SFCA 2013FPSAC '13

25ème conférence internationale sur les séries formelles et la combinatoire algébrique.The 25th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics.

Paris, du 24 au 28 Juin 2013Paris, France, June 24–28, 2013


Submission of final versions of accepted abstracts

The option to submit extended abstracts for consideration for FPSAC 2013 closed on November 23, 2012. This page is intended for those whose submitted extended abstracts have been accepted as talks or posters.

Before submitting a new version of your accepted extended abstract, please follow the guidelines given below. There are requirements for your final submission that are in addition to the requirements for your original submission. These additional requirements are given first. When your revised version is ready, please submit it through the START Conference Manager (the possibility of uploading your submission may not be available yet on the server. If this is the case, please wait for a few days). The submission page includes an opportunity for students to indicate their eligibility for the award for the best extended abstract submitted by a graduate student. The authors must all be students. The deadline for revised submissions is

April 29, 2013 at 23:59 (PST) .

The accepted extended abstracts will be published in a proceedings volume of DMTCS (Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science). The authors will retain the right to publish a full version of their work in another journal. Authors who do intend to publish a full version elsewhere should, however, make sure that their conference contribution is clearly an extended abstract of this full version.

Instructions for authors specific to final version

  1. Your new submission should consist of:
    1. your LaTeX file
    2. All files required to compile the file. Since the proceedings are being published in DMTCS, you must continue to use the dmtcs.cls class file;
    3. A PDF file of your submission compiled from these.
  2. Please take special care with the `author', `title', `keywords' commands and the `abstract' environment. None of them should include unbreakable spaces (`\ ' or `~'), non-ascii characters, `\cite' or `\ref' commands, or any user-defined commands. Write out any citations, rather than referencing the bibliography.
  3. While you were strongly encouraged to include a summary in French in your original version, you are required to do so in your final version. If you are not a French speaker then, as a first option, ask a French speaking colleague to provide an abstract. If you cannot find anyone to help, please contact mmishna[at sign]sfu.ca and we will provide a translation.
  4. The final proceedings will be in PDF format. So, please send your figures in pdf formats. The (standard) package graphicx is used by dmtcs.cls to include graphical data; please do not use epsf or similar. Use the includegraphics command to incorporate figures into your extended abstract. Your use of the command can be as simple as
    Note that the file name is given without an extension (pdf or eps). Don't include the extension of the graphic file in the command! Please leave the choice of the desired format to the graphicx package. A typical inclusion of a figure as part of a LaTeX figure environment would look something like:
        %% Don't use epsfile!
        \caption{Your caption here}
  5. Extended abstracts, when compiled using the dmtcs.cls class file, must not exceed 12 pages, even after addressing the referees' suggestions. Extended abstracts should be submitted electronically through the START Conference Manager
  6. Finally, please fill in the copyright form and send it to fpsac13[at]liafa.univ-paris-diderot.fr before May 1st 2013.
    It is important that we have your copyright form before May 1st. Thank you!
Note for authors of posters: The maximum size of a poster is vertical A0, i.e. 84.1 cm (horizontal) times 118.9 cm (vertical).

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