~~NOCACHE~~ /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE */ [[seminaires:greta:index|Graph Transformation Theory and Applications]]\\ Vendredi 31 mai 2024, 15 heures, online\\ **Kristopher Brown** (Topos Institute, Berkeley, California, USA) //A graphical language for programming with graph rewriting// \\ We provide a general introduction to the [[https://www.algebraicjulia.org/|AlgebraicJulia]] ecosystem and [[https://github.com/AlgebraicJulia/AlgebraicRewriting.jl|AlgebraicRewriting.jl]], which allows for integrating general-purpose code with computation of many graph transformation constructions in a broad variety of categories. Practical applications of graph transformation depend on being able to apply sequences of rewrites in a controlled manner: we present work on a graphical language for the construction and composition of such programs, including computation of normal forms as well as scientific agent-based model simulations. This graphical language can be given semantics in many different contexts (e.g. deterministic, nondeterministic, probabilistic) and can be functorially migrated, which yields graph rewriting programs that operate in other categories. [[https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqcOuvrzIqGdPlIz7H3uoxrgGW2OfOLNPB|Zoom meeting registration link]] [[https://youtu.be/tTQa3lQyPL8|YouTube live stream]] [[seminaires:greta:index|Graph Transformation Theory and Applications]]\\ Vendredi 23 février 2024, 15 heures, online\\ **Arend Rensink** (University of Twente) //In the Groove - Part 2// \\ Tooling is essential for practical applications in any field. For Graph Transformation, one of the ways to quickly prototype your graph-like domain is by developing a model in GROOVE, a standalone tool that will give you isomorphism checking, state space exploration, and model checking based on a graph grammar consisting of a set of (optionally typed) rules and start graph, optionally complemented with a control program. In this second part of the tutorials on GROOVE, the following advanced features will be covered: Nested rules, rule parameters, control (functions and recipes), and model checking. Participants are invited to install a local copy of GROOVE and to download the .zip file with examples from the tutorial, which is available on the event's GReTA page. [[https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpfuuuqzkrHtaGUySmIodg1ep950bgtuS7|Zoom meeting registration link]] [[https://youtu.be/M76z7EWKALQ|YouTube live stream]] [[seminaires:greta:index|Graph Transformation Theory and Applications]]\\ Vendredi 9 février 2024, 15 heures, online\\ **Carlos Zapata-Carratalá** (Wolfram Institute, United States) //Higher-Arity Algebra via Hypergraph Rewriting// \\ In this talk I will present the state of the research on higher-arity algebras from the perspective of (labelled) hypergraph rewriting. Recent discoveries on ternary algebras enabled by the rewriting approach will be discussed and a proposal for computational foundations of formal objects generalizing diagrammatic calculi, such us the one in category theory, will be introduced. This presentation will be done using recently developed function paclets in Mathematica. [[https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItceyrrz8sE9BeAwsi-w3m-bJH1lzpHgAA|Zoom meeting registration link]] [[https://youtu.be/ZBjagJvNEn8|YouTube live stream]] [[seminaires:greta:index|Graph Transformation Theory and Applications]]\\ Vendredi 26 janvier 2024, 15 heures, online\\ **Arend Rensink** (University of Twente) //In the Groove// \\ Tooling is essential for practical applications in any field. For Graph Transformation, one of the ways to quickly prototype your graph-like domain is by developing a model in GROOVE, a standalone tool that will give you isomorphism checking, state space exploration and model checking based on a graph grammar consisting of a set of (optionally typed) rules and start graph, optionally complemented with a control program. In this talk I will show the capabilities of the tool, especially touching on the more advanced features such as nested rules, attribute manipulation, recipes (aka transactions) and various analysis techniques. Some of these are recent extensions. I am also very interested in any type of feedback regarding potential use cases and desirable features. [[https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkduGhqT4sH9ye7g5pEW6e64pPGe1vn7mS|Zoom meeting registration link]] [[https://youtu.be/gkxHVQIlD-E|YouTube live stream]]