A categorical diagram editor to help formalising commutation proofs


I will present a categorical diagram editor (https://amblafont.github.io/graph-editor/index.html) implemented in Elm that generates Coq proof scripts (based on the UniMath library), letting the user prove manually commutation of each subdiagram. Conversely, the editor can parse a Coq goal stating equality between two composition of morphisms and generate a diagram out of it.

Friday, March 18, 2022 15:00 Europe/Paris
GReTA-ExACT working group
Ambroise Lafont
Ambroise Lafont

Since 2022, I am a postdoc in the TypeFoundry project in Cambridge. Previously, I was a postdoc in the Cogent team in Sydney. Before, I was a PhD student the Inria team Gallinette at LS2N in Nantes, supervised by Nicolas Tabareau and Tom Hirschowitz.
My research interests mainly lie in Type Theory and Category Theory: see my research and teaching statement.