Schools of Université Paris Cité: [[https://u-paris.fr/mathematicalsciences/|Mathematical Sciences]] and [[https://u-paris.fr/graduate-schools/quantumtechnologies/|Quantum Technologies]]. Funding Ph.D. studies at IRIF can be obtained by applying to a scholarship through IRIF and its related partners (such as IRIF research grants, Université Paris Cité, regional programs, industrial partnerships ...) or by applying to another institution independent from IRIF (such as his/her current institution, campus France, ...). In addition, Ph.D. students can be teaching assistants during their studies. [[https://doctorat.u-paris.fr/enseigner-durant-le-doctorat/|More information]] (in french). ---- === How to apply === It is advised to contact IRIF as soon as possible in order not to miss a possible call (see [[#possible_fundings_topics|possible funding]] below). Ideally, the **contact** should be the researcher you would like to work with. It can also be the head of the thematic group or head of the pole corresponding to your scientific interests (see the [[https://www.irif.fr/en/informations/presentation|presentation of IRIF]]). Please avoid multiplying the contacts (alternatively, contact all concerned persons with a single e-mail so as they are aware of this). Independently, there is also the possibility to directly apply to one or more **specific fellowships** funded by research grants. The list can be found [[#Specific openings|below]]; it is not exhaustive and might be updated at any moment. In all cases, the candidate should **join a CV**, and is advised to give as much information as possible (such as **transcripts** of her/his marks for the bachelor and master program). ---- === Possible fundings & topics === The Ph.D. fundings at IRIF are financed either by IRIF research grants, or by joint applications of IRIF members and the candidate to outside funding agencies with which IRIF is affiliated. == Generic fundings == There are several possibilities of fundings, and the candidate should contact IRIF for guidance. IRIF depends on the **graduate school** [[https://www.math.univ-paris-diderot.fr/formations/doctorats/index|ED 386 - École doctorale de Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre]]. Several scholarships are allocated directly from that school every year. IRIF is also eligible to several funding programs from its partners, which allow the recipients to conduct doctoral research at IRIF among other possibilities. Below are listed the most relevant programs for IRIF in 2023: * [[https://www.math.univ-paris-diderot.fr/formations/doctorats/index|ED 386 - École doctorale de Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Centre]] - Deadline June, 9th 2023, with an IRIF pre-submission deadline on May, 21st 2023. * «Jean‐Pierre Aguilar» Fellowship of the [[http://www.fondation-cfm.fr/comment-postuler/|Fondation CFM]] - (Local) Deadline June, 5th 2023 * A special program for applicants with disabilities is also available through [[https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/contrats-doctoraux-handicap-campagne-nationale-2022-82669|Doctorat Handicap]] - (Local) Deadline May, 23rd 2023 * Cofund [[https://mathphdinfrance.fr/|MathPhDInFrance]] of the FSMP offers 24 PhD fellowships co-directed by eligible laboratories, one in Île-de-France laboratory and one in another region. -The first step of the application procedure is open until February 14, 2024. Important eligibility condition: the candidate must not have spent more than one year in France between 14/02/2021 and 14/02/2024. /* * The [[https://doctorat.u-paris.fr/contrats-doctoraux-internationaux-2021/|Université Paris International Doctoral program]] will grant 12 PhD projects for international students to start a Ph.D. program in October 2021. Deadline: April, 9th 2021. * The [[https://www.sciencesmaths-paris.fr/fr/cofund-mathinparis-842.htm|MathInParis Doctoral program]] will grant 20 PhD projects for international students to start a PhD program in September-October 2021. Application deadline: February, 13th 2021. * The [[https://www.iledefrance.fr/paris-region-phd-2021|Paris Region PhD2 program]] will grant 30 PhD projects to start a PhD program in October 2021-January 2022 on Digital Sciences with an industrial partner. Application deadline: March, 2nd 2021. * The [[https://www.dim-mathinnov.fr/fr/allocations-doctorales-15.htm|DIM MathInnov Doctoral program]] will grant about 9 PhD projects in 2021. Application deadline: May, 20th 2021. * The [[https://dim-rfsi.fr/projets|DIM RFSI]] (Computer science) will co-fund some PhD projects in 2021. Application must be done by the potential advisor. Application deadline: Spring 2021. /*May, 15th 2020.*/ */ An application through [[https://www.campusfrance.org/en/bursaries-foreign-students|Campus France]] is also possible for individual fellowships. == Specific topics == The following list describes potential Ph.D. topics at IRIF, some of them come with a dedicated scholarships. Otherwise the candidate will have to apply with her/his potential advisor to one of the generic fundings. This list is subject to be updated at any time.\\ //To add an opening, please contact [[direction@irif.fr]].// /* */ The recruited PhD student is expected to investigate and develop novel techniques, algorithms and tools for malware detection. The ultimate goal is to build a malware detector that beats the existing commercial malware detection tools. More details can be found here: [[https://www.irif.fr/~touili/sujet-PhD.pdf]] \\ Funding: a project grant. __Open call__. \\ The candidates must have a master in computer science. They must send a CV, university grades, recommendation letters, and a motivation letter to [[touili@irif.fr]]. Contact Tayssir TOUILI, [[touili@irif.fr]]. The [[https://www.irif.fr/en/equipes/algocomp/index|Algorithms & Complexity group]] at IRIF (CNRS, Université Paris-Cité) in Paris (France) invites applications for multiple fully funded PhD positions to work on the theory of quantum computing. Candidates with expertise in quantum computing or theoretical computer science more broadly are encouraged to apply.\\ The group has expertise in quantum algorithms and quantum complexity theory, and includes permanent members such as Simon Apers, Geoffroy Couteau, Pierre Fraigniaud, Iordanis Kerenidis, Sophie Laplante, Frédéric Magniez, Claire Mathieu, Miklos Santha and Adrian Vladu.\\ Funding: Internal grants. __Open call__. Apply at: [[algocomp-apply@irif.fr]]. Contact [[simon.apers@irif.fr]]. In many situations, algorithms work on very specific data distribution. For example, social graphs follow a power law degree distribution and some very simple algorithms work well on these distributions. Which hard problems remain hard or become easy in this context? It is the main question asked for approximate algorithms, which include Property testing for decision problems, search problems, optimization and counting problems.\\ Funding: Apply to generic openings. Contact : [[mdr@irif.fr|Michel de Rougemont]] The goal of this project is to develop fast and practical solutions for fundamental algorithmic problems. This involves designing faster algorithms for classical problems in combinatorial optimization (involving graphs, matchings, submodular functions, matroids, etc.), and developing new theory relevant to modern machine learning (with a focus on deep learning). The mathematical toolkit is based on modern techniques from continuous optimization, and interferes with other interesting theory from convex geometry, probability and numerical linear algebra.\\ Funding: Apply to generic openings. Contact: [[vladu@irif.fr|Adrian Vladu]] We aim to pursue the study of the Lambda Calculus through the lens of Universal Algebra, by dissecting the algebraic structure of lambda-theories. Once suitable structure is found, new results in both fields are at hand, as witnessed by recent work on n-dimensional Boolean algebras and clone algebras.\\ Funding: Apply to generic openings. Contact: [[buccia@irif.fr|Antonio Bucciarelli]] /*** In the last few years a new research is flourishing at the interface between the programming languages and the data science communities. The starting point is the understanding that core objects of data science such as complex neural networks, bayesian inference or optimization algorithms may in fact be expressed more synthetically and modularly by using higher-order and functional programming primitives. Our general goal is to develop and to apply to this new setting tools based on logic and lambda-calculus, such as type systems, semantics, logical relations, linear logic to improve the performance and certification of these objects.\\ Funding: Apply to generic openings. Contact : [[michele.pagani@irif.fr|Michele Pagani]]. ***/ /**/