module Chapter6.Desc.FreeMonad.Examples.List where

open import Level 
  renaming ( zero to zeroL 
           ; suc to sucL )

open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product
open import Data.Nat hiding (_*_)
open import Data.Fin hiding (lift)
open import Data.Vec hiding (_>>=_)

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

open import Category.Monad

open import Chapter4.Desc
open import Chapter4.Desc.Tagged
open import Chapter4.Desc.Fixpoint
open import Chapter4.Desc.InitialAlgebra

open import Chapter6.Desc.FreeMonad
open import Chapter6.Desc.FreeMonad.Monad

ΣList : Set  tagDesc zeroL
ΣList A = 1 , 
          ( A λ _  `var  `1)  []

List : Set  Set
List A = (ΣList A) * 

nil : ∀{A}  List A
nil =  lift zero , tt , lift tt 

cons : ∀{A}  A  List A  List A
cons a xs =  lift (suc zero) , a , xs , lift tt 

append : ∀{A}  List A  List A  List A
append {A} xs ys = xs >>= λ { tt  ys }
  where open RawMonad (monad (ΣList A))

module Test where
  test-nil : ∀{A xs}  append {A} nil xs  xs
  test-nil = refl

  test-cons : ∀{A a xs ys}  append {A} (cons a xs) ys  cons a (append xs ys)
  test-cons = refl