On the Possibility of Classical Client Blind Quantum Computing (bibtex)
by Cojocaru, Alexandru, Colisson, Léo, Kashefi, Elham and Wallden, Petros
Classical client remote state preparation (CC − RSP) is a primitive where a fully classical party (client) can instruct the preparation of a sequence of random quantum states on some distant party (server) in a way that the description is known to the client but remains hidden from the server. This primitive has many applications, most prominently, it makes blind quantum computing possible for classical clients. In this work, we give a protocol for classical client remote state preparation, that requires minimal resources. The protocol is proven secure against honest-but-curious servers and any malicious third party in a game-based security framework. We provide an instantiation of a trapdoor (approximately) 2-regular family of functions whose security is based on the hardness of the Learning-With-Errors problem, including a first analysis of the set of usable parameters. We also run an experimentation on IBM’s quantum cloud using a toy function. This is the first proof-of-principle experiment of classical client remote state preparation.
On the Possibility of Classical Client Blind Quantum Computing (Cojocaru, Alexandru, Colisson, Léo, Kashefi, Elham and Wallden, Petros), In Cryptography, volume 5, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
	abstract = {Classical client remote state preparation (CC − RSP) is a primitive where a fully classical party (client) can instruct the preparation of a sequence of random quantum states on some distant party (server) in a way that the description is known to the client but remains hidden from the server. This primitive has many applications, most prominently, it makes blind quantum computing possible for classical clients. In this work, we give a protocol for classical client remote state preparation, that requires minimal resources. The protocol is proven secure against honest-but-curious servers and any malicious third party in a game-based security framework. We provide an instantiation of a trapdoor (approximately) 2-regular family of functions whose security is based on the hardness of the Learning-With-Errors problem, including a first analysis of the set of usable parameters. We also run an experimentation on IBM’s quantum cloud using a toy function. This is the first proof-of-principle experiment of classical client remote state preparation.},
	article-number = {3},
	author = {Cojocaru, Alexandru and Colisson, Léo and Kashefi, Elham and Wallden, Petros},
	date-added = {2021-03-21 19:41:10 +0100},
	date-modified = {2021-03-21 19:41:10 +0100},
	doi = {10.3390/cryptography5010003},
	issn = {2410-387X},
	journal = {Cryptography},
	number = {1},
	title = {On the Possibility of Classical Client Blind Quantum Computing},
	url = {https://www.mdpi.com/2410-387X/5/1/3},
	volume = {5},
	year = {2021},
	bdsk-url-1 = {https://www.mdpi.com/2410-387X/5/1/3},
	bdsk-url-2 = {https://doi.org/10.3390/cryptography5010003}}
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