PBPO+: A Unifiying Theory for Quasitoposes


Last year we proposed PBPO+, which extends the Pullback-Pushout (PBPO) approach by Corradini et al. with strong matching. Now, we have proved that in the setting of quasitoposes (and assuming regular monic matching), PBPO+ can define all rewrite relations definable by PBPO, AGREE, SqPO and DPO – as well as additional ones. In this sense, PBPO+ can be considered a unifying theory in this setting. In this talk we reflect on the notion of a quasitopos, and explain how from its many nice properties our result can be obtained. This is joint work with Jörg Endrullis and Aloïs Rosset.

Friday, May 20, 2022 15:00 Europe/Paris
GReTA seminar
Roy Overbeek
Roy Overbeek
PhD Student

I am a PhD student at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, interested in term rewriting, graph rewriting and formal verification. Most of my current research centers around the recently proposed algebraic rewriting approach PBPO+.