POD -- TP1
Une solution

Le serveur graphique

(* ============================================================== *)
(* == POD 98-99 :  E.Chailloux  P.Manoury  B.Pagano               *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* == Le serveur graphique : graphic_server.ml                    *)
(* ============================================================== *)

open Graphics

(* == Utilitaire de feneantise *) 
let si = string_of_int 

(* == Les requetes graphiques *)
class virtual graph_query = 
  method virtual draw : unit

class gq_clear =
  inherit graph_query 
  method draw = clear_graph ()

class gq_line col (x1,y1) (x2,y2) = 
  inherit graph_query 
  method draw = set_color col; moveto x1 y1; lineto x2 y2 ;

class gq_disk col (x,y) r = 
  inherit graph_query 
  method draw = set_color col; fill_circle x y r;

(* -- La classe gq_kill est utiliser pour fermer le serveur *)
class gq_kill () =
  inherit graph_query 
  method draw = failwith "gq_kill#draw : not an usable method"  

(* -- "Constructeurs" pour chaque sous-classe de graph_query *)
let clear = new gq_clear
and line = new gq_line 
and disk = new gq_disk 

(* == Le serveur *)
open Event 

class graph_server x y = 
  object (self)
    (* canal sur lequel transitent les requetes graphiques *)
    val sync_channel = (new_channel () : graph_query channel) 

    (* semaphore pour forcer le traitement sequentiel des requetes*)
    val sem = Mutex.create ()

    (* requete qui servira a terminer le serveur *)
    val kill_signal = (new gq_kill () : graph_query)

    (* flag indiquant si le serveur est en etat d'accepter une requete *)
    val mutable flag_alive = false

      (* boucle de reception et de traitement des requetes *)
      let boucle_receive_treat () =
	 while true do 
	   let gq = sync (receive sync_channel) 
           (* si la requete est kill on termine la boucle sinon on traite *)
	   in if gq==kill_signal then Thread.exit () 
                                else self#treat_query gq  
	open_graph (" " ^ (si x) ^ "x" ^ (si y)) ;
        (* la boucle s'execute dans un autre processus *)
	Thread.create boucle_receive_treat () ; 
	(* le serveur est operationnel *)
	flag_alive <- true 

    method get_channel = sync_channel
    method alive = flag_alive 

    method private treat_query gq=
      (* les traitements effectifs des requetes s'effectuent 
         un apres l'autre *)
      Mutex.lock sem; gq#draw; Mutex.unlock sem

    method exit = 
      (* le seurveur est considere comme arreter *)
      flag_alive <- false ;
      (* on envoie le signal kill pour terminer la boucle de reception *)
      sync (send sync_channel kill_signal) ;
      close_graph () 

(* == le client graphique *)
class graph_client (c:#graph_server)  =
  object (self)
    method send gq = 
      if c#alive then sync (send c#get_channel gq) 

(* == Le serveur asynchrone *)
class enhanced_graph_server x y  =
  object (self)
    inherit graph_server x y

    (* un second canal pour les requetes asynchrones *)
    val async_channel = new_channel ()

    (* une pile FIFO pour stocker les requetes recues et non traitees *)
    val mutable query_fifo = []
    (* le traitement de cette pile est une section critique protegee *)
    val async_sem = Mutex.create ()
    val async_signal = Condition.create ()

      (* boucle de reception des requetes asynchrones *)
      let boucle_receive () =
	 while true do 
	   let gq = sync (receive async_channel) 
	       (* empiler la requete : section critique*)
	       Mutex.lock async_sem ;
	       query_fifo <- query_fifo @ [gq] ; 
	       Mutex.unlock async_sem ;
	       (* on reveille la boucle de traitement *)
	       Condition.signal async_signal ;
             (* si la requete est kill on termine la boucle sinon on traite *)
             (* NB: la requete kill est empilee pour terminer l'autre boucle *)
	       if gq==kill_signal then Thread.exit ()  

      (* boucle de traitement des requetes asynchrones*)
      and boucle_treat () = 
	while true do
	   Mutex.lock async_sem ;
	   (* si la boucle est vide on libere le semaphore et on attend *)
	   (* le signal de reception d'une requete *)
 	   while query_fifo = [] do 
	     Condition.wait async_signal async_sem 
	   done ;
           (* si la requete est kill on termine sinon on traite *)
           let gq = List.hd query_fifo 
	   in if gq == kill_signal 
	     then (Mutex.unlock async_sem ; Thread.exit () )
	       self#treat_query gq  ;
	       query_fifo <- List.tl query_fifo ;
	       Mutex.unlock async_sem

	Thread.create boucle_receive ();
	Thread.create boucle_treat ();	()
    method get_async_channel = async_channel
    method exit = 
      flag_alive <- false ;
      (* on envoie le signal kill sur les deux canaux *)
      sync (send sync_channel kill_signal) ;
      sync (send async_channel kill_signal) ;      
      close_graph () 

(* == Le client asyncrhone *)
class enhanced_graph_client (egs:#enhanced_graph_server) =
    inherit graph_client egs
    method async_send gq = 
      if egs#alive then sync (send egs#get_async_channel gq) 

Mondes et robots de base

(* ============================================================== *)
(* == POD 98-99 :  E.Chailloux  P.Manoury  B.Pagano               *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* == Mondes et robots de base : robot_def.ml                     *)
(* ============================================================== *)

(* == Utilitaires *)
(* -- Prend un predicat et une liste et rend la sous-liste des *)
(*    elements satisfaisant le predicat.                       *)

let rec select pred = function [] -> []
  | a::l -> let next = select pred l in if pred a then a::next else next

(* -- Extraire au hasard un element d'une liste *)
let random_list = function 
    [] ->  failwith "random_list: bad argument"
  | l -> List.nth l (Random.int (List.length l))

(* -- No comment *)
let cases_voisines (x,y) = 
  [ (x-1,y-1);(x-1,y);(x-1,y+1);(x,y-1);(x,y+1);(x+1,y-1);(x+1,y);(x+1,y+1) ]

(* == Monde et robots abstraits                                *)
(* -- La classe monde est parametree par le type de ses robots *)
class virtual ['a] mondeV hi li =
 object (s)
    (* un robot doit posseder les methodes get_pos et set_pos *)
    constraint 'a =  unit; .. >

    val h = (hi:int)
    val l = (li:int)
    val mutable roblist = ([]:'a list)

    method virtual is_legal : (int * int) -> bool 
    method virtual normalize : (int * int) -> int * int 

    method get_roblist = roblist
    method get_dim = (h,l)

    method enter r = roblist <- r::roblist
    method exit r = roblist <- select (fun ro -> r<>ro) roblist 

    method is_free p = 
      List.for_all (fun r -> p <> s#normalize(r#get_pos)) roblist 

    method free_places pos =
      let f p = let p1=s#normalize p in (s#is_free p1) && (s#is_legal p1)
      in select f (cases_voisines pos)

(* -- Les robots sont parametres par un monde                  *)
class virtual ['a] robotV (xi,yi) (vxi, vyi)= 
    (* un monde doit posseder la methode get_roblist *)
    constraint 'a = 
    val mutable x = (xi:int)
    val mutable y = (yi:int)
    val mutable vx = (vxi:int)
    val mutable vy = (vyi:int)

    method virtual next_position :'a -> (int * int)

    method get_pos = (x,y)
    method get_speed = (vx,vy)
    method set_pos (nx,ny) = x<-nx ;y<-ny
    method set_speed (nvx,nvy) = vx<-nvx;vy<-nvy


(* == Mondes concrets                                          *)
(* -- Un monde plat                                            *)
class ['a] monde_ferme h l = 
    inherit ['a] mondeV h l
    method is_legal (a,b) = (a >= 0) && (a < l) && (b >= 0) && (b < h)
    method normalize p = p

(* -- Un monde rond                                            *)
class ['a] monde_rond h l =
    inherit ['a] mondeV h l
    method is_legal _ = true 
    method normalize (x,y) = ( x mod l , y mod h )

(* == Robots concrets                                          *)
(* -- Classe utilitaire : commandes de mouvements du robot     *)
class virtual ['a] robot_commandV p v =
  object (self)
    inherit ['a] robotV p v 
    method private go_right_45 = 
      if vx=0 then vx <- vy 
      else if vy=0 then vy <- (-vx)
      else if vx*vy>0 then vy <- 0
      else vx <- 0

    method private go_left_45 = 
      if vx=0 then vx <- (-vy) 
      else if vy=0 then vy <- vx
      else if vx*vy>0 then vx <- 0
      else vy <- 0

    method private go_right_90 = self#go_right_45 ; self#go_right_45
    method private go_left_90  = self#go_left_45  ; self#go_left_45 

(* -- Robot fixe *)
class ['a] robot_fixe p =
    inherit ['a] robotV p (0,0)

    method next_position p = (x,y)

(* -- Robot fou *)
class ['a] robot_fou p =
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] robotV p (0,0)

    method next_position m = 
      let list_pos = m#free_places  s#get_pos
      in if list_pos = [] then s#get_pos else random_list list_pos

(* -- Robot fou, variante *)
class ['a] robot_fou_inertie p v =
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] robot_commandV p v
    method next_position m = 
      (  match Random.int 3 with 
	     0 -> () 
	   | 1 -> s#go_left_45 
	   | _ -> s#go_right_45   );
      let npos = (x+vx,y+vy) 
      in if m#is_free npos && m#is_legal npos then npos else (x,y)

(* -- Robot poli *)
class ['a] robot_poli p v = 
  object (s)
  inherit ['a] robot_commandV p v 

    method next_position m =
      let rob_pos_list = List.map (fun r -> r#get_pos) m#get_roblist
      in let voisin = 
        List.exists (fun p -> List.mem p rob_pos_list) (cases_voisines (x,y))
      in if voisin then (x,y)
         else let new_pos = (x+vx,y+vy)
	 in if m#is_legal new_pos && m#is_free new_pos then new_pos 
            else ( s#go_right_90 ; (x,y) )

(* -- Robot presse *)
class ['a] robot_presse p v =
  object (s)
  inherit ['a] robot_commandV p v 

    method next_position m =
      let new_pos = (x+vx,y+vy) 
      in if m#is_legal new_pos && m#is_free new_pos then new_pos 
         else ( s#go_left_45 ; (x,y) )

(* -- Robot amical *)
class ['a] robot_amical p v (a:'a #robotV) = 
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] robot_commandV p v 
    val mutable ami = a 

    method private est_eloigne r = 
      let (rx,ry) = r#get_pos in (abs (x-rx)) > 1  ||  (abs (y-ry)) > 1

    method private nouvel_ami m = 
      let liste_possible = select s#est_eloigne m#get_roblist
      in if liste_possible = [] then s 
	                        else random_list liste_possible

    method private change_ami m = ami <- s#nouvel_ami m

    method next_position m = 
      (if not (s#est_eloigne ami) then s#change_ami m );
      let (ax,ay)=ami#get_pos 
      in let sign n = if n=0 then 0 else n / (abs n)
      in vx <- sign (ax-x) ; vy <- sign (ay-y) ;	
      ( x+vx , y+vy ) 


(* ============================================================== *)
(* == POD 98-99 :  E.Chailloux  P.Manoury  B.Pagano               *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* == Mondes et robots affichables : robot_display.ml             *)
(* ============================================================== *)

open Robot_def

(* == Classes abstraites generiques *)
class virtual ['a] mondeV_displayV =
    method virtual get_dim : int * int
    method virtual get_roblist : 'a  list
    method virtual display : unit

class virtual ['a] robotV_displayV =
    method virtual get_pos : int * int 
    method virtual get_speed : int * int 
    method virtual display : unit

(* == Affichage texte : restent abstraites *)
class virtual ['a] mondeV_txt () =
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] mondeV_displayV  
    method display = 
      (let (h,l) = s#get_dim in Printf.printf "\nLE MONDE :  %d x %d\n" h l) ;
      List.iter (fun r -> r#display) s#get_roblist ;
      flush stdout 

class virtual ['a] robotV_txt ident = 
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] robotV_displayV 
    val id = ident 
    method display = 
      let (x,y) = s#get_pos 
      in Printf.printf "  Robot (%s) : %d - %d\n" id x y 

(* == Affichages graphiques : restent abstraites et *)
(*    utilisent le serveur graphique)               *)

open Graphics
open Graphic_server 

class virtual ['a] mondeV_graph (gc:enhanced_graph_client) = 
    object (s)
    inherit ['a] mondeV_displayV

      gc#send clear ; 
      let (h,l) = s#get_dim in 
      for i=0 to h do gc#send (line black (0,i*25) (l*25,i*25)) done;
      for i=0 to l do gc#send (line black (i*25,0) (i*25,h*25)) done;

    method display = List.iter (fun r -> r#display) s#get_roblist ;

class virtual ['a] robotV_graph ident c (gc:enhanced_graph_client) = 
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] robotV_displayV
    val mutable lx = -1
    val mutable ly = -1
    val mutable lvx = 0
    val mutable lvy = 0
    val mutable col = c
    method get_col = col 
    method set_col c = col <- c
    method display = 
      let (x,y) = s#get_pos and (vx,vy) = s#get_speed 
	if (x=lx && y=ly && vx=lvx && vy=lvy) then () else 
	( if lx <> -1 then gc#send (disk background (lx*25+12,ly*25+12) 10) );
	gc#send (disk col (x*25+12,y*25+12) 10) ;
	gc#send (line black (x*25+12,y*25+12) (x*25+12+vx*6,y*25+12+vy*6)) ;
	lx <- x ; ly <- y ; lvx <- lvy  	 

(* == Mondes et robots concrets : par heritage multiple *)
(* -- Affichage texte                                   *)
class ['a] ferme_txt hi li = 
  inherit ['a] monde_ferme hi li 
  inherit ['a] mondeV_txt ()

class ['a] poli_txt id p v = 
    inherit ['a] robot_poli p v 
    inherit ['a] robotV_txt id 

class ['a] fixe_txt id p = 
    inherit ['a] robot_fixe p 
    inherit ['a] robotV_txt id 

class ['a] fou_txt id p = 
    inherit ['a] robot_fou p 
    inherit ['a] robotV_txt id 

class ['a] amical_txt id p v a= 
    inherit ['a] robot_amical p v a
    inherit ['a] robotV_txt id 

class ['a] fou2_txt id p v = 
    inherit ['a] robot_fou_inertie p v 
    inherit ['a] robotV_txt id 

(* -- Affichage graphiques                              *)
class ['a] poli_graph id c p v gc = 
    inherit ['a] robot_poli p v 
    inherit ['a] robotV_graph id c gc  

class ['a] fixe_graph id c p gc = 
    inherit ['a] robot_fixe p 
    inherit ['a] robotV_graph id c gc  

class ['a] fou_graph id c p gc = 
    inherit ['a] robot_fou p 
    inherit ['a] robotV_graph id c gc   

class ['a] amical_graph id c p v a gc = 
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] robot_amical p v a
    inherit ['a] robotV_graph id c gc as super
    method display = 
      let (x,y)=s#get_pos
      in super#display ; gc#send (disk ami#get_col (x*25+12,y*25+12) 4) 

class ['a] fou2_graph id c p v gc = 
    inherit ['a] robot_fou_inertie p v 
    inherit ['a] robotV_graph id c gc

class ['a] presse_graph id c p v gc = 
    inherit ['a] robot_presse p v 
    inherit ['a] robotV_graph id c gc

Mondes actifs

Avec quelques exemples

(* ============================================================== *)
(* == POD 98-99 :  E.Chailloux  P.Manoury  B.Pagano               *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* == Mondes actifs : robot_actif.ml                              *)
(* ============================================================== *)

open Robot_def

(* == Classe abstraite generique *)
class virtual ['a] mondeV_actifV = 
  object (s)
    method private virtual move_robot : 'a -> unit 
    method virtual go : unit 

(* == Monde actif concret : boucle simple d'activation         *) 
(*    sequentielle des robots                                  *)

class virtual ['a] mondeV_iteratif () =
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] mondeV_actifV

    method private move_robot r =
      let pos = s#normalize (r#next_position s)
      in if (s#is_free pos && s#is_legal pos) then r#set_pos pos

    method go = while true do List.iter s#move_robot s#get_roblist done

open Robot_display 

(* -- Exemple : le monde ferme , actif et display en texte     *)
class ['a] ferme_actif_txt hi li =
 object (s)
    inherit ['a] mondeV_iteratif () as super
    inherit ['a] mondeV_txt ()
    inherit ['a] monde_ferme hi li       
    (* un robot s'affiche a chaque deplacement *)
    method private move_robot r = super#move_robot r ; s#display 


(* Autre exemple : les mondes graphiques et iteratifs          *)
class virtual ['a] mondeV_iteratif_graph gc =
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] mondeV_graph gc
    inherit ['a] mondeV_iteratif () as super
    method private move_robot r = super#move_robot r ; s#display ;

class ['a] ferme_actif_graph hi li gc =
 object (s)
    inherit ['a] mondeV_iteratif_graph gc
    inherit ['a] monde_ferme hi li       

Les robots concurrents (threads)

(* ============================================================== *)
(* == POD 98-99 :  E.Chailloux  P.Manoury  B.Pagano               *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* == Robots concurrents : robot_concurrent.ml                    *)
(* ============================================================== *)

open Robot_def
open Robot_display 
open Robot_actif

(* == Cree un 'thread' pour chaque robot, reste abstraite         *)
class virtual ['a] mondeV_concur () =
  object (s)
    inherit ['a] mondeV_actifV as super 
    val sem = Mutex.create ()

    initializer Mutex.lock sem

    method private move_robot r =
      let pos = s#normalize (r#next_position s)
	Mutex.lock sem ;
	(if (s#is_free pos && s#is_legal pos) then r#set_pos pos ) ;
        Mutex.unlock sem;

    method enter r = 
      Thread.create (fun () -> while true do s#move_robot r done) () ; ()

    method go = Mutex.unlock sem
    method stop = Mutex.try_lock sem ; ()

(* -- Monde plat graphique et concurrent *)
class ['a] ferme_concur_graph hi li gc =
 object (s)

    inherit ['a] mondeV_concur () as super_conc
    inherit ['a] mondeV_graph gc
    inherit ['a] monde_ferme hi li as super_fer

    method private move_robot r = 
      super_conc#move_robot r ; 
      r#display ;
      Thread.delay ((Random.float 0.3) +. 0.2)

    method enter r = super_fer#enter r ; super_conc#enter r

Le Makefile

CFLAGS = -thread -custom 

OFLAGS = -thread

LIB = unix.cma threads.cma graphics.cma 
LIBX = unix.cmxa threads.cmxa graphics.cmxa

CLIB = -cclib -lthreads -cclib -lunix  -cclib -lgraphics \
       -cclib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -cclib -lX11  

OLIB =  -cclib -lthreadsnat -cclib -lunix -cclib -lpthread  \
        -cclib -lgraphics -cclib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -cclib -lX11



FILES = graphic_server.cmo robot_def.cmo robot_display.cmo \
	robot_actif.cmo robot_concurrent.cmo \

OFILES= graphic_server.cmx robot_def.cmx robot_display.cmx \
	robot_actif.cmx robot_concurrent.cmx \


all: $(FILES)

opt: $(OFILES)

run: $(FILES)
	ocamlc $I  $(CFLAGS) -o run $(LIB) $(FILES) $(CLIB)

runopt: $(OFILES)
	ocamlopt $I $(OFLAGS) -o runopt $(LIBX) $(OFILES) $(OLIB) 


	rm -f *~ *.cm? *_ml.h *.o
	rm -f run runopt


robot_display.cmo: graphic_server.cmo robot_def.cmo 
robot_display.cmx: graphic_server.cmx robot_def.cmx 

robot_actif.cmo: robot_def.cmo robot_display.cmo 
robot_actif.cmx: robot_def.cmx robot_display.cmx 

robot_concurrent.cmo: robot_actif.cmo robot_def.cmo robot_display.cmo 
robot_concurrent.cmx: robot_actif.cmx robot_def.cmx robot_display.cmx 

test.cmo: graphic_server.cmo robot_actif.cmo robot_concurrent.cmo \
test.cmx: graphic_server.cmx robot_actif.cmx robot_concurrent.cmx \

# Default rules

.SUFFIXES: .ml .mli .cmo .cmi .cmx 

	ocamlc -c $I $(CFLAGS) $<

	ocamlc -c $I $(CFLAGS) $< 

	ocamlopt -c $I $(OFLAGS) $<

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