Rewriting for Monoidal Closed Categories


Previous work has shown that string diagrams for freely generated symmetric monoidal categories can be viewed as hypergraphs with interfaces, and the axioms of these categories can be realized by rewriting systems. This work proposes hierarchical hypergraphs as a suitable formalization of string diagrams for monoidal closed categories. We then show double pushout rewriting captures the axioms of these closed categories.

Friday, May 19, 2023 15:00 Europe/Paris
GReTA seminar
David Sprunger
David Sprunger
Assistant Professor

David Sprunger is currently an assistant professor in the mathematics and computer science department at Indiana State University. David was previously a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham, working on the EPSRC project “Nominal String Diagrams” with Dan Ghica, Fabio Zanasi, and Alexandra Silva. Before that, he was a project researcher at the ERATO MMSD project working with Ichiro Hasuo and Shin-ya Katsumata, among others. He got his PhD in 2017 as a student of Larry Moss.