Lettre de l'IRIF du 20 Octobre 2023


This week, in the IRIF newsletter, directives are given for the HCERES posters.

In the news, the curtain falls on the Science Festival, which engaged several members of IRIF and made this new edition a real success. A big thank you to all the participants!

An assembly for non-permanent members is scheduled for October the 26th, while the IRIF General Assembly will take place on January the 9th.

The IRIF and Environment committee is making a comeback: a plenary meeting will be held on friday, 10th of November, at 10am. Any new member is welcome!

The focus is on Simon Peyton Jones, who inaugurates the launch of the Distinguished Talks Series for 2023-2024. An interview has been conducted with him. He will also give two talks on November 7 in the afternoon. Please register to attend.

On the announcements part, please notice the opening of FSMP programs and the possibility to ask for financial support for conferences and meetings.

Enjoy reading and have a great weekend!

Annonces de la direction


IRIF & Environnement

Conferences and similar events (workshops, colloquia, etc) play an essential role in disseminating knowledge and establishing collaborations between researchers. In computer science, they often also act as the main publication venues, ahead of journals, and convey prestige. In practice, it is customary in the organization of conferences to bind the meeting and publishing roles and require authors to attend conferences in person.

However, systematically attending events in person can be problematic or challenging for several reasons (environmental impact, work/life balance, accessibility, etc.). At the same time, avoiding submitting to publishing events can induce a loss of opportunities for researchers, particularly in the early stages of their careers.

IRIF supports the policy of not requiring mandatory on-site presentation of published accepted papers and encourages all conference organizers to do the same.

Thus, IRIF stands by researchers who have a paper accepted to a conference but decide not to travel, or are not able to, in order to give them an equal opportunity to disseminate their works as part of the conference proceedings. Support letters will be sent if needed, cosigned by the direction of IRIF. Moreover, IRIF will prioritize its financial sponsorship and logistical support for the organization of events that comply with this policy.

Focus on Simon Peyton Jones, first speaker of the Distinguished Talks Series

Be ready for November 8th ! Simon Peyton Jones, fellow of the Royal Society, will be the first speaker for the return of the Distinguished Talks Series. He will present the Verse programming language. This presentation will be held in amphi Turing, November 8th from 11am to 12:30pm and will be followed by a buffet lunch. More informations to come on the DTS page.

Simon Peyton Jones granted us an interview which serves as a prelude, offering a glimpse into Verse, the metaverse, and the subject matter of his presentation.

“Verse is a functional logic language, which is quite unusual. Functional programming is like a leash within programming, it's the part I'm actually most interested in, and functional logic programming is like a leash with a dog. And so at Epic I'm going to take functional logic programming out of the lab and kick it into the mainstream, which is quite ambitious because nobody else has ever done that.”

Read the full interview here.

Simon Peyton Jones, will also give two sessions on 'How to give a great research talk' and 'How to write a research proposal that gets funded' on the afternoon of 7 November. These two sessions will last 75 minutes in room 3052. The first from 14:30 to 15:45 and the second from 16:15 to 17:30.

Please register here if you wish to attend.

Appels d'offres et informations des partenaires

Newsletter des partenaires : Les lettres arrivent sporadiquement aux membres de l'IRIF. Elles sont donc listées ci-dessous.

Agenda de la semaine du 23 octobre au 27 octobre

Formath · Lundi 23 octobre, 14:00, 3052 ·
Félix Castro (IRIF - Université Paris CIté), Revisiting the model of Hereditary Recursive Operations

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Mardi 24 octobre, 11:00, Room 1007 ·
Alice Contat, Coeurs critiques sur des graphes aléatoires

Algorithmes et complexité · Mardi 24 octobre, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Michele Orrù (LIP6), Elastic SNARKs for Diverse Environments

Sémantique · Mercredi 25 octobre, 10:45, Room 3052, 3ème étage du bâtiment Sophie Germain ·
Guillaume Geoffroy (IRIF), TBA

La syntaxe rencontre la sémantique · Jeudi 26 octobre, 14:00, Room 1007 ·
Giuseppe Castagna (IRIF, CNRS and Univ. Paris Cite), A type system for Elixir

Séminaire des membres non-permanents · Jeudi 26 octobre, 16:00, Room 3052 ·
All Non-Permanent Members, Assemblée Générale