==== Guillaume Duboc ==== I am a PhD student at IRIF in the pole PPS, under the direction of [[https://www.irif.fr/~gc/|Giuseppe Castagna]] and Jose Valim. My personal website's [[https://gldubc.github.io/|here.]] I am working on a set-theoretic type system for typing dynamic languages (such as Elixir). The draft of my latest work, on the design of a type system for Elixir, is [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.06391|here.]] A proof-of-concept can be tested at [[https://typex.fly.dev/|this address]]. The slides of my latest talk, at ElixirConf EU 2023, are [[https://www.irif.fr/_media/users/gduboc/elixir_conf.pdf|here]], and here's a [[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gJJH7a2J9O8|video]] of the talk. You can find a list of my publications on my [[https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=e1pz8RIAAAAJ&hl=fr&oi=ao|Google profile]]. A while ago, I translated Alain Frisch's thesis on CDuce. {{:users:gduboc:these-frisch-eng.pdf |It's here.}} {{page>inc&noheader&nofooter}}