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6 Outputs

CELIA outputs the following files:

contains the C code normalized by Frama-C where each statement has a unique identifier (C comment containing sid). This file contains the full coded needed by the analysis.
contains the inter-procedural control flow graph (ICFG) considered by the analysis. Also, it provides (section penv) the encoding of each function variable into a domain variable.
contains the result of the analysis, i.e., for each statement the number of the file .shp containing the invariant computed by CELIA.
shape files containing the invariants computed by CELIA. To obtain a dot representation of this file please use the program com/
How to read shape files?

A shape file f_XXX.shp is a list of tuples built from

For the domains LSUM and MSET, the constraints attached to the graph are conjunctions of linear constraints involving the following terms:

represents the value stored in a scalar program variable (see file pan.eq to obtain the variable name),
represents the value stored in the head of the sub-list represented by the node n,
represents the number of nodes in the sub-list represented by the node n,
represents the sum of values stored in the tail of the sub-list represented by the node n,
represents the singleton mouldiest containing only the value stored in the first element (head) of the sub-list represented by node n,
represents the multiset containing the values stored in the tail of the sub-list represented by node n,

For example, the constraint


in the multi-set constraints in the first shape graph of intlist-lib-add.c:sid:6 says that the multisets of tails of sub-lists represented by nodes n2 and n3 are equal.

For the domain UCONS, the constraints attached to the graph are conjunction structured as follows:

For example, the UCONS constraints in the file intlist-sort-insert:sid:40 contains two universally quantified constraints, both concerning the node n1: