GRAPEpress - A Computational Notebook for Graph Transformations


Computational notebooks (CNs) have gained popularity in data science, artificial intelligence, and engineering. CNs are used to document experiments and make them repeatable by incorporating executable segments and renderings of computational results. Unfortunately, computations by graph transformations are not supported by current CNs. In order to close this gap, we have developed GRAPEPress, a tool that combines the GRAPE graph transformation language with the CN tool Gorilla. This talk introduces the GRAPE language as well as its integration with the CN tool Gorilla.

Friday, November 19, 2021 15:00 Europe/Paris
GReTA seminar
Jens H. Weber
Jens H. Weber
Professor in Computer Science

Dr. Weber joined the Department of Computer Science in 1999 from the University of Paderborn (Germany) where he was a Research Associate. As a software engineer, he investigated innovative methods of establishing interoperability among heterogeneous information systems. He received the German Software Engineering Award in 2000 and was awarded a fellowship of the Advanced Systems Institute of British Columbia. In collaboration with members of the School of Health Information Science, he began applying software engineering theories to health informatics in 2000. In 2005 and 2006, he was a visiting professor in the UBC Department of Family Medicine, where he has led the technical construction of two clinical information systems. He has been formally affiliated with the School of Health Information Science since 2007. He is a member of the AMIA, HL7, ACM, and IEEE and Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). He is a co-founder and principal investigator of the Pervasive Primary Care Informatics Lab (

Dr. Weber is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.His research interests lie at the intersection of Software Engineering and Health Informatics. He holds Adjunct Faculty appointments in the University’s School of Health Information Science and at the University of British Columbia, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family Practice.

He is the Technical Lead and co-director of the UVic/UBC LEADlab research laboratory. From 2007 to 2014, he served as the Director of UVic’s Bachelor of Software Engineering (BSEng) degree program.

He received degrees from the University of Paderborn (PhD) and the University of Dortmund (MSc) in Germany and he is licensed as a practicing Professional Engineer (P.Eng.) in the province of British Columbia, Canada.