Lettre de l'IRIF du 24 juin 2022


Cette semaine, une annonce à propos des projets de nouvelle thèse, changement ou échange de bureau et un rappel sur les visiteurs. Veuillez noter également une fermeture exceptionnelle du secrétariat et les détails pour les demandes d'accès au bâtiment.

Côté actualités scientifiques, plusieurs événements à venir, le GReTA special event, 2 workshops : Differentiable Programming et Colloque Probabilistic Programming. fin juin-début juillet : la conférence Highlights puis la conférence ICALP.

Du côté de nos partenaires, des informations sur la préparation au concours de l'agrégation d'informatique, le conseil de la Faculté des Sciences et le nouveau portail pour vos demandes d'assistance informatique.

Enfin, un focus sur le cocktail et vernissage de l'exposition 50 years of Theoretical Computer Science.

Bonne lecture !

Annonces de la direction


Invitation au cocktail vernissage de l'exposition "50 years of Theoretical Computer Science"

The event is free but registration is mandatory. To register, please send an email to communication+cocktail@irif.fr by June 27th (if not already registered through ICALP'22).

IRIF and its partners are please to invite you to the opening of the exhibition 50 years of Theoretical Computer Science. The event will take place on July 5, 2022 from 6:00 PM at 12, rue de l’École de Médecine 75006 Paris.

After short statements by the cabinet of the Presidency of Université Paris Cité, the EATCS, the organizing committee of the ICALP conference and the scientific committee of the exhibition, a cocktail and appetizers will be offered.

About the exhibition

“I am not sure what got into us that day. The fact remains that almost 40 years later, the field does exist and the number of researchers involved has increased by up to fifty times, if not a hundred.” Maurice Nivat

In Europe, during the 1972 Brussels press conference, Maurice Nivat et Marcel-Paul Schützenberger officially declared the official birth of Theoretical Computer Science. It is during this press event that the three main chapters of the field are stated: the theory of automata and languages, algorithmics and programming theory.

The exhibition “50 years of Theoretical Computer Science” highlights the 50th anniversary of the ICALP conference and of the creation of EATCS. Through a historical tour and an overview of some key themes, the exhibition offers a dive into this field, often way too little known.

The exhibition will then be presented during ICALP conference from July 6-8 in the Hall Marguerite Duras, campus Grands Moulins of Université Paris Cité.

Appels d'offres et informations des partenaires

Newsletter des partenaires : Les lettres arrivent sporadiquement aux membres de l'IRIF. Elles sont donc listées ci-dessous.

Agenda de la semaine du 27 juin au 01 juillet

Vérification · Lundi 27 juin, 11:00, 3052 and Zoom link ·
Nicolas Waldburger (IRISA − Université de Rennes 1), Parameterized Safety Verification of Round-Based Shared-Memory Systems

Algorithmes et complexité · Mardi 28 juin, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Rajat Mittal (IIT Kanpur), Quantum query complexity (what, why and how)

Algorithmes et complexité · Mardi 28 juin, 15:00, Room 3052 ·
Manaswi Paraashar (Aarhus University), Quantum weirdness in query-to-communication simulation and the role of symmetry

Graph Transformation Theory and Applications · Mercredi 29 juin, 19:00, online ·
John Baez (Department of Mathematics, University of California, Riverside, USA), ★★★ GReTA Special Event ★★★ Compositional Modeling with Decorated Cospans

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Jeudi 30 juin, 14:00, Room 1007 ·
Lucia Rossi (Graz), Limit words for $N$-continued fractions

Analyse et conception de systèmes · Vendredi 01 juillet, 10:30, Room 3052 ·
Jean-Baptiste Tristan (Boston College), Probabilistic Programming and Molecular Optimization