(Szabó Dániel)

Office: 4059 (Bâtiment Sophie Germain)

Mail: szabo [at] irif [dot] fr

Pole: ASD, Group: AlgoComp

I am a PhD student at IRIF, Université Paris Cité since October 2021, under the supervision of Frédéric Magniez.

I obtained my bachelor's and master's degrees in computer engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

Research topics: quantum algorithms, property testing, topological data analysis.

Since March 2022 I am the organiser of the Algorithms and Complexity seminar at IRIF.

Bálint Daróczy, Katalin Friedl, László Kabódi, Attila Pereszlényi, Dániel Szabó. Quantum Inspired Adaptive Boosting. Proceedings of the 11th Hungarian-Japanese Symposium on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications, 2019. (arXiv)

Simon Apers, Sander Gribling, Sayantan Sen, Dániel Szabó. A (simple) classical algorithm for estimating Betti numbers. Quantum, 2023. (Quantum)

Dániel Szabó, Simon Apers. Holey graphs: very large Betti numbers are testable. Preprint, 2024. (arXiv)


  • Initiation à la programmation 1 (Java), TP
  • Programmation orientée objet, TP


  • Initiation à la programmation 2 (Java), TD and TP