Olivier Idir

I am a PhD student at IRIF, under the joint supervision of Thomas Colcombet and Karoliina Lehtinen, that began in September 2023.

I reside at the office number 4033, along with Vincent Moreau, Arturo de Faveri and Corentin Henriet.

You can contact me at idir[at]irif[dot]fr.


I am part of the Automata team, and work on automata and games. More precisely, my PhD subject (which is not necessarily my exact research topic) concerns the resolution of parity games, and more precisely finding an inferior bound to their resolution.


(nothing in common with my current research)
Olivier Idir, Alessandro Renzaglia. Multi-Robot Weighted Coverage Path Planning: a Solution based on the DARP Algorithm. ICARCV 2022 - 17th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Dec 2022, Singapore, Singapore. pp.1-7. [ PDF]


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While you're there, here is some nice music you should listen to : Jonathan Hultén - Where Devils Weep