
IRIF has taken up gender equality issues in 2019, particularly in view of the relatively low proportion of women among the laboratory's members. The laboratory has decided to create a commission in the fall of 2019, and to launch several communication and support initiatives in order to sustain gender equality within the laboratory and its scientific community.

Test your knowledge! Parity quizz IRIF

Parity statistics at IRIF

Statistics within the laboratory as of November 2023:

About the Commission


The aim of the IRIF's gender equality commission is to develop awareness, alert, communication and training actions.
Its work focuses on a number of areas:

Members and contact

Valérie Berthé, Juliette Calvi, Enrica Duchi, Marie Fortin, Amélie Gheerbrant, Sam van Gool, Lucie Guillou, Delia Kesner, Maximilien Lesellier, Frédéric Magniez, Sylvain Schmitz, Cristina Sirangelo Committee members meet regularly to discuss current issues and consider actions.

To contact the committee, send a mail to egalite-fh@irif.fr.

Actions in progress at IRIF

Mentoring program
IRIF’s mentoring program provides a mentor to help acquire not only professional skills but also individual development. The subjects covered can be very diverse, depending on the mentee and the subject covered, the mentoring can last more or less. The learning modalities are multiple and depend on the mentee's needs. If you have any questions, please contact mentors@irif.fr.

Interviews of women

Master's scholarships
The IRIF co-finances through the FSMP Master's scholarships in the direction of female students of the FSMP network.

Charter/Code of Conduct
IRIF Members Charter describes the founding principles and modes of application for a professional environment that is safe and open to diversity. It has an educational purpose and aims to make everyone aware of certain situations and to question their own behaviour.

Recommendations for Selection Committees
This document is intended to draw the attention of selection committee members to the parity and equal opportunity of candidates.

Training courses

We Lunch Meetings
Each year, women from the lab meet have lunch together and discuss issues around being a woman in the work environment. These events were set up to give a free voice and to reclaim free speech on issues that primarily concern women.

2020 – Harrassment at work
2021 – Impacts of the pandemic on work
2023 – Facing various requests in the workplace: How should we react? What are the possible solutions to better manage them?

Newsletter Égalités de l'IRIF

Version française

English version

Theatrical Debate

In 2022, and in partnership with the company Entrées de jeu, IRIF started a custom-made project on a theatrical debate on questions around discriminations and inequality in the work environment. The theatrical debate is an interactive performance played by a group of actors in front of an audience and offering them the possibility to exchange freely their point of view and experiences. It allows a de-dramatization of real-life situations and points out specific references for dealing with real-life situations.
The work has been presented to IRIF members on June 10, 2022. This unique experience was a success, created a constructive discussion, sharing, funny and though-provoking moments.

A gender reading of the covid crisis

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