I am a PhD student at IRIF in Paris, working under the supervision of Paul-André Melliès and Sam van Gool since September 2021, at the ED 386 graduate school. I belong to the three following teams:

The official title of my thesis is, in French:

Une approche topologique et fibrationnelle
de la théorie des automates d'ordre supérieur

I am interested by the interface between mathematics and computer science. I work on $\lambda$-calculus, semantics of programming languages, profinite spaces and Stone-type dualities, codensity monads, linear logic, algebraic theories and higher-order automata, in the light of category theory.

I co-organize the type theory and homotopy theory working group at IRIF.

The Haskell programmer will find a nice introduction to denotational semantics on this Wikibooks page.

If you have access to the GitLab of Sophie Germain, you can see what I have been recently working on by clicking here.


Here is my DBLP page and my arXiv preprints:

  • Profinite trees, through monads and the lambda-calculus (arXiv)
  • Syntactically and semantically regular languages of lambda-terms coincide through logical relations (arXiv, LIPIcs, HAL), with Tito Nguyễn, accepted at CSL 2024
  • Profinite lambda-terms and parametricity (arXiv, entics), with Sam van Gool and Paul-André Melliès, accepted at MFPS XXXIX

I have participated in the following events, in the antichronological order:

Nom Moreau
Prénom Vincent
Bureau 4033
Mail moreau@irif.fr
Page web https://www.irif.fr/~moreau/