Explicit, Almost Optimal Epsilon-Biased Sets -------------------------------------------- by Anupa Sunny Abstract: This talk is based on a paper by Amnon Ta-Shma on the construction of epsilon biased sets which have a support size close to the Gilbert-Varshamov bound, a notion from coding theory. We will look at the Rozenman-Wigderson construction of the epsilon-biased set in which the bias of a set is amplified by taking a walk over an expander graph. We will then look at Ta-Shma's construction which is based on a modified version of the zigzag product, namely the s-wide replacement product. Homomorphism of signed graphs ----------------------------- by Zhouningxin Wang Abstract: The signed graph is a graph whose edges are assigned with the signs + and -. A homomorphism of one graph to the other preserves the adjacencies and incidences of these two edges. We extend the concept of homomorphism for signed graphs. An intuitive example will be given to explain why we consider the homomorphism of signed graphs. We will give the minimum signed graph, namely Spal_5, to which all the signed K_4-minor-free graph admits homomorphism to. In the last part, we will show the necessary and sufficient conditions for a signed K_4-subdivision being a core.