by Braida, Arthur, Martiel, Simon and Todinca, Ioan
Avoided level crossings with exponentially closing gaps in quantum annealing (Braida, Arthur, Martiel, Simon and Todinca, Ioan), In Phys. Rev. A, American Physical Society, volume 109, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Braida, Arthur and Martiel, Simon and Todinca, Ioan},
date-added = {2024-09-14 17:01:23 +0200},
date-modified = {2024-09-14 17:01:23 +0200},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevA.109.022415},
issue = {2},
journal = {Phys. Rev. A},
month = {Feb},
numpages = {13},
pages = {022415},
publisher = {American Physical Society},
title = {Avoided level crossings with exponentially closing gaps in quantum annealing},
url = {},
volume = {109},
year = {2024},
bdsk-url-1 = {},
bdsk-url-2 = {}}