This special session will introduce two new PhD students who will each be giving a short talk. Here are the titles and abstracts of the talks: Combinatorial maps : algebraic and bijective enumeration Combinatorial maps (which are embeddings of graphs on surfaces) are well studied objects in combinatorics, which have applications in other domains, such as quantum gravity. The goal is to enumerate them (sometimes exactly, sometimes asymptotically). For this purpose, one can resort to (among other things) bijective or algebraic methods. The algebraic method is often more powerful and yields results more easily, however bijections give a more in-depth understanding of the models. Often, formulas are found via powerful methods, then people try to re-prove them bijectively. In this talk, I present what I’m focusing on, on the bijective side (Carell-Chappy formula) and on the algebraic side (KP equations). If time permits, I will explain a simple bijection I discovered during my Master’s internship. Gradual Set-Theoretic Types A static type system can be an extremely powerful tool for a programmer, providing early error detection, and offering strong compile-time guarantees on the behavior of a program. However, compared to dynamic typing, static typing often comes at the expense of development speed and flexibility, as statically- typed code might be more difficult to adapt to changing requirements. Gradual typing is a recent and promising approach that tries to get the best of both worlds, by allowing the programmer to finely tune the distribution of dynamic and static checking over a program. However, this "gradualization" is sometimes too coarse, and an expression is often either fully dynamic or fully static. We argue that adding full-fledged union and intersection types (a.k.a. set-theoretic types) to a gradual type system solves this issue by making the transition between dynamic typing and static typing smoother.