
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Contextual Implicit.

Require Import Utf8.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import ImpAlg.Ens.
Require Import ImpAlg.Lattices.
Require Export ImpAlg.ImplicativeStructures.
Require Export ImpAlg.ParAlgebras.

Tensor Structures

Definition tensor_set_l `{X:Set} `{tensor:X X X} (A:Ens) (b:X):Ens :=
    fun x => a, A a x = tensor a b.
Definition tensor_set_r `{X:Set} `{tensor:X X X} (a:X) (B:Ens):Ens :=
    fun x => b, B b x = tensor a b.
Definition tensor_set `{X:Set} `{tensor:X X X} (A:Ens) (B:Ens):Ens :=
    fun x => a,∃b, A a B b x = tensor a b.
Notation "a ◃ b":= (rev a b) (at level 70).

Class TensorStructure `{CL:CompleteLattice} :=
    tensor:X X X;
    tneg: X X;
    tensor_mon: a a' b b', a a' -> b b' -> (tensor a b ) (tensor a' b');

    tneg_mon: a a', ord a a' -> ord (tneg a') (tneg a);
    tensor_join_l: A b, tensor (join_set A) b = join_set (@tensor_set_l X tensor A b);
    tensor_join_r: a B, tensor a (join_set B) = join_set (@tensor_set_r X tensor a B);
    tneg_join: A, tneg (join_set A) = meet_set (image_set tneg A)

Generalizable Variables X ord join meet tneg par L meet_set join_set.
Infix " ⨂ ":= tensor (at level 76, right associativity):ta_scope.
Notation "a ⨂↦ b":= (tneg( tensor a (tneg b))) (at level 60, right associativity):ta_scope.
Global Open Scope ta_scope.
Definition tarrow `{TS:TensorStructure} a b:= (a ⨂↦ b).

Properties of conjunctive structures

Section About_TensorStruct.
Context `{TS:TensorStructure}.

Properties of the ⨂ operator

  Lemma tensor_mon_l: a a' b, a a' -> (a b) (a' b).
  intros a a' b H.
  apply tensor_mon;intuition.

  Lemma tensor_mon_r: a b b', b b' -> (a b) (a b').
  intros a b b' H.
  apply tensor_mon;intuition.

  Lemma tensor_bot_l: a:X, ( a) = .
    intros a.
    rewrite <- join_emptyset.
    rewrite tensor_join_l.
    apply join_same_set.
    intros x;split;[intros (y,(H,_))| intros H];contradict H.

  Lemma tensor_bot_r: a:X, (a ) = .
    intros a.
    rewrite <- join_emptyset.
    rewrite tensor_join_r.
    apply join_same_set.
    intros x;split;[intros (y,(H,_))| intros H];contradict H.

Properties of the ¬ operator

  Lemma tneg_bot: (tneg ) = .
    rewrite <- join_emptyset.
    rewrite tneg_join.
    rewrite <- meet_emptyset.
    apply meet_same_set.
    intros x;split;[intros (y,(H,_))| intros H];contradict H.

End About_TensorStruct.

Hint Resolve tensor_mon tneg_mon tensor_join_l tensor_join_r tneg_join.

From ⅋-structures to ⨂-structures

We show that starting from a disjunctive structure, the structure based on the reversed underlying complete lattice with the same negation and a⨂b := a⅋b defines a conjunctive structure.

Section ReversePS.
  Context `{PS:ParStructure}.

  Definition tens a b:=par a b.

  Ltac autorev:=intros;unfold tens,rev,reverse;auto.

 Lemma rev_tensor_mon: a a' b b', a a' -> b b' -> tens a b tens a' b'.

  Lemma rev_tneg_mon: a a', a a' -> (¬ a') (¬ a).

  Lemma rev_tensor_join_l: A b, tens (meet_set A) b = meet_set (@tensor_set_l X tens A b).
    unfold tensor_set_l.
    apply par_meet_l.

  Lemma rev_tensor_join_r: a B, tens a (meet_set B) = meet_set (@tensor_set_r X tens a B).
    unfold tensor_set_l.
    apply par_meet_r.

  Lemma rev_tneg_join: A, pneg (meet_set A) = join_set (image_set pneg A).
    apply pneg_meet.
End ReversePS.

Global Instance PS_TS `{PS:ParStructure}:@TensorStructure _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice:=
  {tensor:=par; tneg:= pneg; tensor_mon:=rev_tensor_mon;
   tensor_join_r:=rev_tensor_join_r; tneg_join:=rev_tneg_join}.

From ⨂-structures to ⅋-structures

Conversly, we show that strating from a conjunctive structure, the structure based on the reversed underlying complete lattice with the same negation and a⅋b := a⨂b defines a disjunctive structure.

Section ReverseTS.
  Context `{TS:TensorStructure}.

  Notation "¬ a":=(tneg a).

  Ltac autorev:=intros;unfold rev,reverse;auto.

  Lemma rev_par_mon: a a' b b', a a' -> b b' -> tensor a b tensor a' b'.

  Lemma rev_pneg_mon: a a', a a' -> (¬ a') (¬ a).

  Lemma rev_par_meet_l: A b, tensor (join_set A) b = join_set (@par_set_l X tensor A b).
    unfold par_set_l.
    apply tensor_join_l.

  Lemma rev_par_meet_r: a B, tensor a (join_set B) = join_set (@par_set_r X tensor a B).
    unfold par_set_l.
    apply tensor_join_r.

  Lemma rev_pneg_meet: A, tneg (join_set A) = meet_set (image_set tneg A).
    apply tneg_join.

End ReverseTS.

Global Instance TS_PS `{TS:TensorStructure}:@ParStructure _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice:=
  {par:=tensor; pneg:=tneg; par_mon:=rev_par_mon;
   pneg_mon:=rev_pneg_mon; par_meet_l:=rev_par_meet_l; par_meet_r:=rev_par_meet_r;

Conjunctive algebras

We define conjunctive algebras as the given of a conjunctive structure together with a separator which contains at least the following combinators.

Definition TS1 `{TS:TensorStructure}:= ⋂[ a ] (a ⨂↦ (a a)).
Definition TS2 `{TS:TensorStructure}:= ⋂[ a ] (⋂[ b ] ((a b) ⨂↦ a )).
Definition TS3 `{TS:TensorStructure}:= ⋂[ a ] (⋂[ b ] ((a b) ⨂↦ (b a))).
Definition TS4 `{TS:TensorStructure}:= ⋂[ a ] ⋂[ b ] ⋂[ c ] ((a ⨂↦ b) ⨂↦ (c a) ⨂↦ (c b)).
Definition TS5 `{TS:TensorStructure}:= ⋂[ a ] ⋂[ b ] ⋂[ c ] ((a (b c)) ⨂↦ ((a b) c)).

Class TensorAlgebra `{TS:TensorStructure}:=
    tsep: X Prop;
    tmodus_ponens: a b, tsep a tsep (a ⨂↦ b) tsep b;
    tup_closed: a b, ord a b tsep a tsep b;
    tsep_TS1 : tsep TS1;
    tsep_TS2 : tsep TS2;
    tsep_TS3 : tsep TS3;
    tsep_TS4 : tsep TS4;
    tsep_TS5 : tsep TS5;

Notation "a '∈ʆ'":= (tsep a) (at level 80,no associativity):ta_scope.
Global Open Scope ta_scope.
Hint Resolve tsep_TS1 tsep_TS2 tsep_TS3 tsep_TS4 tsep_TS5.

Section ReverseParAlg.
  Context `{PA:ParAlgebra}.

  Definition pre_pneg := preimage (fun a => pneg a).
  Definition pre_pneg_set:= preimage_set (fun a => ¬ a).
  Notation "¬⁻¹ a":=(pre_pneg a) (at level 75):ia_scope.
  Notation "a ◃ b":= (rev Ord a b) (at level 70):ia_scope.

  Definition TS:=PS_TS.
  Definition revsep := pre_pneg_set (psep).

  Notation "a ⨂ b":= (@tensor _ _ _ _ TS a b).

  Lemma in_pre_pneg : A a, pre_pneg_set A a A (¬a).
    intros;split;intro H.
    - destruct H as (b,(Ab,Hb));subst;intuition.
    - exists (¬ a); auto.

  Lemma in_revsep : a, revsep a psep (¬a).
    intro a;unfold revsep.
    rewrite in_pre_pneg.

  Lemma up_closed_tsep: a b, a b revsep a revsep b.
    intros a b Hab Ha.
    rewrite in_revsep;rewrite in_revsep in Ha.
    apply pup_closed with (¬ a);intuition.

  Definition tarr:=(@tarrow _ _ _ _ TS).
  Infix "⨂↦":=(tarr) (at level 60, right associativity).

  Ltac PAstep ax:= eapply pup_closed;[|apply ax]; repeat auto_meet_intro; auto_meet_elim_trans.

  Lemma arrow_tsep_psep: a b, (revsep ( a ⨂↦ b) psep ((¬a) (¬b))).
    intros a b ;split;intro H.
    - eapply pmodus_ponens with ((a⅋ ¬b)).
      + eapply pmodus_ponens with (¬¬(a⅋ ¬b)).
        * apply in_revsep;assumption.
        * apply dne_entails.
      + eapply pmodus_ponens;[exact (dni_entails a)|].
        eapply pup_closed;[|apply psep_PS4_r].
        apply (meet_elim_trans);later.
        split;[exists a;reflexivity|].
        apply (meet_elim_trans);later.
        split;[exists (¬¬a);reflexivity|].
        apply (meet_elim);exists (¬b).
    - apply in_revsep.
       eapply pmodus_ponens with ((a⅋ ¬b)).
       + eapply pmodus_ponens with ((¬¬a) ¬b).
         * assumption.
         * eapply pmodus_ponens;[exact (dne_entails a)|].
           eapply pup_closed;[|apply psep_PS4_r].
           apply (meet_elim_trans);later.
           split;[exists (¬¬a);reflexivity|].
           apply (meet_elim_trans);later.
           split;[exists (a);reflexivity|].
           apply (meet_elim);exists (¬b).
       + apply dni_entails.

  Lemma modus_ponens_revsep: a b, revsep a revsep (a ⨂↦ b) revsep b.
    intros a b Ha Hab.
    rewrite in_revsep.
    rewrite in_revsep in Ha.
    rewrite arrow_tsep_psep in Hab.
    eapply pmodus_ponens;[exact Ha|exact Hab].

  Ltac auto_step_ter p ax:= eapply psep_PC6_ter with (g:= p);[step ax|].

  Ltac auto_rewrite:=
    match goal with
      |[ H: ?x = _ |- ?x = _] => rewrite H; try (reflexivity)
      |[ H: ?x = _ |- ?f ?x = _] => rewrite H; try (reflexivity)

  Ltac auto_same_set_step:=
    match goal with
      |[ |- _ _ ] => let x:=fresh "x" in let a := fresh "a" in let H:=fresh "H" in
                                                                 intro x; unfold image_set; split;intros (a,H)
      |[ H: ( _: X, _ = _ ) ?x = _ |- _:X, ?x = _] =>
       let b:=fresh "a" in let Ha:=fresh "H" in let Hb:=fresh "H" in
                                                destruct H as ((b,Hb),Ha);try(later; rewrite Ha,Hb) (* ,neg_join in ;try(now reflexivity) *)
      |[ H: ?x = _ |- _ : X, (( _ : X, _ = _) ?x = _ )] =>
       try(later;split;[later;reflexivity|]);try(rewrite H;now reflexivity)
      |[ H: ?x = _ |- _ : X, ?x = _] => later;repeat(auto_rewrite)
      |[ |- (tneg (join_set _)) = _] => rewrite tneg_join
      |[ |- _ = (tneg (join_set _))] => rewrite tneg_join;repeat(auto_rewrite)
      |[ |- _ = _] => apply meet_same_set
      |[ |- _ = _] => now reflexivity
  Ltac auto_same_set:=repeat (auto_same_set_step).

  Lemma revsep_TS1: revsep (@TS1 _ _ _ _ TS).
    unfold TS1.
    rewrite meet_same_set with (B:=(image_set (@tneg _ _ _ _ TS) (λ x : X, a : X, x= (a (¬ (a a)))))).
    - rewrite <- tneg_join.
      rewrite in_revsep.
      unfold meet_set,tensor,TS,PS_TS,psep;simpl.
      eapply pmodus_ponens;[|exact (dni_entails _)].
      do 2 (auto_add_inf_X X).
      eapply mod_pon_inf_ter with (f:= fun (c b a :X) => (¬(a⅋a) a)).
      + step psep_PS3.
      + step psep_PS1.
    - auto_same_set.

  Lemma revsep_TS2: revsep (@TS2 _ _ _ _ TS).
    unfold TS2.
    rewrite meet_same_set
    with (B:=image_set (@tneg _ _ _ _ TS) (λ x : X, a : X, x = @join_set _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice (λ x0 : X, b : X, x0 = ((a b) ¬ a)))).
    - rewrite <- tneg_join,in_revsep.
      unfold meet_set,tensor,TS,PS_TS,psep;simpl.
      eapply pmodus_ponens;[|exact (dni_entails _)].
      auto_add_inf_X X.
      eapply mod_pon_inf_ter with (f:= fun (c a b :X) => ((¬a ) (a⅋b))).
      + step psep_PS3.
      + step psep_PS2.
    - auto_same_set.

  Lemma revsep_TS3: revsep (@TS3 _ _ _ _ TS).
    unfold TS3.
    rewrite meet_same_set with (B:=image_set (@tneg _ _ _ _ TS)
                                             (λ x : X, a : X, x = @join_set _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice (λ x0 : X, b : X, x0 = ((a b) ¬ (ba))))).
    - rewrite <- tneg_join,in_revsep.
      unfold meet_set,tensor,TS,PS_TS,psep;simpl.
      eapply pmodus_ponens;[|exact (dni_entails _)].
      auto_add_inf_X X.
      eapply mod_pon_inf_ter with (f:= fun (c a b :X) => (b a) (a⅋b)).
      + step psep_PS3.
      + step psep_PS3.
    - auto_same_set.

  Lemma revsep_TS4: revsep (@TS4 _ _ _ _ TS).
    unfold TS4.
    rewrite meet_same_set with (B:=image_set (@tneg _ _ _ _ TS)
                                             (λ x : X, a : X, x = @join_set _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice
                                                                              (λ x0 : X, b : X, x0 = @join_set _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice
                                                                                                                  (λ x1 : X, c : X, x1 = (a ¬ b) (¬ ¬ ((c a) ¬ (c b))))))).
    - rewrite <- tneg_join,in_revsep.
      unfold meet_set,tensor,TS,PS_TS,psep;simpl.
      eapply pmodus_ponens;[|exact (dni_entails _)].
      auto_step_ter (fun (a b c:X) => (b a)) psep_PS3.
      auto_step_ter (fun (a b c:X) => (c b) (c a)) psep_PS4.
      auto_step_ter (fun (a b c:X) => (c a) ¬(c b)) psep_PS3.
      step dni.
    - auto_same_set.

  Lemma revsep_TS5: revsep (@TS5 _ _ _ _ TS).
    unfold TS5.
    rewrite meet_same_set with (B:=image_set (@tneg _ _ _ _ TS)
                                             (λ x : X, a : X, x = @join_set _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice
                                                                              (λ x0 : X, b : X, x0 = @join_set _ _ _ RevCompleteLattice
                                                                                                                  (λ x1 : X, c : X, x1 = ((a b c) ¬ ((a b) c)))))).
    - rewrite <- tneg_join,in_revsep.
      unfold meet_set,tensor,TS,PS_TS,psep;simpl.
      eapply pmodus_ponens;[|exact (dni_entails _)].
      rewrite par_comm_psep.
      step par_assoc_r.
    - auto_same_set.

Global Instance PA_TA:@TensorAlgebra _ _ _ _ TS:=
   tup_closed:= up_closed_tsep; tsep_TS1:=revsep_TS1;
End ReverseParAlg.

Section About_TensorAlg.
Context `{TA:TensorAlgebra}.
Notation "¬ a":=(tneg a).
Definition ts_abs t:= (λ x:X, a:X, x= (λ y : X, b :X, y = (¬(a ¬b)) t a b)).
Definition antiapp t u:= ((λ x:X, a:X, x= a (t ¬ (u a) ))).
Definition ts_app t u:= ((λ x:X, a:X, x= a (t ((λ y : X, b :X, y = (¬ b) (u ¬a) b))))).
Notation "λ⨂ t":=(abs t) (at level 60).
Notation "t @⨂ u":=(ts_app t u) (at level 59, left associativity).
Definition eta a:= fun x => a @⨂ x.

Lemma semi_adjunction: t u r, (¬ r) antiapp t u <-> t u ⨂↦ r.
intros t u r;split; intro H.
- apply ord_trans with (¬(u antiapp t u)).
  + unfold antiapp in *.
    rewrite tensor_join_r,tneg_join.
    apply meet_intro.
    intros x (a,(Ha,Hx)).
    subst x. unfold tensor_set_r in Ha.
    destruct Ha as (b,((c,(Hc,Hd)),Ha)).
    subst. intuition.
  + apply tneg_mon.
    apply tensor_mon;[reflexivity|assumption].
- apply join_elim.
  now later;split;[reflexivity|].

Lemma ts_half_adjunction: t u r, t u ⨂↦ r t@u r .
  intros t u r H.

End About_TensorAlg.