CMRS is a tool for algorithmic verification of invariants for Constrained Petri Nets (CPN). These models may abstract protocoles built from processes with unique identifiers, process creation, inter-process communication by rendez-vous, procedure call.
Constrained Petri Nets (CPN for short) [May98] is a finite set of rules of the form
p1,..,pn -> q1,...,qm : Awhere pi and qi are places and A is a formula called transition guard over the variables denoting the data of tokens moving from/to the involved places. Examples of programs modeled using CPN can be found in [BEDJ09, BJS07].
CMRS has as input a CPN model and its invariant property. It does inductive invariant checking for each rule. The verification conditions generated for that belong to a logic fragment, called CML (Colored Marking Logic) defined in [BJS07], for which CMRS includes a decision procedure.
CMRS is written, debugged, maintained and improved by Mihaela Sighireanu with contributions from and Selma Saidi.
You can download the CMRS tool via HTTP.
For installing CMRS you need:
Last updated: Wed Feb 19 2020