GDRI Linear Logic Plenary Meeting 2018

IRIF, December 3 - 5, 2018

The GDRI Linear Logic started in January 2015 for a duration of 4 years. Its last plenary meeting will take place in Paris, the 3rd, 4th and 5th of December. The program will consist of talks given by members of the GDRI and of a general assembly on the afternoon of Tuesday December 4th.

On Tuesday morning, there will be a joint session with the IRIF Semantics Working Group.

The meeting will take place in the Sophie Germain Building, Turing conference room in the basement of the building. Information on this venue can be found on the IRIF web site.

We plan to organize a social dinner on Monday or Tuesday 4th evening.

The program is available here.

Late registrations are still possible here.

Current list of participants.