Tutorial on Graph Transformation Concepts and Applications - Part 3: Modelling, Matching and Reverse Engineering of Services with Visual Contracts


This is the 3rd in a series of tutorials based on the book on /Graph Transformation for Software Engineers/ co-authored with Gabi Taentzer at the University of Marburg.   The first tutorial in this series introduced the fundamental concepts and notations based on Part 1 of the book. The second tutorial provided an overview of the applications in Part 2 and covered in more detail the detection of inconsistent functional requirements,   In this third tutorial we will focus on the use of graph transformation rules as /visual contracts/, to model services from both a provider’s and requester’s point of view, and match required with provided services. We also describe how to reverse engineer visual contracts from service implementations in Java.   The book is available to buy from Springer and a free pdf copy  can be found at the authors’ site.

Friday, March 25, 2022 15:00 Europe/Paris
GReTA seminar
Reiko Heckel
Reiko Heckel
Professor in Software Engineering

Reiko joined the University of Leicester in 2004 as Reader, was appointed Professor in Software Engineering in 2007 and served as Head of Department 2014-2018. He is the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Data Analytics Lead of the Leicester Innovation Hub, the university’s shop window to local industry. Before coming to Leicester, Reiko held academic positions in Paderborn and Dortmund. He studied Computer Science at the Technical Universities of Dresden and Berlin and received his PhD (Dr.-Ing.) from the TU Berlin in 1998. Reiko is known for his work on model-based development, reengineering and testing, model transformations and the semantics of modelling languages. He published extensively on graph transformation, its concurrency theory, timed and stochastic variants, modularity and refinement. Reiko is chair of the Steering Committee the International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT) and president of the European Association for Software Science and Technology (EASST). He was co-chair of FASE 2006, ICGT 2008 as well as CALCO 2013. He is a member of the IFIP WG 1.3 - Foundations of System Specification.