Arthur Jaquard

my picture

About me

I am a 3rd year PhD student at IRIF (Université Paris Cité, CNRS, IRIF, F-75013, Paris, France) under the supervision of Thomas Colcombet in the Automata and applications team.

My main scientific interests are related to logic, automata theory, algebra and their interactions. They notably include extensions of the notion of regular languages to other structures, learning, verification...

Before that, I studied mathematics and computer science at the Université de Bordeaux, where I obtained my master's degree.

I am one of the organizers of the automata seminar at IRIF, so you may contact me if you're interested in giving a talk at our seminar.

Contact: arthur [DOT] jaquard [AT] irif [DOT] fr


See my dblp page.

Previous talks

Some past events (some of them with slides):

Other activities

Teaching (in french)


Email: arthur [DOT] jaquard [AT] irif [DOT] fr
Office: 3044, Bâtiment Sophie Germain, 8 place Aurélie Nemours, 75013 Paris