/* ==== Archives ==== * 17-12-2015 : Morteza Monemizadeh (Charles University, Computer Science Institute), //Matching in Data Streams// * 10-12-2015 : Andrej Bogdanov (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science and Communications), //Threshold secret sharing requires a linear size alphabet// * 04-12-2015 : Tatiana Starikovskaia (University of Bristol, Faculty of Engineering), //The k-mismatch problem revisited// * 17-11-2015 : Vincent Viallat Cohen-Addad (ENS), //Diameter and k-Center Clustering in Sliding Windows// * 10-11-2015 : Romain Gay (ENS), //Communication Complexity of Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and Attribute-Based Encryption// * 20-10-2015 : Ronald de Wolf (CWI and University of Amsterdam), //The hypercontractive inequality in theoretical computer science// * 06-10-2015 : Claire Mathieu (ENS), //Carpooling on social networks// * 29-09-2015 : Attila Pereszlényi (LIAFA), //On the quest for perfect completeness for QMA// * 15-09-2015 : Stacey Jeffery (Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, Caltech), //Quantum homomorphic encryption for circuits of low T-gate complexity// * 04-09-2015 : Ashwin Nayak (Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo), //A simple proof of the quantum data processing inequality// */ ===== Archives ===== {{page>.:db:archives&inline}}