Comigrate ========= * "arch: all" packages are not properly handled: we should allow them to become broken on all architectures but i386. * on "break" architectures, we need to remove binary packages without corresponding source packages from the Heidi output (or do we have the right semantics for these architectures?) ===> we should just not check co-installability on break_arch ??? (but not true for smooth upgrade...) * Issue with --equivocal (not the same choices made in both cases...) We should probably start by checking just installability, and then refine with co-installability. Fatal error: exception Assert_failure("", 2517, 2) Called from file "", line 2538, characters 4-70 Called from file "", line 2706, characters 2-6 * Les problèmes empéchant la migration de bibliothéques sujet à smooth-upgrade n'apparaissent pas dans les excuses...