Recent Developments in TGG-based Model Synchronisation


This talk will present recent results in the area of sequential and concurrent model synchronisations based on Triple Graph Grammars (TGGs). Sequential model synchronisation is the task of propagating information from one model to another. In contrast, in the concurrent case, both models have been modified independently from each other and conflicts may arise such that synchronization may additionally comprise the non-trivial task of conflict resolution. We will present our newly developed approaches for both synchronization scenarios. Their central qualities are that they have a solid formal foundation in the theory of algebraic graph rewriting and work far more incremental then previous approaches. In the first part, we will introduce TGGs and discuss a new concept for TGG-based concurrent model synchronisation. The second part of this talk will in particular stress the theoretical advances that allowed us to develop our approaches and illustrate the key ideas of the synchronization algorithms using non-trivial examples.

Friday, April 22, 2022 15:00 Europe/Paris
GReTA seminar
Jens Kosiol
Jens Kosiol
Research associate

Jens is postdoctoral research associate in the Software Engineering Group, headed by Gabi Taentzer, at Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany. His research is mainly concerned with advancing the theory of graph transformation and using that theory to formalize methods and procedures that are of interest in software engineering, in particular in model-driven engineering.

Lars Fritsche
Lars Fritsche
PhD Student