
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Contextual Implicit.

Require Import Utf8.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Relation_Definitions.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Program.
(* Notation "a ~ A" := (single a A). *)
Require Import Sets.Ensembles.
Require Import ImpAlg.Lattices.
Require Import ImpAlg.ImplicativeStructures.
Require Import ImpAlg.Lambda.

The goal of this file is to prove the adequacy of the interpretation of λ-terms in implicative structures. Namely, writting - the intepretations of terms and types, we want to prove the following implication:
⊢ t: T => tT
From now on, we assume that an implicative structure is fixed, we shall refer to it as IS.

Section Adequacy.
  Context `{IS:ImplicativeStructure}.

  Infix "@" := (app ) (at level 59, left associativity):ia_scope.
  Notation "λ- f":= (abs f) (at level 60):ia_scope.
  Definition cc `{IS:ImplicativeStructure} :=⋂[a] (⋂[b] (((a b) a) a)).

Proof tactics

Because tactics do not survive to sections, we need to redefine the tactic from LibLN to pick fresh variables.
Ltac gather_vars :=
    let A := gather_vars_with (fun x : vars => x) in
    let B := gather_vars_with (fun x : var => \{x}) in
    let C := gather_vars_with (fun x : env => (dom x)\u (@codom X x)) in
    let D := gather_vars_with (fun x : trm => @fv_trm X x) in
    let E := gather_vars_with (fun x : typ => @fv_typ X x) in
    constr:(A \u B \u C \u D \u E).

Tactic pick_fresh x adds to the context a new variable x and a proof that it is fresh from all of the other variables gathered by tactic gather_vars.

Ltac pick_fresh Y :=
  let L := gather_vars in (pick_fresh_gen L Y).

Tactic apply_fresh T as y takes a lemma T of the form forall L ..., (forall x, x \notin L, P x) -> ... -> Q. instanciate L to be the set of variables occuring in the context (by gather_vars), then introduces for the premise with the cofinite quantification the name x as "y" (the second parameter of the tactic), and the proof that x is not in L.

Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" constr(T) "as" ident(x) :=
  apply_fresh_base T gather_vars x.
Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" "*" constr(T) "as" ident(x) :=
  apply_fresh T as x; auto_star.
Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" constr(T) :=
  apply_fresh_base T gather_vars ltac_no_arg.
Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" "*" constr(T) :=
  apply_fresh T; auto_star.

We define some tactics to automatize the resolution of goals involving simple inequalities and arbitrary meet

Ltac adjunction_mon:=
    match goal with
      | |- (_ ?a _ ?a) => apply arrow_mon_l
      | |- (?a _ ?a _ )=> apply arrow_mon_r
      | |- _@?a _@?a => apply app_mon_l
      | |- _ ?a (_@?a)=> apply adjunction
      | |- ?a _ (?a@_)=> apply adjunction
      | |- (?a _)@?a _ => apply adjunction
      | |- (_ ?a)@_ ?a => apply adjunction
    end;try (apply ord_refl); auto.

Ltac repeat_meet_intro :=
    (apply meet_intro;intros ?x ?Hx;
     repeat (
         match goal with
           | Ha: exists x, _ |- _ => destruct Ha as (?x,?Hx)
           | Ha: ?a = _ |- _ ?a => rewrite Ha
           | Ha: _ _ |- _ => destruct Ha as (?Ha1,?Ha2)

Ltac auto_meet_elim :=
  apply meet_elim;
  match goal with
    | |- (exists !a, ?b _ = ?a _ )=> exists ?b;reflexivity
    | |- _ => auto

Embedding of λ-terms and types into implicative structures

We define a substitution as a function mapping variables to elements of the implicative structure IS.

Definition substitution := var X.

Definition update σ v c:var X :=
  fun a => If v=a then c else σ a.

Application of a substitution to a pre-term:

Fixpoint subst_trm (t:trm) (σ:substitution) {struct t} :=
  match t with
    |trm_bvar n => trm_bvar n
    |trm_fvar a => trm_cvar (σ a)
    |trm_cvar a => trm_cvar a
    |trm_abs t0 => trm_abs (subst_trm t0 σ)
    |trm_app t u => trm_app (subst_trm t σ) (subst_trm u σ)
    |trm_cc => trm_cc

Application of a substitution to a pre-type:

Fixpoint subst_typ (T:typ) (σ:substitution) {struct T} :=
  match T with
    |typ_bvar n => typ_bvar n
    |typ_fvar X => typ_cvar (σ X)
    |typ_cvar a => typ_cvar a
    |typ_fall T => typ_fall (subst_typ T σ)
    |typ_arrow T U => typ_arrow (subst_typ T σ) (subst_typ U σ)

Notation "{ k ~> u } t" := (open_rec_trm k t u) (at level 67).
Notation "t ^^ u" := (open_trm t u) (at level 67).
Notation "t ^c a" := (open_trm t (trm_cvar a)) (at level 67).
Notation "t ^v a" := (open_trm t (trm_fvar a)) (at level 67).
Notation "{ k ~t> U } T" := (open_rec_typ k T U) (at level 67).
Notation "T ^t^ U" := (open_typ T U) (at level 67).
Notation "T ^tc a" := (open_typ T (typ_cvar a)) (at level 67).
Notation "T ^t X" := (open_typ T (typ_fvar X)) (at level 67).

Properties of the substitutions wrt free variables
Lemma subst_trm_var: t u x σ τ , u \notin fv_trm(t) τ u = x ( y, y u τ y=σ y)
  subst_trm (t ^v u) τ = subst_trm t σ ^c x.
  intro t.
  unfold open_trm.
  generalize 0.
  induction t;intros k u a σ τ Hu Ha H;simpl in *;auto.
  - case_nat;simpl;auto. now rewrite Ha.
  - f_equal; now apply H, not_eq_sym, notin_singleton.
  - rewrite (IHt _ _ a σ);auto.
  - rewrite (IHt1 _ _ a σ);auto.
    rewrite (IHt2 _ _ a σ);auto.

Translation of terms

We define the translation through a predicate, we define afterwards a translation function which we show to be correct when the input is a term.
We now define the translation of pre-types as a fixpoint. To prove that this fixpoint terminates, we need to define it with an extra parameter (the fioul) which will be taken as the size of the pre-type we translate.

Fixpoint trans_trm_aux (σ:substitution) (t:@trm X) fioul {struct fioul}: X :=
  match fioul with
    | 0 => (top)
    | Datatypes.S f =>
      (match t:trm with
         |trm_cvar x => x
         |trm_fvar x => σ x
         |trm_cc => cc
         |trm_app t1 t2 => (trans_trm_aux σ t1 f) @ (trans_trm_aux σ t2 f)
         |trm_abs t' => (λ- (λ x,trans_trm_aux σ (t' ^c x) f))
         | _ => (top)

Definition trans_trm σ t:=trans_trm_aux σ t (size t).

We prove the soundness of the fixpoint with respect to the function "translated".
The function trans_trm is intrinsically limited by the size of the pre-term in argument, that is to say that if the amount of fioul is superior to the size of the argument, the result is unchanged.

Lemma trans_trm_fioul_aux:
   n p t σ, p<= n size t <= p trans_trm_aux σ t p = trans_trm_aux σ t (size t).
  intro n;induction n;intros p t σ Hp Size;[exfalso;apply (size_not_0 t);omega|].
  destruct t; destruct p;simpl in *;trivial;try omega.
  - apply ord_antisym;apply meet_intro;intros z (y,Hy) ;apply meet_elim;exists y;rewrite Hy;
      rewrite <- (size_open_c t y 0) in *;[symmetry | ];f_equal;apply* IHn; omega.
  - assert (H1:=size_le_1 t1). assert (H2:=size_le_1 t2). omega.
  - assert (size t1 + size t2 <= S n) as H by omega.
    destruct (size_plus_S t1 t2) as (m,(Hm,(Hm1,Hm2))).
    rewrite Hm. simpl.
    f_equal;symmetry; rewrite IHn;try omega;symmetry;apply IHn;omega.

Lemma trans_trm_fioul:
   p t σ, size t <= p trans_trm_aux σ t p = trans_trm_aux σ t (size t).
  intros p t σ Size; apply (@trans_trm_fioul_aux p);trivial.

Lemma trans_trm_fold:
   t σ n, size t <= n trans_trm_aux σ t n = trans_trm σ t.
  intros t σ n Size. unfold trans_trm.
  apply trans_trm_fioul;trivial.

Properties of the translation function
Translation of application
Lemma trans_trm_app:
   t u σ, trans_trm σ (trm_app t u) = (trans_trm σ t) @ (trans_trm σ u).
  unfold trans_trm.
  destruct (size_plus_S t u) as (p,(Hp,(Hp1,Hp2))).
  rewrite Hp. simpl.
  rewrite~ trans_trm_fioul.
  rewrite~ trans_trm_fioul.

Translation of abstraction
Lemma trans_trm_abs:
   t σ, trans_trm (σ:substitution) (trm_abs t) = (λ- (λ x, trans_trm σ (t ^c x))).
  unfold trans_trm,open_trm.
  apply ord_antisym.
  - apply meet_intro;intros x (y,Hy) ;apply meet_elim;exists y; rewrite~ (@size_open_c X) in Hy.
  - apply meet_intro;intros x (y,Hy) ;apply meet_elim;exists y; rewrite~ (@size_open_c X).

The most technical lemma, to prove that if t is a pre-term, v a fresh variable, σ a substitution and a an element of IS, then the translation of t{0:=v} with the subsitution σv:=a is equal to the translation of t{0:=a} with the substitution σ .

Hint Resolve term_cvar term_var term_abs term_app.

Lemma trans_trm_var: t v x (σ:substitution) τ, v \notin fv_trm(t) τ v = x ( y, y v τ y=σ y)
                                   trans_trm τ (t ^v v) = trans_trm σ (t ^c x).
  intro t. unfold open_trm. generalize 0.
  apply (size_ind (fun t => (n:nat) (v : var) (x : X) (σ τ : var X),
   v \notin fv_trm t τ v = x ( y : var, y v τ y = σ y)
          trans_trm τ ({n ~> trm_fvar v} t) = trans_trm σ ({n ~> trm_cvar x} t)));auto.
  intros n IHn t0 Size k v a σ τ Hv Ha H.
  destruct t0;simpl;auto.
  - case_nat;compute;auto.
  - compute. simpl in Hv.
    now apply H, not_eq_sym, notin_singleton.
  - do 2 (rewrite trans_trm_abs).
    unfold open_trm.
    apply ord_antisym;apply meet_intro; intros x (y,Hy);
      apply meet_elim; exists y; rewrite Hy;f_equal;
        rewrite (@open_trm_com_ct X);auto.
    + rewrite (@open_trm_com_ct X _ (trm_fvar v));auto.
      assert (size ({0 ~> trm_cvar y} t0) <= n).
      rewrite size_open_c;simpl in Size; now inversion Size.
      rewrite (IHn _ H0 _ _ a σ τ);auto.
      simpl in Hv. now rewrite fv_trm_subst.
    + rewrite (@open_trm_com_ct X _ (trm_cvar a));auto.
      assert (size ({0 ~> trm_cvar y} t0) <= n).
      rewrite size_open_c;simpl in Size; now inversion Size.
      rewrite (IHn _ H0 _ _ a σ τ);auto.
      simpl in Hv. now rewrite fv_trm_subst.
  - repeat (rewrite trans_trm_app).
    simpl in *.
    rewrite~ (IHn _ (size_app_le_l _ _ (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ Size)) k v a σ τ).
    rewrite~ (IHn _ (size_app_le_r _ _ (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ Size)) k v a σ τ).

We can finally prove the correction of the translation of terms :

Lemma trans_correct:
   (t:trm) (σ:substitution), term (t:trm) translated (subst_trm (t:trm) σ ) (trans_trm σ t).
  intros t σ Term; generalize σ;induction Term;intros.
 - compute;simpl. apply tr_cvar.
 - compute;simpl. apply tr_cvar.
 - simpl. rewrite trans_trm_abs.
   apply tr_abs. pick_fresh v.
   specialize (H0 v (notin_union_r1 Fr)). intro c.
   rewrite~ <-(@subst_trm_var t v c σ0 (update σ0 v c));
     try(now intros;compute;try(apply~ If_l);try(apply~ If_r)).
   rewrite~ <- (@trans_trm_var t v c σ0 (update σ0 v c));
     now intros;compute;try(apply~ If_l);try(apply~ If_r).
 - rewrite trans_trm_app. simpl. now apply tr_app.
 - simpl;apply tr_cc.

Lemma subst_closed: t σ, fv_trm t = \{} subst_trm t σ = t.
  intros t σ H;generalize σ;clear σ;induction t;intros σ.
  - reflexivity.
  - inversion H. simpl in H1. exfalso.
    apply (@notin_empty _ v). rewrite <- H1. apply in_singleton_self.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHt;trivial.
  - simpl. rewrite IHt1;[rewrite IHt2|];trivial;simpl in H;
    now destruct (union_empty H).
  - reflexivity.

Lemma translated_closed: t, closed t a, translated t a.
  intros t (Term,Fv).
  pose (σ:=(λ _,top):substitution).
  exists (trans_trm σ t).
  rewrite <- (subst_closed σ Fv) at 1.
  now apply trans_correct.

The translation of a term is unique, ie "translated" is a functional relation in P(term * X):

Lemma translated_unique:
   t y z, translated t y translated t z y = z.
  apply (size_ind (fun x => (y z : X), translated x y translated x z y = z)).
  - destruct t.
    + inversion H1.
    + inversion H1.
    + inversion H1. inversion H2.
      rewrite <- H3,H5.
    + inversion H1. inversion H2.
      apply ord_antisym; apply meet_intro;
      intros a [b Ha]; rewrite Ha;apply meet_elim;
      exists b;replace (f0 b) with (f b);auto;
      apply (H (t^c b));auto;
        inversion H0;unfold open_trm;
        rewrite size_open_c;
    + inversion H1. inversion H2.
      replace x with x0.
      replace y0 with y1;auto.
      apply (H t2 (size_app_le_r t1 t2 (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ H0)) _ _ H12 H7);auto.
      now apply (H t1 (size_app_le_l t1 t2 (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ H0)) _ _ H10 H5).
    + inversion H1. now inversion H2.

Inversion of the property (translated λt a)
Lemma translated_abs_inv :
t a, translated (trm_abs t) a f,(a = λ- (λ x : X, f x) x, translated (t ^c x) (f x)).
intros t a H.
inversion H.
exists f;split;trivial.

If a preterm has a translated element in an IS, then it is term
Lemma translated_term_n: n (u:@trm X) a, size u<=n translated u a term u.
intro n; induction n; intros u a Size H;[exfalso; apply (size_not_0 u); omega|].
inversion H.
- apply term_cvar.
- apply_fresh (@term_abs X).
  apply (term_subst t _ a).
  apply (IHn _ (f a));trivial.
  unfold open_trm;rewrite size_open_c.
  subst. simpl in Size. omega.
- subst. inversion H. subst. simpl in Size. apply term_app;eapply IHn.
+ now apply size_app_le_l in Size.
+ exact H0.
+ now apply size_app_le_r in Size.
+ exact H1.
- apply term_cc.

Lemma translated_term: (u:@trm X) a, translated u a term u.
intros u a Hu.
now apply (@translated_term_n (size u) u a).

Compatibility of the translation with substitution

Lemma translated_subst_n: n t u v a k, size t <= n
  translated u a translated v a -> z, (translated ({k~> u} t ) z translated ({k~> v} t ) z).
intro n; induction n; intros t u v a k Size Hu Hv c Ht;[exfalso;apply (size_not_0 t);omega|].
destruct t;cbn in *;trivial.
- case_nat;trivial.
now destruct (translated_unique Hu Ht).
- inversion Ht.
  apply tr_abs. intros x.
 unfold open_trm. rewrite open_trm_com_ct;[|apply (translated_term Hv)|omega].
 apply (IHn _ u _ a);auto.
 + rewrite size_open_c. omega.
 + rewrite <- open_trm_com_ct;[|apply (translated_term Hu)|omega]. apply H0.
- inversion Ht. apply tr_app;apply (IHn _ u _ a);auto;
[now apply size_app_le_l in Size| now apply size_app_le_r in Size].

Lemma translated_subst: t u v a k,
  translated u a translated v a -> z, (translated ({k~> u} t ) z translated ({k~> v} t ) z).
  intros t u v a k Hu Hv c Ht.
  now apply (@translated_subst_n (size t) t u v a k).

Adequacy wrt ß-reduction

Proposition 15: (t → u) ⇒ (tu)

Lemma imp_betared_n:
n t t' a a', size t<= n size t' <= n translated t a translated t' a' betared t t' a a'.
intro n; induction n; intros t t' a a' St St' Ht Ht' Hred;[exfalso;apply (size_not_0 t);omega|].
inversion Hred;intros .
- subst. inversion Ht. subst.
  destruct (translated_abs_inv H3) as [f [H1 H2]].
  subst. apply beta_red.
  apply by_refl. symmetry.
  apply (translated_unique (Ht')).
  apply (@translated_subst _ (trm_cvar y) _ y);[ apply tr_cvar| assumption | apply H2].
- subst. inversion Ht. inversion Ht'. subst.
  destruct (translated_unique H5 H10). simpl in *.
  apply app_mon_l. apply (IHn t1 t1');trivial;
  eapply size_app_le_l; [exact St|exact St'].
- subst. inversion Ht. inversion Ht'. subst.
  destruct (translated_unique H3 H8).
  apply app_mon_r. apply (IHn t2 t2');trivial;
  eapply size_app_le_r; [exact St|exact St'].
- subst. simpl in *. inversion Ht;inversion Ht'.
  auto_meet_intro. auto_meet_elim_trans. apply arrow_mon_r.
  apply (IHn (t1 ^c a0) (t1' ^c a0));try(unfold open_trm;rewrite size_open_c;omega);trivial.
  apply (beta_cvar) with L0;trivial.

Lemma imp_betared:
t t' a a', translated t a translated t' a' betared t t' a a'.
  intros t t' a a' Ht Ht' Bred.
  apply (@imp_betared_n (max (size t) (size t')) t t');auto with arith.

Translation of types

We apply the same rationale to define the translation of types through a predicate, for which we define afterwards a translation function that we show to be correct when the input is a type

Inductive translated_typ : typ X Prop :=
|tr_typ_var: x, translated_typ (typ_cvar x) x
|tr_typ_arrow: T U x y, (translated_typ T x)
                           (translated_typ U y)
                           translated_typ (typ_arrow T U) (x y)
|tr_typ_fall: T f, ( x, translated_typ (T ^tc x) (f x))
                      translated_typ (typ_fall T) ( (fun x => y, x=f y)) .

Fixpoint trans_typ_aux (σ:substitution) (T: typ) fioul {struct fioul}: X :=
  match fioul with
    | 0 => (top)
    | Datatypes.S f =>
      (match T with
         |typ_cvar x => x
         |typ_fvar x => σ x
         |typ_arrow T U => (trans_typ_aux σ T (f)) (trans_typ_aux σ U (f))
         |typ_fall T => ( (fun x => y, x=trans_typ_aux σ (T ^tc y) (f)))
         | _ => (top)

Definition trans_typ σ T:=trans_typ_aux σ T (size_typ T).

We prove the soundness of the fixpoint with respect to the function "translated".

Lemma trans_typ_fall: T σ,
         trans_typ (σ:substitution) (typ_fall T) = ( (fun x => y, x=trans_typ σ (T ^tc y))).
  unfold trans_typ,open_typ.
  apply ord_antisym.
  - apply meet_intro;intros x (y,Hy) ;apply meet_elim;exists y; rewrite~ (@size_typ_open X) in Hy.
  - apply meet_intro;intros x (y,Hy) ;apply meet_elim;exists y; rewrite~ (@size_typ_open X).

(* TODO : REMOVE ? *)
Ltac rewrite_S:=
  match goal with
    | H:_>=1 |- _ => let HS:= fresh H in destruct (geq_1_S H) as (?,HS);rewrite HS;simpl;try tauto
    | H:_>= S _ |- _ => let HS:= fresh H in destruct (geq_S_S H) as (?,(HS,?));rewrite HS;simpl;try tauto
    | H:_>= Datatypes.S _ |- _ => let HS:= fresh H in destruct (Datatypes.S H) as (?,(HS,?));rewrite HS;simpl;try tauto

The function trans_typ is intrinsically limited by the size of the pre-type in argument, that is to say that if the amount of fioul is superior to the size of the argument, the result is unchanged.
Lemma trans_typ_fioul:
   T σ n, size_typ T <= n trans_typ_aux σ T n = trans_typ_aux σ T (size_typ T).
  apply (size_typ_ind (fun T => (σ : substitution) (n : nat),
   n size_typ T trans_typ_aux σ T n = trans_typ_aux σ T (size_typ T))). intros n IH T Size σ m Hm.
  - destruct T; simpl in *;try rewrite_S.
    + apply eq_add_S in Size. apply ord_antisym;apply meet_intro;intros z (y,Hy) ;apply meet_elim;exists y;rewrite Hy;
      rewrite <- (size_typ_open T y 0) in *;[symmetry | ];apply* IH;rewrite~ Size.
    + destruct (size_typ_plus_S T1 T2) as (p,(Hp,(Hp1,Hp2))).
      rewrite Hp in *.
      destruct m;try omega.
      inversion Size;subst.
      inversion Hm;subst;trivial.
      rewrite~ (IH T1);[|omega].
      rewrite~ (IH T2);[|omega].
      f_equal;symmetry;apply* IH.

Lemma trans_typ_fold:
   T σ n, size_typ T <= n trans_typ_aux σ T n = trans_typ σ T.
  unfold trans_typ.
  apply~ trans_typ_fioul.

Lemma trans_typ_arrow: T U σ,
                         trans_typ σ (typ_arrow T U) = (trans_typ σ T) (trans_typ σ U).
  unfold trans_typ.
  destruct (size_typ_plus_S T U) as (p,(Hp,(Hp1,Hp2))).
  rewrite Hp.
  rewrite~ trans_typ_fioul.
  rewrite~ trans_typ_fioul.

Lemma subst_typ_var: T U x σ τ , U \notin fv_typ(T) τ U = x ( y, y U τ y=σ y)
  subst_typ (T ^t U) τ = subst_typ T σ ^tc x.
  intro T.
  unfold open_typ.
  generalize 0.
  induction T;intros k U a σ τ HU Ha H;simpl in *;auto.
  - unfold open_typ.
    unfold open_rec_typ.
    rewrite~ Ha.
  - f_equal; now apply H, not_eq_sym, notin_singleton.
  - rewrite (IHT _ _ a σ);auto.
  - rewrite (IHT1 _ _ a σ);auto.
    rewrite (IHT2 _ _ a σ);auto.

Lemma fv_typ_subst: (T:@typ X) y, fv_typ ({0 ~t> typ_cvar y} T) = fv_typ T.
  intro T.
  generalize 0.
  induction T;simpl;intros;auto.
  - case_nat;simpl;auto.
  - rewrite IHT1.
    rewrite~ IHT2.

The most technical lemma, to prove that if T is a pre-type, X a fresh variable, σ a substitution and a an element of IS, then the translation of T{0:=X} with the subsitution σX:=a is equal to the translation of T{0:=a} with the substitution σ .

Lemma trans_typ_var: T U x (σ:substitution) τ, U \notin fv_typ(T) τ U = x ( y, y U τ y=σ y)
                                   trans_typ τ (T ^t U) = trans_typ σ (T ^tc x).
  intro T.
  unfold open_typ.
  generalize 0.
  apply (size_typ_ind (fun T => (n:nat) (U : var) (x : X) (σ τ : var X),
   U \notin fv_typ T
      τ U = x
        ( y : var, y U τ y = σ y)
          trans_typ τ ({n ~t> typ_fvar U} T) =
           trans_typ σ ({n ~t> typ_cvar x} T)));auto.
  intros n IHn T0 Size k U a σ τ HU Ha H.
  destruct T0;simpl;auto.
  - case_nat;compute;auto.
  - compute. simpl in HU.
    now apply H, not_eq_sym, notin_singleton.
  - rewrite trans_typ_fall.
    rewrite trans_typ_fall.
    unfold open_typ.
    apply ord_antisym;apply meet_intro; intros x (y,Hy);
      apply meet_elim;exists y; rewrite Hy;
        rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_cf X); rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_cc X).
    + symmetry.
      assert (size_typ ({0 ~t> typ_cvar y} T0) <= n) as S0;
        [rewrite size_typ_open;simpl in Size; now inversion Size|].
      apply (IHn _ S0 _ _ a σ τ);auto; simpl in HU;rewrite~ fv_typ_subst.
    + assert (size_typ ({0 ~t> typ_cvar y} T0) <= n) as S0.
      rewrite size_typ_open;simpl in Size; now inversion Size.
      apply (IHn _ S0 _ _ a σ τ);auto; simpl in HU;rewrite~ fv_typ_subst.
  - repeat (rewrite trans_typ_arrow).
    simpl in *.
    rewrite~ (IHn _ (size_typ_arrow_le_l _ _ (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ Size)) k U a σ τ).
    rewrite~ (IHn _ (size_typ_arrow_le_r _ _ (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ Size)) k U a σ τ).

We can finally prove the correction of the translation of types :

Lemma trans_typ_correct:
   T (σ:substitution), type T translated_typ (subst_typ T σ ) (trans_typ σ T).
intros T σ Typ; generalize σ;induction Typ;intros.
- compute;simpl.
  apply tr_typ_var.
- compute;simpl.
  apply tr_typ_var.
- simpl.
  rewrite trans_typ_fall.
  apply tr_typ_fall.
  pick_fresh U.
  specialize (H0 U (notin_union_r1 Fr)).
  intro x.
  rewrite~ <- (@subst_typ_var T U x σ0 (update σ0 U x));
     try(now intros;compute;try(apply~ If_l);try(apply~ If_r)).
  rewrite~ <- (@trans_typ_var T U x σ0 (update σ0 U x));
    try(now intros;compute;try(apply~ If_l);try(apply~ If_r)).
- rewrite trans_typ_arrow. simpl.
  apply~ tr_typ_arrow.

The translation of a type is unique:

Lemma translated_typ_unique:
   T y z, translated_typ T y translated_typ T z y = z.
  apply (size_typ_ind (fun x => (y z : X), translated_typ x y translated_typ x z y = z)).
  - destruct T.
    + inversion H1.
    + inversion H1.
    + inversion H1. inversion H2.
      rewrite <- H3,H5. reflexivity.
    + inversion H1. inversion H2.
      apply ord_antisym; apply meet_intro;
      intros a [b Ha]; rewrite Ha;
      apply meet_elim; exists b;
      replace (f0 b) with (f b);auto.
      * apply (H (T ^tc b));auto;
        inversion H0; unfold open_typ;
        rewrite size_typ_open; reflexivity.
      * apply (H (T^tc b));auto;
        inversion H0; unfold open_typ;
        rewrite size_typ_open; reflexivity.
    + inversion H1. inversion H2.
      * apply (H T1 (size_typ_arrow_le_l _ _ (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ H0)) _ _ H10 H5);auto.
      * apply (H T2 (size_typ_arrow_le_r _ _ (Nat.eq_le_incl _ _ H0)) _ _ H12 H7);auto.

We say that a substitution σ "realize" an environement Γ if for each hypothesis (a:A) ∈ Γ, σ(a) = A^σ :
We prove a few properties about the previous definition:

Lemma realize_inv:
   σ x T Γ a, binds x T Γ realize σ Γ
                translated_typ (subst_typ T σ) a σ x a.
  intros σ x T Γ.
  induction Γ;intros.
  - contradict H.
    rewrite <- empty_def .
    apply (binds_empty_inv H).
  - destruct a as (v,A).
    inversion H0.
    + rewrite <- cons_to_push in H2.
      inversion H2.
      subst v;subst A0;subst Γ0.
      clear H2.
      rewrite cons_to_push in *.
      destruct (@var_eq_dec x a) as [Hx | Hx].
      * subst. apply binds_push_eq_inv in H.
        subst. rewrite H3.
        now destruct (translated_typ_unique H4 H1).
      * apply IHΓ;try assumption.
        apply (binds_push_neq_inv H Hx).

Lemma subst_typ_update:
   U σ c y, c \notin (fv_typ U) subst_typ U (update σ c y) =subst_typ U σ.
  intro U.
  induction U;simpl;intros;auto.
  - unfold update. rewrite If_r;[reflexivity|apply (notin_singleton_r H)].
  - rewrite IHU;auto.
  - rewrite IHU1;auto.
    rewrite IHU2;auto.

Lemma realize_update:
   Γ σ c y, c \notin ((dom Γ)\u (codom Γ)) realize σ Γ realize (update σ c y) Γ.
  intro Γ.
  induction Γ;intros.
  - apply real_empty.
  - destruct a as (v,A).
    rewrite cons_to_push in *.
    inversion H0.
    + apply real_empty.
    + repeat (rewrite <- cons_to_push in H1).
      inversion H1.
      rewrite <- H7,H8,H9 in *.
      clear H4 H7 H8 H9 H1.
      apply (@real_push _ _ _ _ b).
      * rewrite <- H2. apply by_refl.
        apply If_r. rewrite dom_push in H.
        do 2 (apply notin_union_r1 in H).
        apply (notin_singleton_r H).
      * rewrite subst_typ_update;auto.
        rewrite codom_push in H. apply notin_union_r2 in H.
        apply notin_union_r1 in H. auto.
      * apply IHΓ;auto. rewrite dom_push,codom_push in H.

Lemma subst_trm_update_open: t σ x v k, v \notin fv_trm t
                                   ({k ~> trm_cvar x} subst_trm t σ) = (subst_trm ({k ~> trm_fvar v} t) (update σ v x)) .
  intro t.
  induction t;intros;simpl.
  - destruct (Nat.eq_dec n k); subst;simpl.
    + unfold update;repeat (rewrite~ If_l;simpl).
    + unfold update;repeat (rewrite~ If_r;simpl).
  - simpl in H; apply notin_singleton in H.
    unfold update; rewrite~ If_r.
  - simpl;reflexivity.
  - simpl. f_equal.
    apply IHt. now simpl in H.
  - simpl in H.
    apply notin_union in H as (H1,H2).
    f_equal;[apply~ IHt1|apply~ IHt2].
  - reflexivity.

Lemma subst_trm_update: t σ x v, v \notin fv_trm t
                                   (subst_trm t σ) = (subst_trm t (update σ v x)).
  intro t.
  induction t;intros;simpl;try intuition.
  - simpl in H; apply notin_singleton in H.
    unfold update; rewrite~ If_r.
  - f_equal;apply IHt. now simpl in H.
  - simpl in H. apply notin_union in H as (H1,H2).
    f_equal;[apply~ IHt1|apply~ IHt2].

Hint Unfold open_typ.

Lemma trans_typ_update: T U σ y k, y \notin (fv_typ T) trans_typ σ ({k ~t> typ_cvar (trans_typ σ U)} T) =
   trans_typ (update σ y (trans_typ σ U)) ({k ~t> typ_cvar (trans_typ σ U)} T).
  apply (size_typ_ind (fun T => U σ y k, y \notin (fv_typ T) trans_typ σ ({k ~t> typ_cvar (trans_typ σ U)} T) = trans_typ (update σ y (trans_typ σ U)) ({k ~t> typ_cvar (trans_typ σ U)} T))).
  intros n IH T Size U σ y k Fr.
  destruct T;simpl;intros.
  - destruct (Nat.eq_dec n0 k); subst;simpl.
    + unfold update;repeat (rewrite~ If_l;simpl).
    + unfold update;repeat (rewrite~ If_r;simpl).
  - simpl in Size; apply notin_singleton in Fr.
    cbn. unfold update; rewrite~ If_r.
  - simpl;reflexivity.
  - cbn. apply ord_antisym;
    apply meet_intro;intros x (z,Hx);subst;
    apply meet_elim; exists z; simpl in Fr;
    do 2 (rewrite trans_typ_fold;[|unfold open_typ;rewrite~ (@size_typ_open X)]);
    unfold open_typ; rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_cc X);
    [symmetry|]; apply IH.
    + rewrite size_typ_open;simpl in Size;now inversion Size.
    + now rewrite fv_typ_subst.
    + rewrite size_typ_open;simpl in Size;now inversion Size.
    + now rewrite fv_typ_subst.
  - simpl. do 2 (rewrite trans_typ_arrow).
    apply size_typ_arrow in Size as (Hn1,Hn2).
    simpl in Fr.
    apply notin_union in Fr as (Hy1,Hy2).
    rewrite~ (IH T1 Hn1 U σ y k Hy1).
    rewrite~ (IH T2 Hn2 U σ y k Hy2).

Lemma trans_typ_open: T U σ k, type(U) trans_typ σ ({k ~t> U} T) = (trans_typ σ ({k ~t> typ_cvar(trans_typ σ U)} T)).
  apply (size_typ_ind (fun T => U σ k, type(U) trans_typ σ ({k ~t> U} T) = (trans_typ σ ({k ~t> typ_cvar(trans_typ σ U)} T)))).
  intros n IH T Size U σ k.
  destruct T;unfold open_typ;simpl;try intuition.
  - case_nat*.
  - cbn.
    apply ord_antisym;apply meet_intro; intros x (y,Hx);rewrite Hx;apply meet_elim;exists y.
    + unfold open_typ. rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_cc X).
      rewrite~ <- (@open_typ_com_ct _ T U).
      repeat (rewrite trans_typ_fold).
      * symmetry. apply~ IH.
        rewrite size_typ_open;simpl in Size;now inversion Size.
      * rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_ct _ T U).
        now rewrite size_typ_open.
      * rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_cc X).
        now rewrite size_typ_open.
    + unfold open_typ.
      rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_cc X).
      rewrite~ <- (@open_typ_com_ct _ T U).
      rewrite trans_typ_fold.
      rewrite trans_typ_fold.
      * apply* IH.
        rewrite size_typ_open;simpl in Size;now inversion Size.
      * rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_cc X).
        now rewrite size_typ_open.
      * rewrite~ (@open_typ_com_ct _ T U).
        now rewrite size_typ_open.
  - do 2 (rewrite trans_typ_arrow).
    apply size_typ_arrow in Size as (Hn1,Hn2).
    rewrite~ (IH T1 Hn1 U σ k).
    rewrite~ (IH T2 Hn2 U σ k).

A small tactic to automatize the proof of goals of the shape "translated_typ T a" :

Ltac find_translated_typ :=
   repeat (
  match goal with
    | |- translated_typ (typ_fall _ ) _ =>
        apply tr_typ_fall;intros;unfold open_typ;unfold open_rec_typ
    | |- translated_typ (typ_arrow _ _) _ => apply tr_typ_arrow
    | |- translated_typ (typ_cvar _) _ => apply tr_typ_var
    | |- translated_typ (If ?a = ?a then _ else _ ) _ => rewrite~ If_l
    | |- translated_typ (_ _ (If S ?a = 0 then _ else _ ) _ ) _ => rewrite~ If_r

Lemma translated_peirce : T U t u, translated_typ T t translated_typ U u
                                 translated_typ (typ_peirce T U) (((t u) t) t).
  unfold typ_peirce.


Theorem 16: The typing rules are adequate with respect to the interpretation of terms and formulas: if t is a term, A a formula and Γ a typing context such that Γ ⊢ t : A, then for all substitutions σ |⊢ Γ , we have (tσ) ≤ (Aσ)

Theorem adequacy:
   t T x Γ σ a, typing_trm Γ t T realize σ Γ translated (subst_trm t σ) x
                  translated_typ (subst_typ T σ) a x a.
  intros t T x Γ σ a Typ.
  generalize x σ a.
  clear x σ a.
  induction Typ;intros.
  - inversion H3.
    rewrite (@realize_inv _ _ _ _ a0 H0 H2 H4).
    apply ord_refl.
  - inversion H4. inversion H5.
    unfold abs. apply (ord_trans _ (x0 f x0)).
    apply meet_elim. exists x0;reflexivity.
    apply arrow_mon_r.
    pick_fresh c. assert (Fr2:=Fr).
    repeat (apply notin_union_r1 in Fr).
    apply (H0 c Fr _ (update σ c x0)).
    + apply (@real_push _ _ _ _ x0).
      * apply by_refl. apply If_l. reflexivity.
      * rewrite subst_typ_update;auto.
      * apply realize_update;auto.
    + unfold open_trm;rewrite <- subst_trm_update_open;auto;
      apply H7.
    + rewrite subst_typ_update;auto.
  - simpl in H0. inversion H0.
    specialize (IHTyp2 y σ (trans_typ σ T) H H6).
    specialize (IHTyp1 x0 σ ((trans_typ σ T) a ) H H4).
    apply adjunction. apply (ord_trans _ (trans_typ σ T a) _).
    apply IHTyp1. simpl. apply tr_typ_arrow.
    + apply trans_typ_correct.
      apply (typing_type Typ2).
    + assumption.
    + apply arrow_mon_l. apply IHTyp2.
      apply trans_typ_correct.
      apply (typing_type Typ2).
  - inversion H4.
    apply meet_intro.
    intros x0 (y,Hy).
    pick_fresh U.
    assert (Fr2:=Fr).
    repeat (apply notin_union_r1 in Fr).
    specialize (H0 _ Fr x (update σ U y) x0).
    apply H0. apply~ realize_update.
    rewrite~ <- subst_trm_update.
    specialize (H6 y). rewrite <- Hy in H6.
    rewrite~ (@subst_typ_var T U y σ (update σ U y)).
    compute;apply~ If_l.
    intros;compute;apply~ If_r.
  - pick_fresh y.
    pose (τ:=(update σ y (trans_typ σ U))).
    apply (ord_trans _ (trans_typ τ (typ_fall T)) _).
    + apply~ (IHTyp x τ).
      * apply* realize_update.
      * unfold τ.
        rewrite~ <- subst_trm_update.
      * apply trans_typ_correct.
        apply (typing_type Typ).
    + rewrite trans_typ_fall.
      unfold τ. apply meet_elim.
      exists (trans_typ σ U).
      apply (translated_typ_unique H3).
      apply notin_union in Fr as (Fr,_).
      apply notin_union in Fr as (_,Fr).
      unfold open_typ; rewrite <- (@trans_typ_update T U σ y _ Fr).
      rewrite~ <- trans_typ_open.
      apply~ trans_typ_correct.
  - intros. unfold typ_peirce in H3.
    simpl in *. inversion H2;subst.
    apply (translated_typ_unique (translated_peirce (trans_typ_correct σ H) (trans_typ_correct σ H0))) in H3;subst.
    unfold cc. apply meet_elim_trans;auto.
    later. split;[later;reflexivity|].
    apply meet_elim. later. reflexivity.

Consequence in the case of an empty typing context
If t doesn't have free variables, any substitution leaves it unchanged
Lemma empty_fv_trm_subst: t σ , fv_trm t = \{} subst_trm t σ = t.
intro t.
induction t;intros;auto.
- simpl in H. exfalso.
  assert (bli:=@notin_empty var v).
  rewrite <- H in bli.
  apply notin_singleton in bli.
- simpl in H. simpl.
  now rewrite (IHt _ H).
- simpl in H.
  apply union_empty in H as (H1,H2).
  simpl. rewrite IHt1,IHt2;auto.

If t is typed in an empty context, any substitution leaves it unchanged
Lemma typing_subst_trm: t σ T, typing_trm empty t T subst_trm t σ = t.
  intros t σ T H.
  apply empty_fv_trm_subst.
  eapply (typing_fv_trm H).

If a type T doesn't have free variables, any substitution leaves it unchanged
Lemma empty_fv_typ_subst: T σ , fv_typ T = \{} subst_typ T σ = T.
intro T.
induction T;intros;auto.
- simpl in H. exfalso.
  assert (bli:=@notin_empty var v).
  rewrite <- H in bli.
  apply notin_singleton in bli.
- simpl in H. simpl.
  now rewrite (IHT _ H).
- simpl in H. apply union_empty in H as (H1,H2).
  simpl. rewrite IHT1,IHT2;auto.

Corollary 17: Adequacy in an empty context.

Theorem adequacy_empty:
   t T x a, typing_trm empty t T translated t x
                fv_typ T = \{} translated_typ T a x a.
  eapply (adequacy H).
  apply (@real_empty (fun x => )).
  - now rewrite (typing_subst_trm _ H).
  - now rewrite (empty_fv_typ_subst _ H1).

End Adequacy.