~~NOCACHE~~ /* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE */ [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mercredi 15 décembre 2021, 14 heures, Amphithéatre Gouges 1 & [[https://youtu.be/68aJgd4JRos|Youtube]]\\ **Simon Mauras** (IRIF) //Analysis of Random Models for Stable Matchings// \\ In a two sided matching market, two types of agents have preferences over one another. Examples include college admissions (students and colleges), residency programs (doctors and hospitals), job markets (workers and jobs) and, in the classical analogy, stable marriages (men and women). In a founding paper, Gale and Shapley introduced the deferred acceptance procedure, where one side proposes and the other disposes, which computes a stable matching. Stable matchings have been an extensive research topic in computer science and economics. Results in the computer science literature include the lattice structure of the set of stable matchings, and algorithms to compute it. In the economics literature, researcher have studied the incentives of agents taking part in two-sided matching markets, both from the theoretical and empirical point of views. A recent line of works study the properties of stable matchings, using stochastic models of two-sided matching markets where the preferences of agents are drawn at random. This thesis follows this direction of inquiry, and considers two main questions: “who can manipulate?” and “who gets what?”. The first part, addressing the question “who can manipulate?”, contains three different results. In a first result (Chapter 4), we show that when one side of the market has strongly correlated preferences, incentives to manipulate are reduced. In a second result (Chapter 5), we show that uncorrelated preferences is a worst case situation when compared to correlated preferences. Proofs of both results are based on a randomized analysis of the algorithm which computes the incentives agents have to manipulate. In a third result (Chapter 6), we study the incomplete information game where students must apply to a limited number of schools, and thus report their preferences strategically. We prove the existence of symmetric equilibria and design algorithms to compute equilibria in various special cases. The second part, addressing the question “who gets what?”, also contains three different results. In a first result (Chapter 7), we show that under a certain input distribution of preferences, the two variants of deferred acceptance produce the same output distribution on matchings. Proofs use the lattice structure of stable matchings, show that a fixed matching has the same probability of being the top or bottom element, and give a closed formula for the probability of two agents being matched. In a second result (Chapter 8), we consider a model where the probabilities that agents like each are quantified by a “popularity” matrix, and we give evidences that the probabilities that deferred acceptance matches agents is asymptotically given by the scaled matrix where lines/columns sum up to 1. In a third result (Chapter 9), we study the time complexity of deferred acceptance, which relates to the rank people from the proposing side give to their partner. Proofs are based on a reduction to the coupon collector's problem. [[https://www.irif.fr/~mauras/thesis/thesis.pdf|Manuscript]] [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 14 décembre 2021, 10 heures, [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/89408898417?pwd=bTNpVXJXc085MzJabWZ6YVJFRFUwZz09|Zoom]]\\ **Mouhamad Al-Joubbeh** (IRIF) //Minimal Separators for graphs and Paths in digraphs// \\ This thesis is divided of two parts. In the first one, we study the minimal separators for graphs, and we give a new elementary proof of Menger's theorem. In the second, we study the existence of paths in chromatic-digraphs and we show that every (n+1)chromatic digraph contains a path with three blocks in which two consecutive of them are of length one. Also, we show that if the chromatic number of a digraph is greater than 4.6n, then it contains any path with three blocks of order n. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Lundi 13 décembre 2021, 14 heures, Room Halle 027C & Zoom\\ **Pierre Ohlmann** (IRIF) //Monotonic graphs for parity and mean-payoff games// \\ In a parity game, Eve and Adam take turns in moving a token along the edges of a directed graph, which are labelled by integers called priorities. This interaction results in an infinite path, and Eve wins the game if the maximal priority appearing infinitely often is even. In the more general setting of mean-payoff games, priorities are replaced by positive or negative integers interpreted as payoffs from Eve to Adam; Eve seeks to minimize their long-term average. Both parity and mean-payoff games are positional: optimal decisions can be made depending only on the current position. The problems of determining the winner for these two games thus belong to NP X coNP, and have attracted considerable attention since the early nineties when parity games were shown equivalent to the model-checking problem for μ-calculus. Both games moreover find numerous practical application, most notably they provide adequate models for synthesis problems on reactive systems. Despite decades of efforts toward polynomial time algorithms, it was only recently that a breakthrough was achieved in this direction by Calude, Jain, Khoussainov, Li and Stephan, who presented in early 2017 an algorithm running in quasipolynomial time for solving parity games. Quickly after, several different algorithms with similar runtime were discovered, and later unified by the separating approach proposed by Bojańczyk and Czerwiński, and identified as value iteration algorithms. We introduce monotonic graphs for studying structural and algorithmic aspects of such in finite duration games. These natural objects have numerous (more or less) implicit occurrences in the literature. We start by showing that the existence of universal well-ordered such graphs characterises (half ) positionality of arbitrary winning conditions. This yields a novel approach to establishing and combining such structural results. We then advocate that (universal) monotonic graphs provide different handles for constructing algorithms. Finite monotonic graphs induce value iteration algorithms, which are shown to be roughly equivalent to Bojańczyk and zerwiński’s separating approach in general. This allows us to formulate lower bounds for mean-payoff games, and conclude that value iteration algorithms are inadequate to improve on the current state of the art. We also study value iteration algorithms for different well-known extensions of these games. Monotonic graphs also give a generic formalisation for strategy improvement algorithms. More precisely, we establish that valuations induced by monotonic graphs are fit for strategy improvement if and only if they are positional for the opponent. This encompasses known strategy improvement frameworks, allows us to propose new algorithms and perhaps more importantly, introduces a new tool for their difficult study. Surprisingly, monotonic graphs also find applications for symmetric algorithms, such as those based on attractors. For parity as well as mean-payoff games, we find that monotonic graphs allow us to shed light and improve on the recent state of the art. [[https://www.irif.fr/~ohlmann/contents/these.pdf|Manuscript]] [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Lundi 13 décembre 2021, 15 heures, Zoom\\ **Axel Osmond** //Une étude catégorique des dualités spectrales// \\ La construction spectrale subsume plusieurs notions mathématiques d'importance, telles que le spectre d'un anneau commutatif en géométrie algébrique ou la dualité de Stone. Entremêlant des aspects catégoriques, topologiques et logiques, elle repose sur la notion de géométrie, une condition reliant un choix de théorie essentiellement algébrique, d'une extension géométrique axiomatisant une classe d'objets dits locaux, et d'un système de factorisation, encodant des situations de nature géométrique dans une catégorie d'objets algébriques. Le spectre associé à une géométrie est alors une construction permettant de déployer cette géométrie cachée d'une façon universelle. Plusieurs approches plus ou moins complètes ont été proposées en parallèle pour la construction spectrale, utilisant des formalismes très différents, les uns issue de la théorie catégoriques des modèles, d'autres purement catégoriques, d'autres reposant sur le langage des topos. Cette thèse se propose d'unifier ces différents traitements en une approche synthétique combinant les différents aspects de cette construction. Nous discutons par ailleurs en épilogue quelques éléments pour une version 2-catégorique de cette théorie permettant de retrouver les dualités syntaxe-sémantique de la logique du premier ordre comme des constructions spectrales. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03609605 [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Jeudi 25 novembre 2021, 14 heures, Amphithéâtre Charpak, Campus Pierre et Marie Curie\\ **Federico Centrone** (IRIF) //Practical protocols for quantum communication networks// \\ In this thesis, we study networks of entangled quantum optical systems at different degrees of complexity, with a special regard to their application to quantum communication scenarios. In quantum communication, we want to allow two or more distant parties to exploit the properties of quantum systems to communicate in a certain way that would be unattainable with classical technology. The archetype of quantum communication is Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), that allows two agents to share a secret random key to perform secure communications, while preventing a third malicious agent from gaining knowledge about their key. In this manuscript, however, we will explore quantum communication scenarios that go beyond standard QKD in order to test the many possibilities offered by interconnected networks of quantum devices, also known as quantum internet. Specifically, we present three different types of quantum networks, that correspond to three levels of complexity of the quantum internet. In each of these levels, we describe the communication scenario, the physical requirements necessary to build the specific architecture and a novel quantum protocol that cannot be reproduced without quantum resources. In this work, we paid particular attention to the “practicality” of the protocols, namely the fact that it should be possible to implement them in realistic conditions with current technology, at least as a proof of principle.\\ \\ The first concerns an interactive proof quantum protocol showing experimental evidence of computational quantum advantage in the interactive setting for the first time. In this scenario, we have a computationally unbounded quantum prover who wants to convince an honest verifier of the existence of a certain solution to a complex mathematical problem, by sending part of the proof in the form of quantum states. Our quantum scheme lets the verifier verify the prover's assertion without actually receiving the whole solution. We prove that if the agents were not allowed to use quantum resources, the verification protocol would require an exponential time in the size of the solution, leading to a quantum advantage in computational time that we could demonstrate in our laboratory.\\ \\ The second copes with an electronic-voting protocol that exploits an untrusted multipartite entangled quantum source to carry on an election without relying on election authorities, whose result is publicly verifiable without compromising the robustness of the scheme and that can be readily implemented with state-of-the-art technology for a small number of voters. Unlike previous results, our scheme does not require simultaneous broadcasting and works also in noisy scenarios, where the security is bounded by the fidelity of the quantum state being used.\\ \\ Last, we simulate many modes squeezed states as continuous variables Gaussian quantum networks with complex topologies, characterizing their correlations and estimating the scaling of their cost while the networks grow using a squeezing resource theory. We prove a result that allows us to enhance the entanglement between two nodes in the network by measuring the multiple paths linking them and we employ this effect to devise an entanglement routing protocol, whose performance is particularly effective on large complex networks. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Vendredi 12 novembre 2021, 14 heures, Online\\ **Léo Stefanesco** (IRIF) //Asynchronous and Relational Soundness Theorems for Concurrent Separation Logic// \\ The subject of this thesis is concurrent separation logic, a program logic for concurrent shared-memory languages. The relation between the proof of a program in a separation logic and the semantics of this program is expressed by the soundness theorem of this logic. This thesis introduces two soundness theorems. The first, the asynchronous soundness theorem, expresses the absence of data race in well specified programs in the language of template games in asynchronous graphs. The second part of this thesis extends the Iris concurrent separation logic with a relational soundness theorem which allows to establish simulations between a concrete program and an abstract model expressed as a state transition system. An application of this theorem is the proof of termination of concurrent programs under the assumption of a fair scheduler. \\ \\ [[https://www.stefanesco.com/documents/thesis.pdf|Manuscript]] [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 9 novembre 2021, 17 heures, Salle 3052 & Zoom\\ **Victor Lanvin** (IRIF) //A Semantic Foundation for Gradual Set-theoretic Types// \\ In this thesis, we study the interaction between set-theoretic types and gradual typing. Set-theoretic types are types containing union, intersection, and negation connectives, which are useful to type several programming language constructs very precisely. For example, union types can be used to give a very precise type to a conditional instruction, while intersection types can encode function overloading. On the other hand, gradual typing allows a programmer to bypass the type-checker, which can be useful when prototyping. Set-theoretic types are well-suited to a semantic-based approach called "semantic subtyping", in which types are interpreted as sets of values, and subtyping is defined as set-containment between these sets. We adopt this approach throughout the entirety of this thesis. Since set-theoretic types are characterized by their semantic properties, they can be easily embedded in existing type systems. This contrasts with gradual typing, which is an intrinsically syntactic concept since it relies on the addition of a type annotation to inform the type-checker not to perform some checks. In most of the existing literature, gradual typing is added by extending the subtyping relation in a syntactic way. This makes the approach very difficult to extend and generalize as this heavily depends on the system at hand. In this thesis, we try and reconcile the two concepts, by proposing several semantic interpretations of gradual typing. The manuscript is divided into two parts. In the first part, we propose a new approach to integrate gradual typing in an existing static type system. The originality of this approach comes from the fact that gradual typing is added in a declarative way to the system by adding a single logical rule. As such, we do not need to revisit and modify all the existing rules. We then propose, for each declarative type system, a corresponding algorithmic type system, based on constraint solving algorithms. We illustrate this approach on two different systems. The first system is a Hindley-Milner type system without subtyping. We present a gradually-typed source language, a target language featuring dynamic type checks (or "casts"), as well as a compilation algorithm from the former to the latter. We then extend this language with set-theoretic types and subtyping on gradual set-theoretic types, and repeat this presentation. In the second part of this manuscript, we explore a different approach to reconcile set-theoretic types and gradual typing. While the first part of the thesis can be seen as a logical approach to tackle this problem, the second part sets off along a more semantic strategy. In particular, we study whether it is possible to reconcile the interpretation of types proposed by the semantic subtyping approach and the interpretation of the terms of a language. The ultimate goal being to define a denotational semantics for a gradually-typed language. We tackle this problem in several steps. First, we define a denotational semantics for a simple lambda-calculus with set-theoretic types, based directly on the semantic subtyping approach. This highlights several problems, which we explain and fix by adapting the approach we used. We then extend this by giving a formal denotational semantics for the functional core of CDuce, a language featuring set-theoretic types and several complex constructs, such as type-cases, overloaded functions, and non-determinism. Finally, we study a gradually-typed lambda-calculus, for which we present a denotational semantics. We also give a set-theoretic interpretation of gradual types, which allow us to derive some very powerful results about the representation of gradual types. [[https://vlanvin.fr/papers/thesis.pdf|Manuscript]] [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Vendredi 5 novembre 2021, 14 heures, Bâtiment Sophie Germain\\ **Antoine Pietri** (IRIF) //Organizing the graph of public software development for large-scale mining// \\ The Software Heritage project is a software archive containing the largest public collection of source code files along with their development history, in the form of an immense graph of hundreds of billions of edges. In this thesis, we present architectural techniques to make this graph available for research. We first propose some utilities to access the data at a micro-level in a way that is convenient for smaller-scale research. To run analyses on the entire archive, we extract a property graph in a relational format and evaluate the different ways this data can be exploited using in-house and cloud processing services. We find that while this approach is well suited to process large amounts of flat data in parallel, it has inherent limitations for the highly-recursive graph structure of the archive. We propose the use of graph compression as way to considerably reduce the memory usage of the graph, allowing us to load it entirely in physical memory. We develop a library to run arbitrary algorithms on the compressed graph of public development, using various mapping techniques to access properties at the node and edge levels. We then leverage this infrastructure to study the topology of the entire graph, looking at both its local properties and the way software projects are organized in forks. The in-depth understanding of this structure then allows us to experimentally test and evaluate different approaches for distributed graph analysis. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Vendredi 22 octobre 2021, 16 heures, 3052\\ **Jonas Landman** (IRIF) //Quantum Algorithms for Unsupervised Machine Learning and Neural Networks// \\ In this thesis, we investigate whether quantum algorithms can be used in the field of machine learning. We will first recall the fundamentals of machine learning and quantum computing and then describe more precisely how to link them through linear algebra: we introduce quantum algorithms to efficiently solve tasks such as matrix product or distance estimation. These results are then used to develop new quantum algorithms for unsupervised machine learning, such as k-means and spectral clustering. This allows us to define many fundamental procedures, in particular in vector and graph analysis. We will also present new quantum algorithms for neural networks, or deep learning. For this, we will introduce an algorithm to perform a quantum convolution product on images, as well as a new way to perform a fast tomography on quantum states. We prove that these quantum algorithms are faster equivalent to their classical version, but exhibit random effects due to the quantum nature of the computation. Many simulations have been carried out to study these effects and measure their learning accuracy on real data. Finally, we will present a quantum orthogonal neural network circuit adapted to the currently available small and imperfect quantum computers. This allows us to perform real experiments to test our theory. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 28 septembre 2021, 15 heures, Salle 3052 & [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/85944877752?pwd=TmcrT2RhWGs3bTVJTHp2L0pmUHFUZz09|Zoom]]\\ **Chaitanya Leena Subramaniam** (IRIF) //From dependent type theory to higher algebraic structures// \\ In the first part of this dissertation, we give a definition of “dependently typed/sorted algebraic theory”, generalising the ordinary multisorted algebraic theories of Lawvere–Bénabou. Dependently sorted algebraic theories in our sense form a strict subclass of the “generalised algebraic theories” of Cartmell. We prove a classification theorem for dependently sorted algebraic theories, and use this theorem to prove the existence of dependently sorted algebraic theories for a number of varieties of algebraic structures, such as small categories, n-categories, strict and weak omega-categories, planar coloured operads and opetopic sets. We also prove a Morita equivalence between dependently sorted algebraic theories and essentially algebraic theories, showing that every locally finitely presentable category is the category of models of some dependently sorted algebraic theory. We give a definition of strict and weak homotopical models of a dependently sorted algebraic theory, and prove a rigidification theorem in a particular case. We also study the opetopic case in detail, and prove that a number of varieties of algebraic structures such as small categories and coloured planar operads can be “typed” by the category of opetopes. The second part of this dissertation concerns accessible reflective localisations of locally presentable infinity-categories. We give a definition of “pre-modulator”, and prove a canonical correspondence between pre-modulators and accessible orthogonal factorisation systems on a locally presentable infinity-category. Moreover, we show that every such factorisation system can be generated from a pre-modulator by a transfinite iteration of a “plus-construction”. We give definitions of “modulator” and “left exact modulator”, and prove that they correspond to those factorisation systems that are modalities and left-exact modalities respectively. Finally we obtain a correspondence between left-exact localisations of infinity-topoi and left-exact modulators. [[https://gitlab.math.univ-paris-diderot.fr/chaitanya/these-public/-/raw/master/main.pdf?inline=false|Manuscript]] [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Lundi 27 septembre 2021, 15 heures, Online via [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/89676370397?pwd=QldTc2ZoMjBqOXhwb1V6SXMybmpMZz09|Zoom]]\\ **Zeinab Galal** (IRIF) //Bicategorical orthogonality constructions for linear logic// \\ This thesis is concerned with the bicategorical semantics of linear logic. We are specifically interested in the categorification of the relational model of linear logic with the generalized species model introduced by Fiore, Gambino, Hyland and Winskel; and its refinements using orthogonality constructions. We first present a bicategorical generalization of the model of finiteness spaces introduced by Ehrhard. We introduce an orthogonality construction on the bicategory of profunctors based on finite presentability to obtain a new bicategory where all interactions are enforced to be finite. We then consider the categorication of the computational notion of sta- bility from stable functions to stable functors. We bring together generalized species of structures and stability by refining the species model with an or- thogonality on subgroups of endomorphisms for each object in a groupoid. We show that this orthogonality allows us to restrict the analytic functors to stable functors and prove that they form a cartesian closed bicategory. We lastly study the categorification of the qualitative Scott model of linear logic and its connection with the quantitative species model of Fiore et al. We start by showing that the bicategory of profunctors with the finite coproduct pseudo-comonad is a model of linear logic that categorifies the Scott model. We then define an orthogonality between the Scott bicategory and the species bicategory that allows us to construct a new bicategory giving us a first step towards connecting linear and non-linear substitution in this setting. [[https://github.com/zgalal/manuscript|Manuscript]] [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mercredi 7 juillet 2021, 14 heures, Salle 3052 et [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/81153604792?pwd=QUxJcXpwOXMzNjEwMG1BWWZySG1HZz09 | Zoom]]\\ **Yassine Hamoudi** (IRIF) //Quantum Algorithms for the Monte Carlo Method// \\ The Monte Carlo method is a central paradigm of algorithm design that consists of using statistical analysis and random sampling to solve problems that have a probabilistic interpretation. This thesis explores the advantages offered by a quantum computer to speed up this method in three directions. First, we consider the problem of estimating average values in a time-efficient way. Secondly, we study the task of importance sampling and its applications to stochastic optimization. Finally, we examine the power of quantum algorithms that operate with limited memory. [[https://www.irif.fr/~hamoudi/files/other/PhDthesis.pdf | Manuscript]] [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 29 juin 2021, 10 heures, Amphithéâtre Alan Turing & [[https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/89631998003?pwd=amtFZUx5SmFrQVd6VWc2RTBNRjZOdz09|Zoom]]\\ **Rémi Nollet** (IRIF) //A study of circular representations of infinite proofs for fixed-points logics, their5expressiveness and complexity.// \\ [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 29 juin 2021, 14 heures, Online\\ **Louis Vuilleumier** //Continuous reductions on the Scott domain and decomposability conjecture// \\ [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Lundi 24 mai 2021, 14 heures, Bâtiment Sophie Germain\\ **Rachid Zennou** (IRIF) //Méthodes algorithmiques pour la vérification de la consistance dans les systèmes distribués// \\ [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 11 mai 2021, 15 heures, Online\\ **Yixin Shen** (IRIF) //Classical and quantum cryptanalysis for Euclidean lattices and subset sum// \\ Post-quantum cryptography is a branch of cryptography that aims at designing non-quantum (i.e. classical) cryptographic systems, which are protected against an adversary possessing a quantum computer. In this thesis, we focus on the study of two fundamental problems for post-quantum cryptography: the shortest vector problem (SVP) and the random subset sum problem. We propose several classical/quantum algorithms that improve the state of the art. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 30 mars 2021, 16 heures, Online\\ **Nicolas Jeannerod** (IRIF) //Verification of Shell Scripts Performing File Hierarchy Transformations// \\ This thesis aims at applying techniques from deductive program verification and analysis of tree transformations to the problem of analysing Shell scripts. In particular, we aim at analysing Shell scripts that are used in software installation in the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. The final goal is to build a proof-of-concept tool able to read Debian packages – the way Debian has to distribute software – and report on their quality and on the potential bugs they might have.\\ \\ Shell is a scripting language providing control structures around Unix utility calls. Unix utilities are objects that can perform all kind of transformation on Unix filesystems. We model Unix filesystems using feature trees and transformations of Unix filesystems using formulas in a feature tree logic named FTS. We describe these modelisations extensively and discuss their validity. The control structures of Shell scripts are converted to control structures in an intermediary language that has clearly defined semantics. This involves the definition of this intermediary language, the design of a static parser for Shell scripts and of a conversion that respects the semantics of both languages. The semantics of Shell scripts is then computed using symbolic execution of the aforementioned intermediary language, using a database of specifications of Unix utility calls as formulas of FTS. The result is, for each potential trace of execution of a Shell script, a formula of FTS describing the filesystem transformation this trace performs.\\ \\ The main part of the thesis then focuses on decidability of formulas of FTS. The goal is to be able to detect traces of execution of Shell scripts that cannot happen and to check properties on the Shell scripts, such as “if the script fails, then it must not have performed any transformation”. A first, theoretical, part aims at showing that the full first-order theory of FTS is decidable. This goes by first reasoning only on Σ₁-formulas of FTS and defining a system of rules R₁ that transforms Σ₁-formulas. We show that we can use R₁ to decide the satisfiability of Σ₁-formulas as well as some other properties. We then extend the reasoning from Σ₁-formulas to first-order formulas of FTS using properties of R₁ and weak quantifier eliminations. We conclude by stating that the first-order theory of FTS is indeed decidable. A second, more practical, part aims at designing efficient decision procedures for a subset of FTS rich enough to express the semantics of Unix utilities and Shell scripts. This goes by focusing on conjunctive formulas and improving on R₁. This results in a system R₂ which is more efficient on conjunctive formulas but would not have the required properties to prove decidability of the first-order. We then show how R₂ can be implemented efficiently and that it can be extended without loss of efficiency to support specific forms of Σ₁-formulas.\\ \\ Finally, this thesis describes the applications of the theoretical work to the implementation of a toolchain able to analyse all software packages in the Debian distribution and report on them. We describe our analysis and the bugs that we have found during the whole project. This thesis takes place within the CoLiS project, ANR-15-CE25-0001, taking place from October 2015 to March 2021. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Mardi 30 mars 2021, 9 heures 30, Online\\ **Ranadeep Biswas** (IRIF) //Automated Formal Testing of Storage Systems and Applications// \\ As internet grows to be cheaper and faster, distributed software systems and applications are becoming more and more ubiquitous. Today they are the backbone of a large number of online services like banking, e-commerce, social networking, etc. As the popularity of these softwares increases, it is very important that they ensure strong levels of reliability and security. Modern distributed software is centered around using large-scale storage systems for storing and retrieving data. To ensure persistence and availability of data in the presence of failures, these systems maintain data in multiple copies that are stored on different nodes in the network. Then, for performance reasons, these copies are allowed to (temporarily) diverge, an instance of the so-called weak-consistency, which makes the semantics of concurrent accesses to data quite complex. Over the recent years, many solutions for implementing weakly-consistent storage systems have been proposed. These implementations are most often very complex and error-prone. The specific levels of weak consistency they ensure are most often described only informally, which makes it difficult to reason about them. Moreover, in many cases, there are significant discrepancies between the guarantees claimed in their documentation and the guarantees that they really provide. The objective of this dissertation is to propose algorithmic techniques for automated testing of weakly-consistent distributed systems against formal specifications. We focus on an important class of distributed data types, called Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs for short), that include many variations like registers, flags, sets, arrays, etc., and on Transactional Systems (Databases), which enable computations on shared data that are isolated from other concurrent computations and resilient to failures. We introduce formal specifications for such systems and investigate the asymptotic complexity of checking whether a given execution conforms to such specifications. We also study the problem of testing applications that run on top of weakly-consistent transactional systems, introducing a mock in-memory storage system that simulates the behaviors of such systems according to their formal specifications. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Lundi 15 mars 2021, 14 heures 30, Online\\ **Sidi Mohamed Beillahi** (IRIF) //Automated Verification of Programs Running on top of Distributed Systems// \\ Over the past decades, distributed software became an integral part of our society, being used in various domains like online banking or shopping, distance learning, supply chain, and telecommuting. Developing correct and efficient distributed systems is a major and timely challenge. The objective of this dissertation is to propose algorithmic techniques for improving the reliability of such software, focusing on applications ran on top of distributed storage systems like databases and blockchain. Databases allow applications to access data concurrently from multiple sites in a network. Blockchain is a cryptographically-secure distributed ledger that allows to perform irreversible actions between different parties without a trusted authority. The effect of a set of database transactions executing in parallel is specified using a formalism called consistency model. For instance, serializability states that a set of transactions behave as if they were executed serially one after another even if they actually overlap in time. Although simple to understand, serializability carries a significant penalty on performance and modern databases implement weaker consistency models. In general, these weak models are more complex to reason about. In this dissertation, we investigate the problem of checking a property of applications called robustness. Given two comparable consistency models, an application is called robust if it has the same behaviors when ran on top of databases implementing these two models. This dissertation investigates the theoretical complexity of checking robustness in the context of several consistency models: causal consistency, prefix consistency, snapshot isolation, and serializability. It provides non-trivial reductions to a well-studied problem in formal verification, assertion checking, that enables the reuse of existing verification technology. Besides theoretical results, it proposes pragmatic approaches based on under/over-approximations that are evaluated on practical applications. Applications ran on top of blockchain are deployed in the form of smart contracts that manipulate the blockchain state. Smart contracts are mainly used to govern trading in cryptoassets that are worth billions of US dollars, and bugs can lead to huge financial losses. Exacerbating the impact of these bugs is the fact that smart contracts cannot be modified once they are deployed on the blockchain. Applying techniques from formal verification to audit smart contracts can help in avoiding expensive bugs. However, since most smart contracts are not annotated with formal specifications, formal verification of functional properties is impeded. To overcome this problem, this dissertation investigates notions of refinement between smart contracts, which enable the re-use of verified contracts as specifications for other contracts, thus scaling up the overall verification effort. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Jeudi 28 janvier 2021, 15 heures, Online\\ **Léonard Guetta** (IRIF) //Homology of strict omega-categories// \\ The objective of this thesis is to compare the homology of the nerve of an ω-category, invariant coming from the homotopy theory of strict ω-categories, with its polygraphic homology, invariant coming from higher rewriting theory. More precisely, we prove that both homologies generally do not coincide and call homologically coherent the particular strict ω-categories for which polygraphic homology and homology of the nerve do coincide. The goal pursued is to find abstract and concrete criteria to detect homologically coherent ω-categories. [[seminaires:these:index|Soutenances de thèses]]\\ Vendredi 8 janvier 2021, 9 heures 30, Online\\ **Simon Forest** (IRIF) //Computational Description of Higher Categories// \\ Higher categories are algebraic structures consisting of cells of various dimensions equipped with notions of composition, which have found many applications in mathematics (algebraic topology in particular) and theoretical computer science. They are notably complicated structures whose manipulation is technical and error-prone. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce several computational tools for strict and semi-strict variants of higher categories that ease the study of these objects. In order to represent higher categories as finite data, so that they can be given as input to a program, we use the structure of polygraph, initially introduced by Street and Burroni for strict categories and then generalized by Batanin to any algebraic theory of higher category, which allows presenting higher categories by means of systems of generators. The first problem tackled by this thesis is then the one of the word problem on strict categories, which consists in deciding whether two formal composites of cells of strict categories represent the same cell. We give an implementable and relatively efficient solution for it by improving the decidability procedure initially given by Makkai. Then, we turn to pasting diagram formalisms for strict categories, which enable to efficiently represent cells of strict categories using set-like structures and for which a reliable implementation is desirable. We consider the three main formalisms which have been introduced until now, namely Street's parity complexes, Johnson's pasting schemes and Steiner's augmented directed complexes. Our study reveals that the axiomatics of the first two ones are defective, which motivates the introduction of a new structure, called torsion-free complexes, whose axioms have nice properties and generalize those of the three other formalisms. We also show that they are amenable to concrete computation, by providing an implementation of those. Finally, we consider the problem of coherence of presentations of algebraic structures expressed in 3-dimensional weak categories, the latter being known to be equivalent to Gray categories. Taking inspiration from a celebrated result given by Squier in the context of monoids, we adapt the classical tools from rewriting theory to the setting of Gray categories and relate the coherence of presentations of Gray categories to the confluence of the critical branchings of an associated rewriting system. From this result, we deduce a semi-automated procedure to find coherent presentations of Gray categories that we apply on several examples.