Mercredi 22 mai 2024, 10 heures 30, Salle 3052
Jean-Simon Lemay Free Differential Storage Modalities

Storage modalities provide the categorical interpretation of the exponential modality from Linear Logic, while differential storage modalities do the same in Differential Linear Logic. Briefly, a storage modality is a special kind of comonad, while a differential storage modality is a storage modality equipped with a deriving transformation (equivalent a codereclition). In this talk, I’ll explain how using Kelly's notion of algebraically-free commutative monoids, we can construct free differential storage modalities over storage modalities. When taking the initial storage modality, we get the initial differential storage modality which is related to the Faà di Bruno construction and also recaptures the exponential modality in Clift and Murfet's Differential Linear Logic model. This is joint work with Richard Garner.

Mercredi 3 avril 2024, 10 heures 45, Salle 1020
Thomas Nowak (LMF) Topological Characterization of Task Solvability in General Models of Computation

The famous asynchronous computability theorem (ACT) relates the existence of an asynchronous wait-free shared memory protocol for solving a task with the existence of a simplicial map from a subdivision of the simplicial complex representing the inputs to the simplicial complex representing the allowable outputs. The original theorem relies on a correspondence between protocols and simplicial maps in round-structured models of computation that induce a compact topology. This correspondence, however, is far from obvious for computation models that induce a non-compact topology, and indeed previous attempts to extend the ACT have failed. This paper shows that in every non-compact model, protocols solving tasks correspond to simplicial maps that need to be continuous. It first proves a generalized ACT for sub-IIS models, some of which are non-compact, and applies it to the set agreement task. Then it proves that in general models too, protocols are simplicial maps that need to be continuous, hence showing that the topological approach is universal. Finally, it shows that the approach used in ACT that equates protocols and simplicial complexes actually works for every compact model. Our study combines, for the first time, combinatorial and point-set topological aspects of the executions admitted by the computation model.

Joint work with Hagit Attiya and Armando Castañeda.

Mercredi 7 février 2024, 14 heures, Salle 3052
Francesca Guffanti (University of Luxembourg) Henkin’s Theorem for doctrines

Lawvere’s (hyper-)doctrines are a categorical tool that allows the analysis of both the syntax and the semantics of logical theories using the same mathematical structure. In this talk, we explore a possible interpretation of Henkin’s Theorem for first-order logic (“Every consistent theory has a model”) via bounded implicational existential doctrines. To achieve this goal, at first we study the meaning in the framework of doctrines of “adding a constant to a language” and “adding an axiom to a theory”. Then, starting from a consistent doctrine, we use these construction to build a rich doctrine - in which every valid formula of the kind ∃xφ(x) there exists a witness constant c such that φ© holds. Finally, we show that a rich doctrine admits a model, i.e. a morphism towards the subset doctrine. Henkin’s Theorem for doctrines follows from these results, and our proof is modelled on the main lines of the original one.

Mercredi 17 janvier 2024, 10 heures 45, Salle 3052
Aloÿs Dufour (LIPN, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) Exporting Linear Logic Approximations to Programming Languages

We will present a very general syntax that aims to export tools and techniques found in linear logic (intersection types, Taylor and Böhm approximations, geometry of interaction…) in a systematic way in other languages or calculus. That being still a work in progress, details will be given in a restriction of this syntax, in which we present an axiomatic definition of “approximation system”, based on a notion of fibration, aiming to capture this phenomenon as generally as possible. In this talk, we will explore the immediate consequences of the definition, introduce several concrete instances of it, and obtain well-known theorems as direct applications of the general framework.