Rentrée PPS 2021

Program of the journées de rentrée PPS 2021

This year PPS has 13 new members. The aim of this get-together is to let all these new colleagues introduce themselves, their research topic, and possibly their results.

You can find below the schedule and the details of the talks.

If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact the organisers: G. Bernardi, C. Faggian, H. Herbelin, D. Kesner.

The event will take place in hybrid mode, physically in the good auld room 3052, and on-line in the virtual room indicated in the invitation e-mail.

Even if you do not attend the talks, you are wholeheartedly welcome to join us for a chat during the coffee breaks!

Wednesday 13 October

10h00-10h30 · Guillaume Geoffroy · What is an observation?

10h30-10h45 · Victor Arrial · Inhabitation in Call-by-Push-Value

10h45-11h00 · Astyax Nourel · Étude causale des langages synchrones d'ordre supérieur

11h00-11h30 · Coffee break

11h30-11h45 · Sarah Reboullet · Paramétricité et univalence

11h45-12h00 · Paul Laforgue · Freeworker, a Coq framework for implementing, certifying and executing message-passing protocols

12h00-12h15 · Giulia Manara · Towards parallel cut elimination in MELL proof structures

12h15-12h30 · Esaïe Bauer · Correspondance de Curry-Howard entre Logique Temporelle et Programmation Réactive

12h45 End of the first half-day

Thursday 14 October

10h00-10h30 · Martin Pépin · Statistical analysis of non-deterministic fork-join processes

10h30-10h45 · Vincent Moreau · Une construction catégorique des extensions canoniques de treillis distributifs

10h45-11h00 · Pierre Nigron · Preuve de programmes Coq avec une logique de séparation

11h00-11h30 · Coffee break

11h30-12h00 · Ghiles Ziat · Abstract Domain for Constraint Solving, and Constraint Solving for Program Testing

12h00-12h15 · Thomas Binétruy · Proving theorems using machine learning

12h15-12h30 · Mickaël Laurent · On Type-Cases, Union Elimination, and Occurrence Typing

14h00-16h00 · Assemblée Générale (exposé de présentation de PPS + discussion sur les rôles à jouer dans le pôle)

16h00 End of the event :-(