Lettre de l'IRIF du 11 mars 2022


Cette semaine, la labellisation définitive de notre Université au titre d'IdEx et sa nouvelle dénomination Université Paris Cité, l’ouverture de BBB à l’ensemble des unités CNRS et le soutien de l’IRIF au programme d’accueil PAUSE toujours en cours.

Côté actualités scientifiques, nous avons le plaisir de vous partager Zulip, une plateforme de discussion interne crée par quelques membres de l’IRIF à destination des permanents et non-permanents.

A ne pas manquer : la prochaine table ronde dans le cadre des 75 ans du LIP6 consacrée à la faible présence des femmes dans les milieux du numérique.

Bonne lecture !

Annonces de la direction


Focus on IRIF chat platform

A few IRIF members have created an IRIF chat room on Zulip: https://irif.zulipchat.com/join/5t6z7vgmwwfqxeu6k5irlwcy/ (Expiration date: 22nd March 2022). Once you've created an account, Zulip can be accessed through a normal web browser, native clients, mobile applications, or, better yet, command-line interface https://zulip.com/apps/.

# What for?
This chat can be thought as a virtual, shared social space for IRIF permanent and non-permanent members (PhDs, postdocs, interns, visitors), as well as their students and collaborators. This is just like having coffee break on the 3rd and 4th floor in Sophie Germain, only virtual and coffee is free: its codepoint is “U+2615”. Everyone is welcome to exchange about pretty much any topic (modulo common decency, Code of conduct). The stream #random https://irif.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/286704-random is there specifically to host such “banter and water cooler conversations”. A short on-boarding guide is provided there https://irif.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/286704-random/topic/HOWTO.3A.20Zulip.

# What else?
The Zulip chat system is also very convenient as a low-friction, semi-synchronous communication channel. Feel free to use it to your advantage: no need for permission to use its features! As “members” of the chat, you can create your own streams. Streams can be “public” (visible to every registered user) or “private” (visible only to the people you specifically invite in the stream) https://zulip.com/help/stream-permissions. As “members” of the chat, you can also invite “guests” (who, themselves, cannot mint invites). This means that students or collaborators who are not formal members of IRIF can join the chat too. We are soon entering the “internship” season, I encourage you to invite your students to join the virtual lab too. https://zulip.com/help/invite-new-users

# Examples
For instance, the Groupe de Travail Programmation has a dedicated stream https://irif.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/315515-gt-prog where we do a crowd-sourced live-stream of the seminars (with a crowd of one so far..), which serves as a preliminary step toward meeting minutes.

You could also have private streams for:

# Limitations and future
This chat is *not* self-hosted. You will certainly want to read Zulip Terms of Service but, essentially, we urge everyone not to use this service to exchange sensitive information (“informations sensibles”), notably personal data (“données à caractère personnel”). Just like no-one in their right mind would discuss the latest progress of their “Zone à Régime Restrictif”-hosted project in the coffee break room.

Zulip is free software: in the long run and if it finds its audience, then we hope to make the case for self-hosting it.

# Contact
Feel free to share comment(s) or advice(s): doc@evr.ist

Appels d'offres et informations des partenaires

Agenda de la semaine du 14 mars au 18 mars

Vérification · Lundi 14 mars, 11:00, Zoom link ·
Ruiwen Dong (University of Oxford), The identity problem for unitriangular matrices of dimension four.

One world numeration seminar · Mardi 15 mars, 14:30, Online ·
Pierre Popoli (Université de Lorraine), Maximum order complexity for some automatic and morphic sequences along polynomial values

Preuves, programmes et systèmes · Jeudi 17 mars, 10:30, Room 3052 ·
Gabriel Scherer (Inria Saclay), TBA

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Jeudi 17 mars, 14:00, Room 1007 ·
Pooneh Afshari Joo, TBD

Analyse et conception de systèmes · Jeudi 17 mars, 14:00, Room 15-16 101 (campus Jussieu) ·
Bastien Guerry (pôle logiciels libres, ETALAB, DINUM), Présentation du pôle logiciels libres de la DINUM et du plan d'action logiciels libres et communs numériques

Automates · Vendredi 18 mars, 14:30, Room 3052 ·
Edwin Hamel-De Le Court, Two-player Boundedness Counter Games

Graph Transformation Theory and Applications · Vendredi 18 mars, 15:00, online ·
Ambroise Lafont (Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, UK), A categorical diagram editor to help formalising commutation proofs