module DeducteamTalk where

open import Level renaming (zero to zeroL ; suc to sucL)
open import Function

open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.List
open import Data.Fin hiding (lift ; _+_)
open import Data.Nat

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Enum

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- * Part I: Inductive types
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-- ** Signature functors

-- Signature functors are implemented with a Martin-Löf *universe*,
-- consisting of a code and its interpretation. The code gives an
-- intensional characterisation of the functors of interest, while the
-- interpretation builds extensional objects, ie. strictly-positive
-- endofunctors over Set.

-- Code:
data Desc {} : Set (sucL ) where
  `K : (S : Set )  Desc
  `X : Desc
  _`×_ _`+_ : (D₁ D₂ : Desc)  Desc
   : (E : Enum)(D : EnumT E  Desc)  Desc
    : (S : Set )(D : S  Desc)  Desc

-- Interpretation:
⟦_⟧ : ∀{}  Desc {}  Set   Set 
 `K S  X = S
 `X  X = X
 D₁  D₂  X =  D₁  X ×  D₂  X
 D₁ `+ D₂  X =  D₁  X   D₂  X
  E D  X = σ E  e   D e  X)
  S D  X = Σ[ s  S ]  D s  X
  S D  X = (s : S)   D s  X

infixr 30 _`×_
infixr 20 _`+_

-- *** Example: Nat

pattern `ze` = zero
pattern `su` = suc zero

NatD : Desc {zeroL}
NatD =  2  { `ze`  `K  
               ; `su`  `X 
               ; (suc (suc ())) } )

-- *** Example: List

pattern `nil` = zero
pattern `cons` = suc zero

ListD : Set  Desc {zeroL}
ListD A =  2  { `nil`  `K  
                  ; `cons`   A  _  `X)
                  ; (suc (suc ())) })

-- *** Example: Tree

pattern `leaf` = zero
pattern `node` = suc zero

TreeD : Set  Set  Desc {zeroL}
TreeD A B =  2 λ { `leaf`  `K A
                   ; `node`  `K B  `X  `X
                   ; (suc (suc ())) }   

-- ** Fixpoint

-- We obtain the least fixpoint by simply tying the knot:

data μ {}(D : Desc {}) : Set  where
  ⟨_⟩ : (xs :  D  (μ D))  μ D

-- From which we can derive a (generic) catamorphism. We write a
-- mutual definition of 'fold' and 'mapFold' because Agda
-- termination's checker would accept the naive definition otherwise.

module Fold {}(D : Desc {}){X : Set }
               (α :  D  X  X) where


       foldD : μ D  X
       foldD  xs  = α (mapFoldD D xs)

       mapFoldD : (D' : Desc)   D'  (μ D)   D'  X
       mapFoldD (`K S) s = s
       mapFoldD `X xs = foldD xs
       mapFoldD (D₁  D₂) (xs₁ , xs₂) = mapFoldD D₁ xs₁ , mapFoldD D₂ xs₂
       mapFoldD (D₁ `+ D₂) (inj₁ xs₁) = inj₁ (mapFoldD D₁ xs₁)
       mapFoldD (D₁ `+ D₂) (inj₂ xs₂) = inj₂ (mapFoldD D₂ xs₂)
       mapFoldD ( E D') (k , xs) = k , mapFoldD (D' k) xs
       mapFoldD ( S D') (s , xs) = s , mapFoldD (D' s) xs
       mapFoldD ( S D') xs s = mapFoldD (D' s) (xs s)

open Fold

-- In Type Theory, the catamorphism is of little interest: we want to
-- obtain an induction principle. The construction, for a similar
-- universe, can be found in
-- [].
-- Here, we simply postulate it:

   : ∀{ k}{X : Set }  (D : Desc {})  
         (P : X  Set k)   D  X  Set k

  induction : ∀{}{D : Desc {}}{P : μ D  Set} 
              (α :  xs   D P xs  P  xs ) 
              (xs : μ D)  P xs

-- *** Example: Nat

Nat' : Set
Nat' = μ NatD

ze' : Nat'
ze' =  `ze` , tt 

su' : Nat'  Nat'
su' n =  `su` , n 

-- Exercise: 
--  * using 'fold', define addition of natural numbers
--  * prove that 2 + 2 = 4

-- *** Example: List

List' : Set  Set
List' A = μ (ListD A)

nil' : ∀{A}  List' A
nil' =  `nil` , tt 

cons' : ∀{A}  A  List' A  List' A
cons' a xs =  `cons` , a , xs 

-- *** Example: Tree

Tree' : Set  Set  Set
Tree' A B = μ (TreeD A B)

leaf' : ∀{A B}  A  Tree' A B
leaf' a =  `leaf` , a  

node' : ∀{A B}  B  Tree' A B  Tree' A B  Tree' A B
node' b l r =  `node` , b , l , r 

-- ** Bootstrap

-- This is an inductive type:
-- data Desc : Set₁ where
--   `K : (S : Set) → Desc
--   `X : Desc
--   _`×_ _`+_ : (D₁ D₂ : Desc) → Desc
--   `σ : (E : Enum)(D : EnumT E → Desc) → Desc
--   `Σ `Π : (S : Set)(D : S → Desc) → Desc

-- So we can describe it within our universe of datatypes!

pattern `K` = zero
pattern `X` = suc zero
pattern `×` = suc (suc zero)
pattern `+` = suc (suc (suc zero))
pattern `σ` = suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))
pattern `Σ` = suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero))))
pattern `Π` = suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))))

DescD : ∀{}  Desc {sucL }
DescD {} =  7  { `K`  `K (Set )
                    ; `X`  `K (Lift )
                    ; `×`  `X  `X
                    ; `+`  `X  `X
                    ; `σ`   (Lift Enum) λ { (lift E)  
                             (Lift (EnumT E))  _  
                            `X) } 
                    ; `Σ`   (Set ) λ S  
                             (Lift S)  _  
                    ; `Π`   (Set ) λ S  
                             (Lift S)  _  
                    ; (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc (suc ()))))))) })

Desc' : ∀{}  Set (sucL )
Desc' = μ DescD

`K' : ∀{}  Set   Desc' {}
`K' S =  `K` , S 

`X' : ∀{}  Desc' {}
`X' =  `X` , lift tt 

_`×'_ : ∀{}  Desc' {}  Desc' {}  Desc' {}
D₁ `×' D₂ =  `×` , D₁ , D₂ 

_`+'_ : ∀{}  Desc' {}  Desc' {}  Desc' {}
D₁ `+' D₂ =  `+` , D₁ , D₂ 

`σ' : ∀{}  (E : Enum)(T : EnumT E  Desc' {})  Desc' {}
`σ' E T =  `σ` , lift E , T  lower  

`Σ' : ∀{}  (S : Set )  (S  Desc' {})  Desc' {}
`Σ' S D =  `Σ` , S , D  lower  

`Π' : ∀{}  (S : Set )  (S  Desc' {})  Desc' {}
`Π' S D =  `Π` , S , D  lower  

-- We could prove (assuming extensionality) that both presentations
-- are isomorphic to each other:

  fromDescD : ∀{}  Desc {}  Desc' {}
  toDescD : ∀{}  Desc' {}  Desc {}

  iso-from-to : ∀{}   (D : Desc' {}) 
                     fromDescD (toDescD D)  D
  iso-to-from : ∀{}   (D : Desc {}) 
                     toDescD (fromDescD D)  D

-- In an implementation, we could collapse this isomorphism and define
-- Desc directly from itself. There is a technical subltety that I
-- have eluded here, so be careful if you try this at home.

-- This bootstrap is described in more detail in Chapter 6 of my
-- thesis
-- []
-- and in "The Gentle Art of Levitation"
-- [].

-- ** Extensions and improvements
-- *** Internal fixpoints

-- We would like to write the type of rose trees without encoding:

data RTree (A : Set) : Set where
  node : A  List (RTree A)  RTree A

-- *** Explicit treatment of parameters

-- Because parameters have a parametric behavior, we would like to
-- single them out in the code of the datatype, to enable more precise
-- optimisations and transformations.

-- *** Inductive famillies

-- This is a rather simple extension, described in my thesis
-- []
-- and modelled in
-- []

-- *** Elaboration of high-level definitions to codes

-- The benefit of this presentation is its tight connection with
-- semantics. To the user, we must then provide an high-level language
-- for inductive definitions and translate that language to
-- descriptions: by construction, we would obtain a translation
-- semantics for our inductive definitions.

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- * Part II: Programming with 1st class citizens
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-- ** Functoriality

-- The ⟦ D ⟧ function defines the object part of a functor. We can
-- also define its morphism part, as a generic program over
-- descriptions:

⟦_⟧map :  {}(D : Desc)  {X Y : Set }  
         (f : X  Y)   D  X   D  Y
 `K S ⟧map f s = s
 `X ⟧map f x = f x
 D₁  D₂ ⟧map f xs = ( D₁ ⟧map f) ( D₂ ⟧map f) xs
 D₁ `+ D₂ ⟧map f xs = ( D₁ ⟧map f) ( D₂ ⟧map f) xs 
  E D ⟧map f xs = σmap  e xs   D e ⟧map f xs) xs
  S D ⟧map f xs = id  {s}   D s ⟧map f) xs
  S D ⟧map f xs s =  D s ⟧map f (xs s)

-- ** Free monad

-- *** Tagged descriptions

-- To define the free monad, we ask for a slightly more structured
-- version of descriptions: tagged descriptions. In effect, we require
-- the description to start with a finite list of constructors (E ∈
-- Enum) and, then, for each constructor, we give its code. 

-- This presentation enforces a 'constructor-headed normal form',
-- where our inductive definition necessarily provides a finite list
-- of constructors.

tDesc : Set₁
tDesc = Σ[ E  Enum ] (EnumT E  Desc)

⌊_⌋ : tDesc  Desc {zeroL}
 (E , D)  =  E D

μ⌊_⌋ : tDesc  Set
μ⌊_⌋ = μ  ⌊_⌋

-- *** Free monad construction

-- Informally, the free monad of a functor F is defined by:
--    F * : Set → Set
--    F * X = μ Z. X + F(Z)

-- We can describe the free monad from the description of a functor F
-- by simply inserting a new constructor, 'var X'.

pattern `var` = zero

[_]D* : tDesc  Set  tDesc
[ (E , D) ]D* X = (suc E) ,  { `var`  `K X
                              ; (suc k)  D k })

-- Taking the least fixpoint of the resulting description, we have
-- built the free monad:

[_]* : tDesc  Set  Set
[ D ]* X = μ⌊ [ D ]D* X 

-- *** Structure

-- Having built a monad, we can now equip it with its monadic
-- structure: a 'return', a functorial action 'fmap', a 'join', from
-- which we derive the Kleisli's 'bind'.

module Structure {D : tDesc} where 

  return :  {X}  X  [ D ]* X
  return x =  `var` , x 

  fmap : ∀{X Y}  (X  Y)  [ D ]* X  [ D ]* Y
  fmap {X}{Y} f xs = foldD  [ D ]D* X  apply xs
    where apply :   [ D ]D* X   ([ D ]* Y)  [ D ]* Y
          apply (zero , x) = return (f x)
          apply (suc k , ys) =  suc k , ys 

  join : ∀{X}  [ D ]* ([ D ]* X)  [ D ]* X
  join {X} xs = foldD  [ D ]D* ([ D ]* X)  help xs
    where help :   [ D ]D* ([ D ]* X)   ([ D ]* X)  [ D ]* X
          help (zero , x) = x
          help (suc k , xs) =  suc k , xs 

  bind : ∀{X Y}  [ D ]* X  (X  [ D ]* Y)  [ D ]* Y
  bind {X}{Y} dxs f = join (fmap f dxs)

open Structure

-- *** Example: arithmetic expressions with variables

module AExpr where

  -- To illustrate this machinery, we build the type of arithmetic
  -- expressions with variables (note: no binding here). The 'var'
  -- constructor corresponds exactly to the 'var' introduced by the
  -- free monad construction, whilst substitution of variables
  -- corresponds exactly to the bind of the free monad.

  -- AExp V = {
  --  var : V → AExp V
  --  val : ℕ → AExp V
  --  plus : AExp V → AExp V → AExp V
  --  times : AExp V → AExp V → AExp V }

  pattern `val` = zero
  pattern `plus` = suc zero
  pattern `times` = suc (suc zero)

  -- We code the signature for 'val', 'plus' and 'times':

  AExpD : tDesc
  AExpD = 3 , 
          λ { `val`  `K 
            ; `plus`  `X  `X 
            ; `times`  `X  `X 
            ; (suc (suc (suc ()))) }
  -- And obtain the AExp by free monad construction:

  AExp : Set  Set
  AExp V = [ AExpD ]* V

-- **** Operations
  var : ∀{V}  V  AExp V
  var = return

  val : ∀{V}    AExp V
  val n =  suc `val` , n 

  plus : ∀{V}  AExp V  AExp V  AExp V
  plus e₁ e₂ =  suc `plus` , e₁ , e₂ 

  times : ∀{V}  AExp V  AExp V  AExp V
  times e₁ e₂ =  suc `times` , e₁ , e₂ 

-- **** Substitution

  substAExpr : ∀{V W}  AExp V  (V  AExp W)  AExp W
  substAExpr = bind

-- **** Open term semantics

  -- Here is an example of programming with that structure: we define
  -- the open term semantics. Provided a valuation of variables, we
  -- first subtitute the variables by their values. And we then simply
  -- compute through.

  evalAExpr : ∀{V}  (V  )  AExp V  
  evalAExpr ρ tm = help (substAExpr tm (val  ρ))
    where α :   [ AExpD ]D*      
          α (`var` , ())
          α (suc `val` , n) = n
          α (suc `plus` , m , n) = m + n
          α (suc `times` , m , n) = m * n
          α (suc (suc (suc (suc ()))) , _) 

          help : AExp   
          help = foldD  [ AExpD ]D*   α

-- *** Example: syntax for effects

module Eff where

  -- We can use the same machinery to build a (modular) syntax for
  -- effectful programs. (Note: we are only dealing with syntax here,
  -- not semantics). For example, we can build a monad for stateful
  -- computations by defining a signature 'StateSig' with two
  -- operations, 'get' and 'set':

  -- State(S):
  --  get : ⊤ → S
  --  set : S → ⊤

  pattern `get` = zero
  pattern `set` = suc zero

  StateSig : Set  tDesc
  StateSig S = 2 , λ { `get`   S λ _  `X 
                     ; `set`   S λ _  `X 
                     ; (suc (suc ())) }

  State : Set  Set  Set
  State S A = [ StateSig S ]* A

-- **** Operations

  -- In the 'State' monad, we have the usual 'pure' ('return') and
  -- bind of the monad, but also the stateful operations 'get' and
  -- 'set':

  pure : ∀{S A}  A  State S A
  pure = return

  _>>=_ : ∀{S A B}  State S A  (A  State S B)  State S B
  _>>=_ = bind

  get : ∀{S}    State S S
  get tt =  suc `get` ,  s  return s) 

  set : ∀{S}  S  State S 
  set s =  suc `set` , s , return tt 

  example : State  
  example = 
    get tt >>= λ n₁  
    set (n₁ + 3) >>= λ tt 
    pure n₁

-- Again, this is just the syntax: to interpret these programs, one
-- has to give its semantics (in the usual State monad).

-- ** Derivative

-- We define here the Zipper from a derivation operator. However, not
-- every polynomial is differentiable: here, we only consider
-- 'finitary' polynomials. They are defined as follows:

∂Desc : Desc {zeroL}  Set
∂Desc (`K S) = 
∂Desc `X = 
∂Desc (D₁  D₂) = ∂Desc D₁ × ∂Desc D₂
∂Desc (D₁ `+ D₂) = ∂Desc D₁ × ∂Desc D₂
∂Desc ( E D) = π E  e  ∂Desc (D e))
∂Desc _ = 

-- Provided that a description 'D' is differentiable, we compute its
-- derivative:

 : (D : Desc)  ∂Desc D  Desc {zeroL}
 (`K S) ∂D = `K (Lift )
 `X ∂D = `K 
 (D₁ `+ D₂) (∂D₁ , ∂D₂) =  D₁ ∂D₁ `+  D₂ ∂D₂ 
 (D₁  D₂) (∂D₁ , ∂D₂) = ( D₁ ∂D₁  D₂) `+ (D₁   D₂ ∂D₂)
 ( E D) ∂D =  (EnumT E)  e   (D e) (appπ ∂D e))
 ( S D) ()
 ( S D) ()

-- The zipper is then a pair of a context and a tree-in-context:

data Context (D : Desc){q : ∂Desc D} : Set where
  root : Context D
  layer :   D q  (μ D)  Context D {q}  Context D

Zipper : (D : Desc){q : ∂Desc D}  Set
Zipper D {q} = Context D {q} × μ D

-- There is then a bunch of operations on Zipper. Here is one,
-- 'plug'ging a tree back into a context:

plug : (D : Desc){q : ∂Desc D}  Context D {q}  μ D  μ D
plug D root t = t
plug D {q} (layer x ctxt) t = plug D {_} ctxt  plugF D {q} x t 
  where plugF : ∀{X}  (D : Desc){q : ∂Desc D}    D q  X  X   D  X
        plugF (`K S) (lift ())
        plugF `X tt x = x
        plugF (D₁ `+ D₂) {∂D₁ , ∂D₂} (inj₁ xs₁) x = inj₁ (plugF D₁ {∂D₁} xs₁ x)
        plugF (D₁ `+ D₂) {∂D₁ , ∂D₂} (inj₂ xs₂) x = inj₂ (plugF D₂ {∂D₂} xs₂ x)
        plugF (D₁  D₂) {∂D₁ , ∂D₂} (inj₁ (∂xs₁ , xs₂)) x = plugF D₁ {∂D₁} ∂xs₁ x , xs₂
        plugF (D₁  D₂) {∂D₁ , ∂D₂} (inj₂ (xs₁ , ∂xs₂)) x = xs₁ , plugF D₂ {∂D₂} ∂xs₂ x
        plugF ( E D) {∂D} (e , xs) x = e , (plugF (D e) {appπ ∂D e} xs x)
        plugF ( S D) {()} _ _
        plugF ( S D) {()} _ _

-- *** Example: binary tree

module ZipperTree {A B : Set} where

  CTree' : (A B : Set)  Set
  CTree' A B = Context (TreeD A B)

  nodeL' : B  Tree' A B  CTree' A B  CTree' A B
  nodeL' b l r = layer (`node` , inj₂ (b , (inj₁ (tt , l)))) r

  nodeR' : B  CTree' A B  Tree' A B  CTree' A B
  nodeR' b l r = layer (`node` , inj₂ (b , (inj₂ (r , tt)))) l

module Example where

  open ZipperTree

  -- Here is a tree:

  example : Tree'  
  example =
    node' 1 
      (node' 2 
        (leaf' tt)
        (leaf' tt)) 
      (node' 5 
        (node' 6 
          (node' 7 
            (leaf' tt) 
            (leaf' tt)) 
          (leaf' tt)) 
        (node' 3 
          (leaf' tt) 
          (leaf' tt)))

  -- Here is that same tree zipped:

  exampleZ : Zipper (TreeD  )
  exampleZ = ( nodeL' 5 
                     (node' 3 
                       (leaf' tt) 
                       (leaf' tt)) 
              (nodeR' 1 
                      (node' 2 
                        (leaf' tt) 
                        (leaf' tt))),
              node' 6 
                (node' 7 
                  (leaf' tt) 
                  (leaf' tt)) 
                (leaf' tt))

  example' : Tree'  
  example' = plug (TreeD  ) (proj₁ exampleZ) (proj₂ exampleZ)

  -- After plugging, they are indeed definitionally equal:

  test : example  example'
  test = refl

-- ** Left aside
-- *** Zipper navigation

-- There is an entire toolbox of Zipper operations. See Huet's Zipper
-- [], McBride's "The
-- Derivative of a Regular Type is its Type of One-Hole Context"
-- []. 

-- *** Constructions on constructors (generic proofs)

-- When one define a new datatype in, say, Coq, the system introduces
-- a few generic lemmas, besides the standard induction
-- principle. These transformations have been described by McBride &
-- McKinna in a "A Few Constructions on Constructors"
-- [] and they can be directly
-- implemented in type theory now (see "Elaborating Inductive
-- Definitions"
-- []
-- for a few examples)

-- *** Ornaments!

-- Because we have access to the definition of datatypes, we can
-- single out classes of transformation over datatypes. Ornaments are
-- such an object: they corresponds to structure-preserving
-- transformations, allowing us to transport functions across
-- datatypes. This is treated in McBride's "Ornamental Algebras,
-- Algebraic Ornaments"
-- [],
-- "Transporting Functions across Ornaments"
-- []
-- and "A Categorical Treatment of Ornaments"
-- [].
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *
-- Part III: Structures & Equality
-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

open import IProp

-- ** Functor laws

-- The functorial action of descriptions satisfy the following
-- equations:

  map-id :  {}{X : Set }  (D : Desc {}) 
           (xs :  D  X)  
               D ⟧map id xs  xs

  map-∘ : ∀{}{X Y Z : Set }  (D : Desc {}) 
          (xs :  D  X)  (f : Y  Z)(g : X Y) 
              D ⟧map (f  g) xs  ( D ⟧map f   D ⟧map g) xs

-- In "New equations for neutral terms"
-- [], Allais et al. craft an NbE model
-- in which these laws hold definitionally for the map operation over
-- lists.

-- ** Monad laws

-- The monadic operations associated with the free monad satisfy the
-- following equations:

  bind-left-id : {X Y : Set}  (D : tDesc)
                 (x : X)(f : X  [ D ]* Y) 
                    bind (return x) f  f x

  bind-right-id : {X : Set}  (D : tDesc)
                 (xs : [ D ]* X)  
                    bind xs return  xs

  bind-∘ : {X Y Z : Set}  (D : tDesc)
           (xs : [ D ]* X)(g : X  [ D ]* Y)(f : Y  [ D ]* Z)  
              bind (bind xs g) f   bind xs ((λ xs  bind xs f)  g)

-- In a prototype of Epigram 2, the NbE algorithm was customized to
-- use these equations as left-to-right rewrite rules (see
-- [substMonadOpSimp] in
-- []). 

-- A similar trick was also described by Bob Atkey in "A Type Checker
-- that knows its Monad from its Elbow"
-- [].

-- ** Binding laws

-- Another instance of an interesting algebraic structure is syntax
-- with binding. For simplicity, I focus here on untyped binders
-- (meaning, over ℕ) but one can easily generalise to typed bindings.

-- The machinery deployed here is strongly inspired by Hirschowitz &
-- Maggesi's "Modules over monads and initial semantics"
-- [] and Ahrens &
-- Zsidó's "Initial Semantics for higher-order typed syntax in Coq"
-- []. I've just adapted
-- their presentation to a relative monad, but not as abstractly as
-- Ahrens' "Modules over relative monads for syntax and semantics"
-- [].

-- *** Signature

-- For convenience, I give here an extensional presentation, some sort
-- of W-types with bindings:

record BSig : Set₁ where
    -- Operations:
    Op : Set
    -- Aritites:
    Ar : Op  Set
    -- Bindings:
    Bi :  {sh}  Ar sh  

-- *** Free term algebra

module Terms (Σ : BSig) where

  open BSig Σ

  -- We can then build the terms and scopes corresponding the
  -- signature Σ :

    -- Term:
    data Tm (n : ) : Set where
      `var : Fin n  Tm n
      `op : (sh : Op)(Xs : (pos : Ar sh)  Scope[ Bi pos ] n)  Tm n

    -- Binder of k-variables :
    data Scope[_] (k : )(n : ) : Set where
      sc : Tm (k + n)  Scope[ k ] n

  -- A relative strength over Tm (provided that Tm is a functor, which
  -- we will define) is defined as:
  Strength : Set 
  Strength = {l m : }  (∀{l m}  (Fin l  Fin m)  Tm l  Tm m)  
             Tm l  Fin m  Tm (m + l)

-- *** Substitution structure

module Subst (Σ : BSig)
             (str : Terms.Strength Σ) where
  open BSig Σ
  open Terms Σ

  -- We then implement a generic substitution and weakening operation:

  -- Scope[ k ] : ℕ → Set is a functor
  --   ie. for f ∈ ℕ(m, n)
  --         we have a functorial map
  --           mapSc f ∈ Set(Scope m, Scope n)
    mapSc : ∀{k l m}  
            (Fin l  Fin m)  Scope[ k ] l  Scope[ k ] m
    mapSc {k} ρ (sc tm) = sc (mapTm (Data.Fin.lift k ρ) tm)

  -- Tm : ℕ → Set is a functor
  --   ie. for f ∈ W(m, n), 
  --         we have a functorial map 
  --           mapTm f ∈ Set(Tm m, Tm n)
    mapTm : ∀{l m}  
            (Fin l  Fin m)  Tm l  Tm m
    mapTm ρ (`var x) = `var (ρ x)
    mapTm ρ (`op sh Xs) = `op sh λ pos  mapSc {Bi pos} ρ (Xs pos)

  -- Tm Σ : ℕ → Set is a relative monad over Fin : ℕ → Set
  --   ie. 
  --    1. we have a natural transformation
  --         return : ∀ m. Set(Fin m, Tm m)

  var : ∀{m}  Fin m  Tm m
  var = `var

  --    2. we have a natural transformation
  --         bind : ∀ m n. Set(Fin m, Tm n) → Set(Tm m, Tm n)

    sub : ∀{m n}  (Fin m  Tm n)  Tm m  Tm n
    sub ρ (`var x) = ρ x
    sub ρ (`op sh Xs) = `op sh  pos  weaken {Bi pos} ρ (Xs pos))

  -- Scope[ k ] : ℕ → Set is a Tm-module
  --   ie. we have a natural transformation
  --         weaken : ∀ m n. Set(Fin m, Tm n) → Set(Scope[ k ] m, Scope[ k ] n)

    weaken : ∀{k m n}  (Fin m  Tm n)  Scope[ k ] m  Scope[ k ] n
    weaken {k}{m}{n} ρ (sc tm) = sc (sub  v  str {n}{k} mapTm ( ρ id (monFin v))) tm)
      where   monFin : ∀{n m}  Fin (n + m)  Fin m  Fin n
              monFin {zero} xs = inj₁ xs
              monFin {suc m} zero = inj₂ zero
              monFin {suc m} (suc xs) with monFin {m} xs
              monFin {suc m} (suc xs) | inj₁ x = inj₁ x
              monFin {suc m} (suc xs) | inj₂ y = inj₂ (suc y)

-- *** Example: Well-scoped, untyped lambda-calculus

module LC where

  Σλam : BSig
  Σλam = record { Op = Bool 
                ; Ar = λ { true   
                         ; false  Bool } 
                ; Bi = λ { {true} tt  1 
                         ; {false} b  0 } }

  open Terms Σλam

  λam :   Set
  λam n = Tm n

  app : ∀{n}  λam n  λam n  λam n
  app f s = `op false  { true  sc f 
                         ; false  sc s })

  abs : ∀{n}  λam (suc n)  λam n 
  abs b = `op true  { tt  sc b })

-- **** Substitution

  str : Terms.Strength Σλam
  str {m = n} fmap (inj₁ tm) = fmap (raise n) tm
  str fmap (inj₂ k) = `var (inject+ _ k)

  open Subst Σλam str

  substλ : ∀{m n}  λam m  (Fin m  λam n)  λam n
  substλ tm ρ = sub ρ tm

-- **** Application

  tm1 : λam 0
  tm1 = abs (var zero)

  tm2 : λam 1
  tm2 = abs (app (var (suc zero)) (var zero))

  tm3 : λam 0
  tm3 = substλ tm2 ρ
    where ρ : Fin 1  λam 0
          ρ zero = tm1
          ρ (suc ()) 

-- *** Equations

module Equation (Σ : BSig)(str : Terms.Strength Σ) where

  open Terms Σ  
  open Subst Σ str

  -- More interestingly, these substitution operations have a
  -- well-behaved equationnal theory. We have the usual monadic
  -- identities:

    sub-left-id : {m n : }  
                  (x : Fin m)(f : Fin m  Tm n) 
                   sub f (var x)  f x
    sub-right-id : {m : }  
                   (xs : Tm m)  
                    sub var xs  xs

    sub-∘ : {l m n : }  
            (xs : Tm l)(g : Fin l  Tm m)(f : Fin m  Tm n)  
             sub f (sub g xs)  sub ((sub f)  g)  xs

  -- To which we add the identities associated with the Tm-module:

    weaken-id : {k l : }  
               (xs : Scope[ k ] l) 
                 weaken var xs  xs

    weaken-∘ : {k l m n : } 
                (xs : Scope[ k ] l)(g : Fin l  Tm m)(f : Fin m  Tm n) 
                 weaken f (weaken g xs)  weaken (sub f  g) xs

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