This note attempts to give an introduction to inductive and coinductive programming. Quite frankly, I should put "rough" somewhere here, to indicate that shortcuts will be taken, truths negated, and brains smashed to pieces. Formally, coinduction is the dual (in a formal way) to induction. Where induction is concerned with terminating computations over finite data-structures, coinduction is concerned with productive (ie., "eventually something happens") computations over infinite data-structures. Right, so before we dwell on coinduction, let's recap what we mean by induction. * Induction As I said (were you listening?!), induction is concerned with terminating computations over finite data-structures. Let's take that statement apart. ** "Finite data-structures" By "finite data-structure", I have in mind the "least fixpoint of some function". Concretely, here are a few finite data-structures in OCaml: type list = Nil | Cons of int * list type tree = Leaf | Node of tree * int * tree which (roughly) amount to the following C structs: struct list { int x; struct list *next; }; struct tree { struct tree *left; int x; struct tree *right; }; [Remark: the 'Nil' and 'Leaf' constructors are coded by putting a 'NULL' pointer to terminate the chained structs.] Exercise: Implement 2-3 trees [] In OCaml as in C (with a fresh malloc for each struct!), they form a directed *acyclic* graph in the (finite) memory of your computer: these data-structures are therefore necessarily finite. Mathematically, we can easily describe all such data-structures in one go. These are called "inductive types". We shall say that 'Nil' and 'Leaf' (or 'NULL' in C) have no recursive arguments, while 'Cons' (resp. 'Node') have 1 (resp. 2) recursive arguments ('next' for the former, 'left' and 'right' for the latter). We shall stick to that terminology in what follows. ** "Terminating computations" Now, think about the kind of computations you do over lists: it always involves traversing the list while accumulating some result! Take for example the function that computes the size of a list (the same goes for trees): let size_list (l: list): int = let rec size_help l size = match l with | Nil -> size | Cons (a, l) -> size_list l (1 + size) in size_help l 0 or in C: int size_list(struct list *l){ int size_help(struct list *l, int size){ if (l == NULL) { return size; } else { size_help(l->next, 1 + size); } } return size_help(l, 0); } which, if you have tail-call optimization turned on (-foptimize-sibling-calls in GCC), is absolutely equivalent to: int size_list(struct list *l){ int size = 0; for(struct list *ptr=l; ptr != NULL; ptr = ptr->next){ size += 1; } return size; } Exercise: Implement size over trees and 2-3 trees. Category theory tells us that *any* computation over an inductive type can be described in a bottom-up manner, where we start from the leaves (the non-recursive constructors) and go up the nodes (the recursive constructors). Concretely, we can implement all the data-structure traversals in one go by implementing: let rec fold (bc: 'a)(is: int -> 'a -> 'a)(l: list): 'a = match l with | Nil -> bc | Cons (x, xs) -> is x (fold bc ih xs) and obtain, for example, the 'size' function by carefully defining the base case 'bc' and the induction step 'is': let size_list (l: list): 'a = fold 0 (fun x size -> 1 + size) l [Remark: this latter definition is *not* recursive: the recursion is captured -- once and for ever -- by 'fold'.] The choice of terminology -- "base case" and "induction step" -- is not innocent: 'fold' is in fact implementing an induction principle! I shall call it a "recursion principle". So you will not be surprised by the fact that *any* function over lists can be implemented in this manner: as in Maths, we know that -- in principle -- any proof over integers will amount to an induction proof. Be careful tho: the "standard" induction principle is not always the most convenient principle. This is the same here: some programs will be a real pain to implement in this framework. You will also have noticed that I didn't lie when I said that we were going to describe *terminating* computations: unless you do something stupid when defining 'bc' or 'is', 'fold' is *always* terminating! Exercise: Implement the sum of all elements of a list using its recursion principle Exercise: Implement the recursion principles for trees and 2-3 trees. Exercise: Implement the 'size' function using those Exercise: Implement another function using their recursion principles * Coinduction Now, let's recall the initial motto: coinduction is concerned with productive computations over infinite data-structures. Let's take that statement apart too. ** "Infinite data-structures" Just as lists are perhaps the simplest example of a finite data-structure, streams are the simplest example of an infinite data-structure. Think of the stock exchange quotes: it is an endless stream of numbers. As you can expect, such "coinductive types" are not that simple to code up in OCaml or in C: in the end, I've only got a finite amount of memory to play with. I could hand-wave quite a bit, saying that streams are what comes from your network card, or that the friendly 'stdin' is a stream, etc. But I'm guessing that you want to see some code. So I'm going to be all wizard on you and play a trick from the Book: to code an infinite structure, I'll resort to using the function space. In OCaml, this will be expressed by a function from the unit type (denoted 'unit') to whatever I'm interested in. In C, that's nothing but a good ol' callback! The trick is that, this way, the function will unfold the rest of the stream *at run-time*. [Remark: in Haskell, a lazy programming language, we can natively represent and program with such structures. But let's not go there.] Without further ado, here is the type of a stream of integers in OCaml: type stream = { now: int ; next: unit -> stream } [Remark: I'm using a 'record' (akin to a 'struct') because I'm a sneaky sonofabitch with an agenda. But I won't tell you more than "use negative types, Luke!". One thing is certain: I don't want to give *constructors* to such type. One has got to stand on the shoulders of giants, up until they fall face first.] In C, that's your usual structure with callbacks: struct stream { int now; struct stream *(*next_cb)(); }; Exercise: Implement a coinductive tree in your language of choice. One can see that those objects are truly infinite: I can always ask for the 'next' element of a stream. The call may block for a while but (barring a bug) it should always return another 'stream' structure. Again, we can mathematically capture all such data-structures in one go. These are called "coinductive types" (surprise!). It is not a coincidence that these types amount to taking the *greatest* fixpoints of "things". ** "Productive computations" Right, so what is a "well-behaved" function on streams? To get a sense of that, let's build some streams. We start with the stream of '1's: let rec one = { now = 1 ; next = fun () -> one } Exercise: What happens if you call '( ()).now'? And if you call '(( ()).next ()).now'? Will it ever stops?! Exercise: Do it in C. But that's rather dull. Let's generate the stream of all natural numbers: let nums = let rec nums start = { now = start ; next = fun () -> nums (start + 1) } in nums 0 Exercise: What happens if you call ''? And if you call '( ()).now'? And if you call '(( ()).next ()).now'? Will it ever stops?! Exercise: Do it in C. This is still rather trivial. Being grown-ups, we would like to write stream-processing functions that take streams as input (or any infinite data-structure) and *more importantly* produce a stream. For example, let's add the values of two streams. This is as simple as: let rec add (s1: stream)(s2: stream): stream = { now = + ; next = fun _ -> add ( ()) ( ()) } Exercise: Do it in C. This definition is "productive", in the sense that you can call as many '.next ()' as you like, it will always return a stream to you *in a finite amount of time*. That is: we are building a genuinely infinite data-structure. Right, now it's time to go bonkers: let's implement Fibonacci in the most convoluted (but, I believe, rather efficient) way. Fibonacci is a stream of numbers generated from the following rule: fib(0) = 0 fib(1) = 1 fib(n+2) = fib(n) + fib(n+1) Think of the 'n' in 'fib(n)' as an index into an infinite stream of (Fibonacci) numbers. Well, let's build that stream: let rec fib: stream = { now = (* fib(0) = *) 0 ; next = fun _ -> { now = (* fib(1) = *) 1 ; next = fun _ -> (* fib(n+2) = *) add (* ie. + *) fib (* ie. fib(n) *) ( ()) } } (* ie. fib(n+1) *) Exercise: What happens if you call ''? And if you call '( ()).now'? And if you call '(( ()).next ()).now'? Keep going until you're sure it's indeed Fibonacci! You might now be wondering if, as for inductive types, there is some generalized madness to describe *all* "corecursive" computations. Ha, those are proud moments for a teacher. And the answer is yes. Just as 'fold' expressed the traversal of a list, there is an 'unfold' operation that expresses the production of a stream. Here it is: let rec unfold (f: 'a -> int * 'a)(a: 'a): stream = let (i, a') = f a in { now = i ; next = fun () -> unfold f a' } Exercise: Doesn't that remind you of some lectures on automata theory? What if I were to call 'f' a "transition function"? Exercise: Write the unfold for trees of infinite depth. As before, we can express our earlier definitions by calling 'unfold' with a suitable coinductive scheme. For instance, here is 'add': let add s1 s2 = unfold (fun (s1, s2) -> ( +, ( (), ()))) (s1, s2) Exercise: Rewrite 'fib' using 'unfold' (careful, it's not a mere transliteration of the earlier definition: you'll have to be inventive). * Final remark You'll have noticed a general theme. On one hand, we *compute over* inductive types, ie. one writes functions of type: f : inductive-type -> whatever Exercise: this allows you to write a function 'take : int -> stream -> list' that consumes the 'n' first elements of a stream On the other hand, we *produce* coinductive types, ie. one writes functions of type: f : whatever -> coinductive-type Exercise: this allowed us to write a function 'num : int -> stream' can you think of something else? That's categorical *duality* for you! If you've a twisted mind, you might be thinking: yeah, but what if want to write f : coinductive-type -> inductive-type This, my friend, is forbidden in 17 states of the US of A. Intuitively, there is the idea that *continuity* forces you do something reasonable here: for 'f' to execute in a finite time, it must consume only a *finite* amount of the input coinductive object. Therefore, quite surprisingly, such a function 'f' is morally a *finite* object: it associates each finite paths into the coinductive type to an output inductive type. It's a freakin' tree! [Food for thought: I wonder how that relates to Xavier's trick []] * Further references