Tutorial on Graph Transformation Concepts and Applications - Part 2


This tutorial will be based on the book on “Graph Transformation for Software Engineers” co-authored with Reiko Heckel, University of Leicester, appeared at Springer in 2020. It is the first textbook that explains the most commonly used concepts, notations, techniques and applications of graph transformation in general, broadly accessible terms, without focusing on one particular mathematical representation or implementation approach. While the first part of the book introduces into the fundamentals in a precise, yet informal way, aiming to provides a comprehensive and systematic survey of the concepts, notations and techniques of graph transformation, the second part presents and discusses a range of applications to both model-based software engineering and domain-specific language engineering. The variety of these applications demonstrate how broadly graphs and graph transformations can be used to model, analyse and implement complex software systems and languages. The second part of this tutorial gives an overview of all the applications presented in the book and presents one topic, the detecting of inconsistent requirements, in more detail. The book is available from Springer, and a free authors' copy is available here.

Friday, March 11, 2022 15:00 Europe/Paris
GReTA seminar
Gabriele Taentzer
Gabriele Taentzer
Professor of Computer Science

Research Interests: Model-driven software development, Software quality, Visual domain-specific modelling languages, Graph Transformation: Theory and Applications

Functions: Professor of Software Technology at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Liaison lecturer at Association for Computer Science, Member of the Doctoral Committee of the Cooperative Doctoral Platform at RCCH since 2017, Member of the Graduate Centre for Engineering Sciences since 2018