IRIF Newsletter of December 8, 2023


In this week's IRIF Newsletter, the next lab council will be held on December 19th.
On the news side, you will read a results of the nationwide survey about PhD students conducted in 2023 by the RNCD, the creation of the Conseil Présidentiel de la Science with Claire Mattieu, and a talk on cryptocurrencies organized by the UFR d'Informatique.
The equalities comittee informs you about a new service for reporting harassment available at Paris Cité and a training about sexist and sexual violence.
The focus is about a Quanta article about a computational complexity problem.

Finally, the dean of the faculty, Maximilien Cazayous, has asked the direction to convey his congratulations to the lab for the HCERES evaluation: “Nous n'avons eu que des éloges sur la recherche développée à l'IRIF mais aussi sur la belle vie qui se développe au sein du laboratoire et sur les actions que vous développez et qui sont un exemple pour l'université et pour d'autres à l'extérieur. Transmettez toutes mes félicitations pour tout cela à tous les collègues du laboratoire.”

Enjoy reading and have a nice weekend!

Direction's announcements


Equalities comittee

The University has introduced a new system for reporting situations of violence, harassment and discrimination. If you are a victim or witness of violence, harassment or discrimination, you can report it by sending a message to Four people, members of the EDI mission, will receive your notification. Your report will be received in complete confidentiality and you will be contacted to arrange a meeting with two people trained to listen. They will receive your report and, depending on your needs, refer you for psychological/medical help and/or legal support. Is is also possible to receive help from outside the university with the Women Safe university partner. All informations can be found on this page prepared by the university. See also the harassement page in the intranet of IRIF. We also recall that a similar service is available from CNRS: see this focus in the IRIF letter of February the 10th.

IRIF & Environnement

Focus on "An Easy-Sounding Problem Yields Numbers Too Big for Our Universe"

Quanta magazine has published an article about “Researchers [who] prove that navigating certain systems of vectors is among the most complex computational problems.”

“It’s not often that 5-year-olds can grasp questions at the frontiers of computer science, but it can happen. Suppose, for instance, that a kindergartner named Alice has two apples, but she prefers oranges. Fortunately, her classmates have developed a healthy fruit-trading system with strictly enforced exchange rates: Give up an apple, say, and you can get a banana. Can Alice execute a series of trades, by picking up and offloading bananas or cantaloupes, that gets her to her favorite fruit?”

Read the full article here.

Calls for tender and information from partners

Partner newsletter : Les lettres arrivent sporadiquement aux membres de l'IRIF. Elles sont donc listées ci-dessous.

Agenda for the week of 11 December to 15 December

Vérification · Lundi 11 décembre, 11:00, 3052 and Zoom link ·
Sarah Winter (IRIF), TBA

Algorithmes et complexité · Mardi 12 décembre, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Deeksha Adil (ETH Zurich), Dynamically Computing Approximate Eigenvectors

Combinatoire énumérative et analytique · Mardi 12 décembre, 11:00, Room 1007 ·
Philippe Nadeau, TBA

One world numeration seminar · Mardi 12 décembre, 14:00, Online ·
Yasushi Nagai (Shinshu University), Overlap algorithm for general S-adic tilings

Algorithmes et complexité · Mercredi 13 décembre, 16:00, Room 3052 ·
Ainesh Bakshi (MIT), Learning quantum Hamiltonians at any temperature in polynomial time

Preuves, programmes et systèmes · Jeudi 14 décembre, 10:30, ENS Lyon ·
Marianna Girlando & Sonia Marin, Paige Randall North, Lionel Vaux Auclair, Séminaire CHOCOLA

Séminaire des membres non-permanents · Vendredi 15 décembre, 11:00, Room 3052 ·
Vincent Moreau, TBA

Automates · Vendredi 15 décembre, 14:00, Room 3052 ·
Chana Weil-Kennedy (IMDEA), TBA

Graph Transformation Theory and Applications · Vendredi 15 décembre, 15:00, online ·
Patrick Stünkel (Department of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Høgskulen på Vestlandet (HVL), Bergen, Norway), Comprehensive Systems for Software Interoperability Problems