Manzonetto Giulio
Professor in Computer Science
News archive:
- 28 Avr 2017: I am in the Program Committee of Trends in Linear Logic and Applications, a satellite workshop of FSCD 2017.
- 3 Mar 2017: Today I defended my mémoir d'Habilitation à diriger des recherches. I wish to thank all jury members and all the people who attended.
- 1 Sep 2016: This academical year I am in délégation CNRS at the laboratory IRIF, University Paris-Diderot. Starting today.
- 14 May 2016: The things you can find in London...
- 8-13 May 2016: Invited at the University of Bath to work with Guy McCusker and Jim Laird.
- 23 Oct 2015: I am a member of the jury evaluating Breuvart's Phd defense.
- 3 Sep 2015: A new academical year is starting today at the IUT de Villetaneuse... ready to go?
- 1 Sep 2015: I am in the organizing committee of CiE 2016 that will be host at Paris 7.
- 1-2 July 2013: A Meeting in Honor of Antonino Salibra.
- 15 Apr 2015: We are happy to have Antonino Salibra as our guest at LIPN.
- 20 Feb 2015: Some amazing pictures of Jerusalem under a ton of snow.
- 01 Dec 2014: We welcome Andrew Polonsky as a new member of our research team.
- 29 Jul-18 Aug 2014: I'm visiting the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
- 20-26 Jul 2014: I am at the University of Copenhagen working with Jacob Simonsen.
- 12 Jun 2014: The paper I wrote with Ruoppolo on relational models and Morris's theory is now available.
- 24 Feb 2014: The book Alan Turing - His work and impact won the PROSE Awards 2013. As a contributor, I'm very proud.
- 5-12 May 2014: I'm an invited speaker at the ASL 2013 North American Annual Meeting.
- 6-13 Jan 2014: We are pleased to have Guy McCusker as our guest at LIPN.
- 16-23 Jan 2014: We are pleased to have Henk Barendregt as our guest at LIPN.
- 04-10 Jan 2013: I'm attending LFCS 2013 in San Diego. California dreaming...
- 21 Dec 2012: Happy Armageddon!
- 12 Dec 2012: Laura defended her PhD thesis. Congratulations!
- 27 Oct - 5 nov 2012: I am in Wien at the Kurt Goedel Research Center.
- 21 jul 2012: I got married! (That's a big news)
- 30 jun 2012: A picture of myself near some (old) stones.
- 14 jun 2012: I finished my teaching duties (for this academic year). I will be doing research at the University of Bath from 25th June to 1st july.
- 12-17 feb 2012: I am in Marseille attending Logic and Interaction 2012.
- 5-12 feb 2012: I am in Bordeaux working with Sylvain Salvati at LaBRI. Don't miss my talk on tuesday!
- 1 sep 2011: I start working as Maître de Conférences at the university of Paris 13 (IUT Villetaneuse).
- 1 jul 2011: I moved my webpage to LIPN because the previous server burned into flames. Please do not use my address!
- 10-15 jun 2011: I am in the Rocky Mountains to attend FMCS11 and explain the resource calculus to the bears.
- 28 may 2011: I wrote two contributions (together with Barendregt and Plasmeijer) for the Turing Centennial 2012. Don't miss it!
- 30 mar 2011: I will give an invited talk about differential categories at FMCS11 (Canada).
- 15 feb 2011: I recently submitted three new papers... have a look!.
- 4-13 feb 2011: I am in Bath for a collaboration with Guy McCusker and Jim Laird.
- 20 nov-28 nov 2010: I am in Paris, visiting the laboratory LIPN of Paris 13.
- 26 oct 2010: The new website of CALMOC NWO Project, is online. Check it!
- 19-24 oct 2010: I am in Lyon visiting the laboratory LIP at Ecole Normale Superieure.
- 23-38 aug 2010: I attended MFCS'2010 in Brno, Czeck Republic. I have been invited to submit a journal version of the paper on MLF.
- 28 jul 2010: A nice picture of Faso and me after a wondeful concert of Elio e Le Storie Tese.
- 28 may 2010: Did you know that MLF is strongly normalizable? (To appear in MFCS'2010).
- 01 may 2010: Today I start working as a post-doc at Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Nederlands.
- 14-19 feb 2010: I spent one week at the university of Bath working with Guy McCusker. It has been an incredibly productive trip!
- 29 jan 2010: I'm giving a nice talk on resource calculi at ParSec meeting.
- 04 dec 2009: A funny (non-technical) video explaining the results of my thesis is now available online (in French).
- 30 nov-2 dec 2009: I am in Torino, visiting the group Formal Methods in Computing.
- 01 nov 2009: Today I start a post-doc at LIPN - Paris 13, Collodi Project.
- 01 oct 2009: My paper "Effective λ-models versus recursively enumerable λ-theories" has finally been published in Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.
- 31 aug 2009: I'm in Edinburgh to visit some scottish castles and give a talk (scheduled on Thursday 3 September).
- 23-28 aug 2009: I'm in Poprad to attend MFCS09. My talk is scheduled on Wednesday 26 August.
- 10-19 aug 2009: I'm in Abruzzo for some holidays. In this period I will have a limited Internet connection.
- 4 jun 2009: I participated to the Meeting Théorie des modèles et lambda-calcul in honour of Chantal Berline.
- 30 may 2009: My papers "Lattices of Equational Theories as Church Algebras" and "A general class of models of H*" have been accepted in PLS7 and MFCS09, respectively!
- 23 apr 2009: Great news! My paper "Effective models versus recursively enumerable lambda theories" has been accepted for publication in Mathematical Structures of Computer Science.
- 10-12 mar 2009: I am in Cambridge to work with Peter Sewell and Francesco Zappa on equivalence of concurrent programs.
- 09 mar 2009: Are you interested in my PhD thesis but you don't have the time to read it? Don't be sad! Here you can find a short description of the main results.
- 16 feb 2009: I'm in Bologna for the kickoff meeting of CONCERTO.
- 28 jan 2009: I participate to the Forum 2009 INRIA-Microsoft.
- 01 jan 2009: Happy New Year! Starting from today I work as a post-doc at INRIA-Rocquencourt (MOSCOVA Team).
- 05 dec 2008: My PhD thesis "Models and theories of lambda calculus" has been awarded the EADS Prix de la Meilleure Thèse 2008.
- 10 oct 2008: My paper "A relational model of a parallel and non-deterministic λ-calculus" has been accepted to LFCS'09.
- 10 sep 2008: I submitted a paper to LFCS. Will it be the return of the BEM (Bucciarelli-Ehrhard-Manzonetto) triad?
- 25 aug 2008: At the moment I am attending MFCS'08 in Poland.
- 30 may 2008: The BMS triad in front of a tedious proof (new pic!).
- 22 apr 2008: I'm in Rome for the Big Concert of Elio e Le Storie Tese. I will come back in Paris the 29th April.
- 13 apr 2008: I have submitted two papers. Please, let us cross our fingers twice and better than last time!
- 07 apr 2008: I've been interviewed for the CNRS recruitment competition (Computer Science).
- 25 fev 2008: Hi, I'm a funny guy. Do you have a post-doctoral fellowship for me?
- 18 fev 2008: I've discussed my phd thesis in front of this jury. Here you can see how I was looking like, but you can't have an idea of the voice I had.
- 07 fev 2008: I held a talk at the Laboratory IML of Marseille. Next week I will be at LAMA of Chambery.
- 25 gen 2008: Today I submitted the second paper of the month. Let's cross our fingers twice.
- 24 gen 2008: I officially finished my thesis. Now only bureaucratic problems can prevent me from discussing it the 18th february.
- 01 gen 2008: Happy New Year! My proposal for 2008 is being less stressed.
- 01 nov 2007: Alea iacta est: today, I've sent my Ph.D. thesis to the referees.
- 16 oct 2007: The only four people with who I wouln't like to exchange myself are my referees.
- 08 oct 2007: The first days of november I must send my Ph.D. Thesis to the referees. I've never been stressed as in this period.
- 10 sep 2007: I'm in Lausanne to attend the conference CSL 2007. I will held a talk on ''lambda theories of effective lambda models'' the 12th september,
and another one titled ''not enough points is enough'' the 13th september.
- 01 sep 2007: Happy New (psycological) Year! The summer is passed quickly, and I came back in Paris for another exciting year of research.
- 19 aug 2007: Finally, the vacation time reached me: I'll be in Fuerteventura until 28th august 2007. I leave my laptop, my thesis and the whole λ-calculus at home.
- 18 jul 2007: During the academic year 2007/2008 I will be teacher assistant at Paris 7 for the following courses: Intelligence Artificielle (M1), Algorithmique (L3BI),
Analyse syntaxique et Compilation (L3) and Suivi projets longs (M1). Summing-up: 101 hours of fun.
- 16 jul 2007: The following people have accepted to be the referees of my thesis: H.P. Barendregt, J.W. Klop, J. Longley and C.-H.L. Ong.
- 03 jul 2007: At the moment I'm in Italy at Ca'Foscari University of Venice. I have more or less two months for writing my phd thesis. That's challenging!
- 21 may 2007: The two papers I submitted to CSL 2007 have been accepted!
My new Erdos number is 4.
- 27 apr 2007: I'm starting to write my Ph.D. thesis: Models and theories of lambda calculus.
- 14 apr 2007: I went to Rome with Laura to spend time with our families and visit my colleagues of Roma 3.
- 07 apr 2007: This year is particularly difficult for semantical papers. We will probably meet all in Armenia.
- 20 mar 2007: I'm exhausted. I need a vacation in a place with coconut palms and free drinks.
- 13 feb 2007: Surfing the web I found a nice picture of my advisor and myself in Seattle.
- 11 feb 2007: Laura and I, went to the Opera to listen strange music for our 14th "monthversary". The day before we had dinner with Claudio Silvestri and his wife.
- 22 jen 2007: I submitted a paper, my fingers will be crossed until the end of march.
- 06 jen 2007: The 24th jenuary I will be in Italy to present my research activity.
- 01 jen 2007: Happy new (conventional) year! Gioele Vido is incredibly born during the night.
- 21 nov 2006: I held the same seminar at LIX (Ecole polytechnique).
- 14 nov 2006: I held a seminar for the Research group in Semantics and Realizability of Paris 7: R.e. lambda-theories versus effective models.
- 09 nov 2006: I've been admitted to the Internationally Co-tutored PhD Program. My co-advisor is Chantal Berline (Paris 7).
- 15 oct 2006: My laptop is dead. Thanks to PPS I can still check my email and write latex code with a borrowed pc.
- 11-13 sep 2006: I'm attending the IFIP WG 2.2 Anniversary Meeting in Udine.
- 27 sep 2006: I'm in a Parisian office which is overflowing with people, mostly mathematicians.
- 19 aug 2006: I go in vacation to Torino di Sangro (a beautiful place in Abruzzo without internet connection) until the 3rd september.
- 09-16 jul 2006: I'm in Seattle in order to attend the Symposium LICS'06.
- 01 jul 2006: I'm at Ca'Foscary University (Venice) until the 1st October 2006.
- 29 jun 2006: I've no interesting news but a nice picture.
- 28 may 2006: A nice memory of the spring: a beer with (famous) friends.
- 28 apr 2006: A friend of mine is expecting a child. Happy birthday D.V. and good luck with your gift.
- 26 apr 2006: I will be at the EPIT'06 PhD school (28 may-2 june).
- 15 apr 2006: My first paper has been accepted by LICS'06.
- 07 apr-19 apr 2006: I come back in Italy to exercise my right to vote. If Dorian Gray will be re-elected will not be my fault.
- 18 mar 2006: Today I become 26 years old. I'm considered old from society.
- 14 feb 2006: I give a short seminar at PPS on topology and lambda calculus for a working group in semantics.
- 29 jan 2006: I'm glad to have met Peter Selinger in Marseille at the Geocal 2006. He's playing with Benoit Valiron on quantum lambda calculus.
- 12-16 jan 2006: Laura and I, we will go to visit Damiano Macedonio, in Brighton.
- 16 dec 2005: The 29th of january I leave for Marseille, I'll be one of the 204 partecipants of the Geocal06 (Geometry of Computation 2006). Picture first week. Picture second week.
- 04 nov 2005: I will be in Italy to present my 1st year of research activity (28 nov - 04 dec) and for Christmas Holidays (17 - 27 dec).
- 27 sep 2005: To improve my technical knowledge I'm attending master courses about model theory, domains, categories, games and logic.
- 16 sep 2005: I decided I want to risk my life buying a pair of rollerblades and learning acrobatic skating.
- 07 sep 2005: The PPS wants me for 3 more months, this implies that I will come back in Italy the 30 june 2006. Have fun without me.
- 05-07 sep 2005: I'm attending an intensive minicourse on bigraphs that Robin Milner has generously agreed to give.
- 02 sep 2005: It's a big pleasure for me to share my office with Thomas Ehrhard, the father of the differential lambda calculus.
- 01 sep 2005: Happy New (psycological) Year! I'm leaving for Paris, I'm going to be a guest phd student at Denis Diderot University for the next seven months.
- 22 aug 2005: I have no more Ph.D. exams left to do, finally I can spend my whole time researching in lambda stuff.
- 10-23 jul 2005: I'm attending lectures at the 17th International School for Computer Science Researchers. Lipari Island.
- 20-21 jun 2005: I will attend in Paris a workshop on lambda calculus semantics, i.e., the 7th meeting of ACI NIM Geocal.
- 16 jun 2005: I had lunch with Yuri V. Matiyasevich, i.e., who proved the unsolvablility of the Hilbert's tenth problem.
- 13-14 jun 2005: I am invited to a workshop on first order logic, i.e., the Réunion de l'ACI CRISS.
- 03 jun 2005: I'm resisting the temptation of translating this page in French. Luckily, the fact that I hate the accents is helping me.
- 20 may 2005: I am a member of the FOLLIA research project.
- 02 may 2005: I'm leaving for Paris, I'll be in may and in june at Denis Diderot University.
- 20 apr 2005: I'm attending a Ph.D. course taught by Krzysztof R. Apt in Padua on Game-theoretic approach to multi-agent systems.
- 25 mar 2005: The BISS is a school of life. We danced, we fought, we molested couples, we went to sea side and we met Frank Zappa.
- 06-18 mar 2005: I'm at the Bertinoro International Spring School.
- 26 oct 2004: I'm a Ph.D student at Ca'Foscari University. My supervisor is: Antonino Salibra
- 22 oct 2004: I got my MSc degree with the maximum grade (110/110 cum laudem).
- 07 jun 2004: The frequently asked question in Amsterdam is "Where am I and who is the 'I' that is asking?"
- 25 apr 2004: I went in the Arena to see an American Football match (free violence & cheerleaders).
- 22 apr 2004: Download my Desktop Background. For fans only.
- 19 gen 2004: I choosen the title of my thesis.
- feb-jul 2004: I will be at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam,
The Netherlands.
- 18 jul 2003: my summer exam session ended.
When you breath you inspire, when you don't breath you expire.