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Task T2.1: Common language and interface

  1. The IF language developed at Verimag (UJF) is adopted as a common language for model description (D3). This allows the use of SDL as a specification language, through the connection between ObjectGeode and the IF environment. Tools developed in the project use IF as input language.
  2. In [BGM01] (D1), the Grenoble group summarizes its experience with the language IF and the IF environment in the specification and the validation of distributed software systems, including telecommunication protocols.
  3. In [VER01] (D3), a new version of the language IF-2.0 is defined including dynamic creation of processes. This feature appears in many protocols such as for instance the PGM protocol [VR01] (D1). A compiler and a simulator for this new version have been implemented, and preliminary experiments with the new specification of the PGM have been carried out.
  4. An extension of the IF language is under study in order to include parametric descriptions of networks of identical processes.