
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Contextual Implicit.

Require Import Utf8.

Propositional Logic

We represent derivations of propositional logic through an inductive type.


We distinguish positive types (here, the product type) and negative types (here, the arrow type).

Inductive Types :=
| Pos : PosTypes Types
| Neg : NegTypes Types
with PosTypes :=
| Prod : Types Types PosTypes
with NegTypes :=
| To : Types Types NegTypes.

Coercion Pos : PosTypes >-> Types.
Coercion Neg : NegTypes >-> Types.

Notation "A ⇒ B" := (To A B)
  (at level 70, right associativity).
Notation "A ⋆ B" := (Prod A B)
  (at level 65, right associativity).


Context are defined as usual, as a partial function from variables to types. We then provide some generic (toy) operations over environments.

Definition context := nat option Types.
Definition ext_context (Γ: context)(A: Types): context
  := fun n =>
       match n with
         | 0 => Some A
         | S k => Γ k
Notation "Γ ▹ A" := (ext_context Γ A)
  (at level 73, left associativity).

Definition intCtxt (Γ: context)(I: Types Type): Type
  := forall v T, Γ(v) = Some T I T.

Definition lookup {Γ n T I} (ρ: intCtxt Γ I)(q: Γ n = Some T): I T
  := ρ n T q.

Definition ext_int {Γ I T}(ρ: intCtxt Γ I)(t: I T): intCtxt (Γ T) I.
intro n; case n.
- intros T' q.
  simpl in q.
  inversion q as [q'].
  rewrite q' in t.
  exact t.
- intros n' T' q.
  eapply ρ; exact q.

Typing judgments

The type system is coded by an inductive familly.

Inductive Ty (Γ Δ: context): Type:=
| ty_cut: A,
(*  Γ ⊢ p:A | Δ  →  Γ | e:A ⊢ Δ → <p|e>: (Γ⊢Δ)  *)
   Ty_r Γ Δ A Ty_l Γ Δ A Ty Γ Δ
with Ty_r (Γ Δ: context): Types Type :=
| ty_var_r : k A,
(*  (a:A) ∈ Γ     →  Γ ⊢ a:A | Δ *)
    Γ(k) = Some A Ty_r Γ Δ A
| ty_app_r: A B,
(*  Γ,a:A ⊢ p:B | Δ  →  Γ ⊢ λa.p:(A ⇒ B)  *)
    Ty_r (Γ A) Δ B Ty_r Γ Δ (A B)
| ty_pair_r: A B,
(*  Γ ⊢ p:A | Δ  →  Γ ⊢ q:B | Δ → Γ ⊢ (p,q):A x B | Δ  *)
    Ty_r Γ Δ A Ty_r Γ Δ B Ty_r Γ Δ (A B)
| ty_mu_r: A,
(*  c: (Γ ⊢ Δ,α:A)  →  Γ ⊢ µα.c:A | Δ  *)
    Ty Γ (Δ A) Ty_r Γ Δ A
with Ty_l (Γ Δ:context): Types Type :=
| ty_var_l: k A,
    Δ(k) = Some A
    Ty_l Γ Δ A
| ty_app_l: A B,
    Ty_r Γ Δ A
    Ty_l Γ Δ B
    Ty_l Γ Δ (A B)
| ty_mut_l: A,
    Ty (Γ A) Δ
    Ty_l Γ Δ A
| ty_pair_l: A B,
    Ty (Γ A B) Δ
    Ty_l Γ Δ (A B)

Notation "Γ ⊢t A § Δ" := (Ty_r Γ Δ A) (at level 74, no associativity).
Notation "Γ $ A ⊢e Δ" := (Ty_l Γ Δ A) (at level 74, no associativity).
Notation "Γ ⊢c Δ" := (Ty Γ Δ) (at level 75, no associativity).


We define a realizability interpretation of this calculus, parametrically with respect to the pole.

Generic realizability structure

We are parametric in the pole:

Parameter pole: Type.

For example, we could take:
 Definition pole := False. 
which would give a Tarsky-style semantics, or we could take:
 Definition pole := { c: Tm & value c }. 
which would be closer to a "real" realizability interpretation.

Definition orth (T: Type): Type := T pole.

Definition biorth {T} : T orth (orth T) := fun t k => k t.

Realizability interpretations

We are going to define 6 interpretations of this λμμ̃-calculus, each interpretation corresponding to a particular definition of truth and falsity values for product and arrow types. To avoid name clashes, we build them in 6 separate modules. Each module exports a realizability functions, which depends on an interpretation of contexts and terms (ie. the orthogonal of value contexts).

Module Type Rea.
Parameter intCV : Types Type.
Parameter intTV : Types Type.
Parameter env_r : context Type.
Parameter env_l : context Type.
Parameter rea_r : forall Γ Δ A, Ty_r Γ Δ A env_r Γ env_l Δ orth (intCV A).
Parameter rea_l : forall Γ Δ A, Ty_l Γ Δ A env_r Γ env_l Δ orth (intTV A).
End Rea.

Reserved Notation "'intT' T"
    (at level 10, no associativity).
Reserved Notation "'intC' T"
    (at level 10, no associativity).

Version (1): call-by-name

It corresponds to this version:
  || A → B ||_E = | A | × || B ||
   | A × B |_V  = | A | × | B |

Module Rea1 <: Rea.

Fixpoint intCN (N : NegTypes): Type :=
  match N with
    | A B => (intT A * intC B)%type
with intTP (P : PosTypes): Type :=
  match P with
    | Prod A B => (intT A * intT B)%type
with intCV T :=
  match T with
    | Neg N => intCN N
    | Pos P => orth (intTP P)
with intTV T :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => intTP P
    | Neg N => orth (intCN N)
where "'intT' T" := (orth (intCV T))
  and "'intC' T" := (orth (intTV T)).

Notation "'|' A '|_V'":=(intTV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖_E'":=(intCV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'|' A '|'" :=(intT A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖'" :=(intC A) (at level 80, no associativity).

We witness the (usual) inclusions between orthogonals:

Definition biorthC {T} : intCV T intC T
  := match T return intCV T intC T with
       | Pos _ => fun t => t
       | Neg _ => biorth

Definition biorthT {T} : intTV T intT T
  := match T return intTV T intT T with
       | Pos _ => biorth
       | Neg _ => fun t => t

And a cut (ie. function application) whose behavior depends on the polarity:

Definition cut {T} : intT T intC T pole
  := match T with
       | Pos P => fun t e => t e
       | Neg N => fun t e => e t

Definition env_r (Γ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Γ (fun T => intT T).
Definition env_l (Δ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Δ (fun T => intC T).

Fixpoint rea_r (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ t A § Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intT A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_r _ a => lookup ρ a
    |ty_app_r t =>
     fun π =>
       let (u,e) := π in
       (* This suggests that: 
              <λx.t|u.e> → <t[u/x]|e> 
          for any u, this is call-by-name fashion *)

       cut (rea_r t (ext_int ρ u) σ) e
    |ty_mu_r c=>
        fun α => rea c ρ (ext_int σ (biorthC α))
    |ty_pair_r p q =>
     fun π => π (rea_r p ρ σ, rea_r q ρ σ)
with rea_l (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ $ A e Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intC A:=
  match H with
    |ty_var_l _ α => lookup σ α
    |ty_app_l u π =>
     fun t =>
       t (rea_r u ρ σ, rea_l π ρ σ)
    |ty_mut_l c=>
     fun a => rea c (ext_int ρ (biorthT a)) σ
    |ty_pair_l c =>
     fun pair =>
       let (p,q):= pair in
      (* This suggests that:
               <(t,u)|µ~(x,y).c> → c[t/x,u/x]
        for any t,u, this is again call-by-name fashion *)

       (rea c (ext_int (ext_int ρ p) q) σ)
with rea (Γ Δ:context) (H: Γ c Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: pole :=
  match H with
    | ty_cut t π =>
      cut (rea_r t ρ σ) (rea_l π ρ σ)
End Rea1.

Version (2): Call-by-value arrow type, call-by-name product type

It corresponds to this version:
  || A → B ||_E = | A |_V × || B ||
   | A × B |_V  = | A | × | B |

Module Rea2 <: Rea.

Fixpoint intCN (N : NegTypes): Type :=
  match N with
    | A B => (intTV A * intC B)%type
with intTP (P : PosTypes): Type :=
  match P with
    | Prod A B => (intT A * intT B)%type
with intCV T :=
  match T with
    | Neg N => intCN N
    | Pos P => orth (intTP P)
with intTV T :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => intTP P
    | Neg N => orth (intCN N)
where "'intT' T" := (orth (intCV T))
  and "'intC' T" := (orth (intTV T)).

Notation "'|' A '|_V'":=(intTV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖_E'":=(intCV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'|' A '|'" :=(intT A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖'" :=(intC A) (at level 80, no associativity).

Definition biorth {T} : T orth (orth T) := fun t k => k t.

Definition biorthT {T} : intTV T intT T :=
  match T return intTV T intT T with
    | Pos _ => biorth
    | Neg _ => fun t => t
Definition biorthC {T} : intCV T intC T :=
  match T return intCV T intC T with
    | Pos _ => fun t => t
    | Neg _ => biorth

Definition cut {T} : intT T intC T pole :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => fun t e => t e
    | Neg N => fun t e => e t

Definition env_r (Γ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Γ (fun T => intT T).
Definition env_l (Δ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Δ (fun T => intCV T).

Fixpoint rea_r (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ t A § Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intT A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_r _ a => lookup ρ a
    |ty_app_r t =>
     fun π =>
       let (u,e) := π in
       (* This suggests that:
               <λx.t|V.e> → <t[V/x]|e> 
       for values V (this is witnessed by the fact that u is applied biorthT): 
       this is a call-by-value fashion for the arrow type. *)

       cut (rea_r t (ext_int ρ (biorthT u)) σ) e
    |ty_mu_r c=>
       fun α => rea c ρ (ext_int σ (α))
    |ty_pair_r p q =>
     fun π => π (rea_r p ρ σ, rea_r q ρ σ)
with rea_l (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ $ A e Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intC A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_l _ α => biorthC (lookup σ α)
    |ty_app_l u π =>
    (* This suggests that when considering a context |u.e>, u has to be evaluated first:
     this is a call-by-value fashion. Given as a CPS translation, this would give:
           [u.e] f = [u]  (λV. f V [e]

     (fun f => cut (rea_r u ρ σ) (fun vu => f (vu,(rea_l π ρ σ))))
    |ty_mut_l c=>
     fun a => rea c (ext_int ρ (biorthT a)) σ
    |ty_pair_l c =>
     fun pair =>
       let (p,q):= pair in
    (* This suggests that:
              <(t,u)|µ~(x,y).c> → c[t/x,u/y]
       for any t,u, this is a call-by-name fashion for the product type.*)

       (rea c (ext_int (ext_int ρ p) q) σ)
with rea (Γ Δ:context) (H: Γ c Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: pole :=
  match H with
    | ty_cut t π =>
      cut (rea_r t ρ σ) (rea_l π ρ σ)
End Rea2.

Version (3): Call-by-name arrow type, call-by-value product type

It corresponds to this version:
  || A → B ||  = | A | × || B ||
   | A × B |V  = | A |V × | B |V

Module Rea3 <: Rea.

Fixpoint intCN (N : NegTypes): Type :=
  match N with
    | A B => (intT A * intC B)%type
with intTP (P : PosTypes): Type :=
  match P with
    | Prod A B => (intTV A * intTV B)%type
with intCV T :=
  match T with
    | Neg N => intCN N
    | Pos P => orth (intTP P)
with intTV T :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => intTP P
    | Neg N => orth (intCN N)
where "'intT' T" := (orth (intCV T))
  and "'intC' T" := (orth (intTV T)).

Notation "'|' A '|_V'":=(intTV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖_E'":=(intCV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'|' A '|'" :=(intT A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖'" :=(intC A) (at level 80, no associativity).

Definition biorthC {T} : intCV T intC T :=
  match T return intCV T intC T with
    | Pos _ => fun t => t
    | Neg _ => biorth
Definition biorthT {T} : intTV T intT T :=
  match T return intTV T intT T with
    | Pos _ => biorth
    | Neg _ => fun t => t

Definition cut {T} : intT T intC T pole :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => fun t e => t e
    | Neg N => fun t e => e t

Definition env_r (Γ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Γ (fun T => intT T).

Definition env_l (Δ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Δ (fun T => intC T).

Fixpoint rea_r (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ t A § Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intT A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_r _ a => (lookup ρ a)
    |ty_app_r t =>
     fun π => let (u,e) := π in
      (* This suggests that:
                <λx.t|u.e> → <t[u/x]|e> 
         for any u, this is call-by-name fashion for the arrow type. *)

       cut (rea_r t (ext_int ρ u) σ) e
    |ty_mu_r c=>
     fun α => rea c ρ (ext_int σ (biorthC α))
    |ty_pair_r p q =>
    (* This suggests that when considering pairs, each of their components have to be evaluated first: 
    this is a call-by-value fashion (for positive types).
    Given as a CPS translation, this would give:
           [(p,q)] k = [p] (λa. [q]  (λb. k (a,b) )) 

     fun π =>
       cut (rea_r p ρ σ) (fun va => cut (rea_r q ρ σ) (fun vb => π (va,vb)))
with rea_l (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ $ A e Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intC A:=
  match H with
    |ty_var_l _ α => lookup σ α
    |ty_app_l u π =>
     (fun f => f (rea_r u ρ σ,rea_l π ρ σ))
    |ty_mut_l c=>
     fun a => rea c (ext_int ρ (biorthT a)) σ
    |ty_pair_l c =>
     fun pair =>
       let (p,q):= pair in
    (* We observe here that contexts of the shape µ~(x,y).c indeed expect pairs of values to reduce,
       as witnessed by the fact that this values are applied biorthT *)

       (rea c (ext_int (ext_int ρ (biorthT p)) (biorthT q)) σ)
with rea (Γ Δ:context) (H: Γ c Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: pole :=
  match H with
    | ty_cut t π =>
      cut (rea_r t ρ σ) (rea_l π ρ σ)
End Rea3.

Version (4): Call-by-value

It corresponds to this version:
  || A → B ||_E = | A |_V × || B ||
   | A × B |_V  = | A |_V × | B |_V

Module Rea4 <: Rea.

Fixpoint intCN (N : NegTypes): Type :=
  match N with
    | A B => (intTV A * intC B)%type
with intTP (P : PosTypes): Type :=
  match P with
    | Prod A B => (intTV A * intTV B)%type
with intCV T :=
  match T with
    | Neg N => intCN N
    | Pos P => orth (intTP P)
with intTV T :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => intTP P
    | Neg N => orth (intCN N)
where "'intT' T" := (orth (intCV T))
  and "'intC' T" := (orth (intTV T)).
Notation "'|' A '|_V'":=(intTV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖_E'":=(intCV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'|' A '|'" :=(intT A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖'" :=(intC A) (at level 80, no associativity).

Definition biorthC {T} : intCV T intC T :=
  match T return intCV T intC T with
    | Pos _ => fun t => t
    | Neg _ => biorth
Definition biorthT {T} : intTV T intT T :=
  match T return intTV T intT T with
    | Pos _ => biorth
    | Neg _ => fun t => t

Definition cut {T} : intT T intC T pole :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => fun t e => t e
    | Neg N => fun t e => e t

Definition env_r (Γ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Γ (fun T => intTV T).

Definition env_l (Δ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Δ (fun T => intC T).

Fixpoint rea_r (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ t A § Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intT A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_r _ a => biorthT (lookup ρ a)
    |ty_app_r t =>
     fun π =>
       let (u,e) := π in
       cut (rea_r t (ext_int ρ u) σ) e
    |ty_mu_r c=>
     fun α => rea c ρ (ext_int σ (biorthC α))
    |ty_pair_r p q =>
    (* We recognize the call-by-value fashion for the product type. *)
     fun π =>
       cut (rea_r p ρ σ) (fun va => cut (rea_r q ρ σ) (fun vb => π (va,vb)))
with rea_l (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ $ A e Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intC A:=
  match H with
    |ty_var_l _ α => lookup σ α
    |ty_app_l u π =>
      (* We recognize the call-by-value fashion for the arrow type. *)
     (fun f => cut (rea_r u ρ σ) (fun r => f (r,rea_l π ρ σ)))
    |ty_mut_l c=>
     fun a => rea c (ext_int ρ a) σ
    |ty_pair_l c =>
     fun pair =>
       let (p,q):= pair in
       (rea c (ext_int (ext_int ρ p) q) σ)
with rea (Γ Δ:context) (H: Γ c Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: pole :=
  match H with
    | ty_cut t π =>
      cut (rea_r t ρ σ) (rea_l π ρ σ)
End Rea4.

(* We can also imagine many different ways to define truth and falsity values
by mixing the previous definitions. We give a few more definitions to illustrate this. *)

Version (2bis)

It corresponds to this version:
  || A → B ||_E = | A |_V × || B ||_E
   | A × B |V  = | A | × | B |

Module Rea2bis <: Rea.

Fixpoint intCN (N : NegTypes): Type :=
  match N with
    | A B => (intTV A * intCV B)%type
with intTP (P : PosTypes): Type :=
  match P with
    | Prod A B => (intT A * intT B)%type
with intCV T :=
  match T with
    | Neg N => intCN N
    | Pos P => orth (intTP P)
with intTV T :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => intTP P
    | Neg N => orth (intCN N)
where "'intT' T" := (orth (intCV T))
  and "'intC' T" := (orth (intTV T)).

Notation "'|' A '|_V'":=(intTV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖_E'":=(intCV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'|' A '|'" :=(intT A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖'" :=(intC A) (at level 80, no associativity).

Definition biorth {T} : T orth (orth T) := fun t k => k t.

Definition biorthT {T} : intTV T intT T :=
  match T return intTV T intT T with
    | Pos _ => biorth
    | Neg _ => fun t => t
Definition biorthC {T} : intCV T intC T :=
  match T return intCV T intC T with
    | Pos _ => fun t => t
    | Neg _ => biorth

Definition cut {T} : intT T intC T pole :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => fun t e => t e
    | Neg N => fun t e => e t

Definition env_r (Γ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Γ (fun T => intT T).
Definition env_l (Δ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Δ (fun T => intCV T).

Fixpoint rea_r (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ t A § Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intT A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_r _ a => lookup ρ a
    |ty_app_r t =>
     fun π =>
       let (u,e) := π in
       (* This suggests that:
        <λx.t|V.e> → <t[V/x]|e> 
        for values V*)

       (rea_r t (ext_int ρ (biorthT u)) σ) e
    |ty_mu_r c=>
       fun α => rea c ρ (ext_int σ (α))
    |ty_pair_r p q =>
     fun π => π (rea_r p ρ σ, rea_r q ρ σ)
with rea_l (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ $ A e Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intC A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_l _ α => biorthC (lookup σ α)
    |ty_app_l u π =>
    (* This suggests that when considering a context |u.e>, 
    u and e have to be evaluated first: this is a call-by-value fashion.
    Given as a CPS translation, this would give:
           [u.e] f = [e] (λE. [u]  (λV. f V E)) 

     (fun f =>
       cut (fun ve => cut (rea_r u ρ σ) (fun vu => f (vu,ve))) (rea_l π ρ σ))
    |ty_mut_l c=>
     fun a => rea c (ext_int ρ (biorthT a)) σ
    |ty_pair_l c =>
     fun pair =>
       let (p,q):= pair in
       (* This suggests that:
                <(t,u)|µ~(x,y).c> → c[t/x,u/y]
         for any t,u, this is again call-by-name fashion *)

       (rea c (ext_int (ext_int ρ p) q) σ)
with rea (Γ Δ:context) (H: Γ c Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: pole :=
  match H with
    | ty_cut t π =>
      cut (rea_r t ρ σ) (rea_l π ρ σ)
End Rea2bis.

Version (1bis)

It corresponds to this version:
  || A → B ||_E = | A | × || B ||_E
   | A × B |_V  = | A | × | B |

Module Rea1bis <: Rea.

Fixpoint intCN (N : NegTypes): Type :=
  match N with
    | A B => (intT A * intCV B)%type
with intTP (P : PosTypes): Type :=
  match P with
    | Prod A B => (intT A * intT B)%type
with intCV T :=
  match T with
    | Neg N => intCN N
    | Pos P => orth (intTP P)
with intTV T :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => intTP P
    | Neg N => orth (intCN N)
where "'intT' T" := (orth (intCV T))
  and "'intC' T" := (orth (intTV T)).

Notation "'|' A '|_V'":=(intTV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖_E'":=(intCV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'|' A '|'" :=(intT A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖'" :=(intC A) (at level 80, no associativity).

Definition biorthT {T} : intTV T intT T :=
  match T return intTV T intT T with
    | Pos _ => biorth
    | Neg _ => fun t => t

Definition biorthC {T} : intCV T intC T
  := match T return intCV T intC T with
       | Pos _ => fun t => t
       | Neg _ => biorth

Definition cut {T} : intT T intC T pole :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => fun t e => t e
    | Neg N => fun t e => e t

Definition env_r (Γ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Γ (fun T => intT T).

Definition env_l (Delta: context): Type
  := intCtxt Delta (fun T => intCV T).

Fixpoint rea_r (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ t A § Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intT A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_r _ a => lookup ρ a
    |ty_app_r t =>
     fun π =>
       let (u,e) := π in
       (* This suggests that <λx.t|u.E> → <tu/x | E> for any u but only for E. *)
       (rea_r t (ext_int ρ u) σ) e
    |ty_mu_r c=>
     fun α => rea c ρ (ext_int σ α)
    |ty_pair_r p q =>
     fun π => π (rea_r p ρ σ, rea_r q ρ σ)
with rea_l (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ $ A e Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intC A:=
  match H with
    |ty_var_l _ α => biorthC (lookup σ α)
    |ty_app_l u π =>
     (fun f =>
       cut (fun r => f (rea_r u ρ σ,r)) (rea_l π ρ σ))
    |ty_mut_l c=>
     fun a => rea c (ext_int ρ (biorthT a)) σ
    |ty_pair_l c =>
     fun pair =>
       let (p,q):= pair in
     (* This suggests that <(t,u)|µ~(x,y).c> → ct/x,u/x* for any t,u, this is again call-by-name fashion *)
       (rea c (ext_int (ext_int ρ p) q) σ)
with rea (Γ Δ:context) (H: Γ c Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: pole :=
  match H with
    | ty_cut t π =>
      cut (rea_r t ρ σ) (rea_l π ρ σ)
End Rea1bis.

Version (4bis)

It corresponds to this version:
  || A → B ||_E = | A |V × || B ||_E
   | A × B |V  = | A |V × | B |V

Module Rea4bis <: Rea.

Fixpoint intCN (N : NegTypes): Type :=
  match N with
    | A B => (intTV A * intCV B)%type
with intTP (P : PosTypes): Type :=
  match P with
    | Prod A B => (intTV A * intTV B)%type
with intCV T :=
  match T with
    | Neg N => intCN N
    | Pos P => orth (intTP P)
with intTV T :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => intTP P
    | Neg N => orth (intCN N)
where "'intT' T" := (orth (intCV T))
  and "'intC' T" := (orth (intTV T)).

Notation "'|' A '|_V'":=(intTV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖_E'":=(intCV A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'|' A '|'" :=(intT A) (at level 80, no associativity).
Notation "'‖' A '‖'" :=(intC A) (at level 80, no associativity).

Definition biorthC {T} : intCV T intC T :=
  match T return intCV T intC T with
    | Pos _ => fun t => t
    | Neg _ => biorth
Definition biorthT {T} : intTV T intT T :=
  match T return intTV T intT T with
    | Pos _ => biorth
    | Neg _ => fun t => t

Definition cut {T} : intT T intC T pole :=
  match T with
    | Pos P => fun t e => t e
    | Neg N => fun t e => e t

Definition env_r (Γ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Γ (fun T => intTV T).

Definition env_l (Δ: context): Type
  := intCtxt Δ (fun T => intCV T).

Fixpoint rea_r (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ t A § Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intT A :=
  match H with
    |ty_var_r _ a => biorthT (lookup ρ a)
    |ty_app_r t =>
     fun π =>
       let (u,e) := π in
       (rea_r t (ext_int ρ u) σ) e
    |ty_mu_r c=>
     fun α => rea c ρ (ext_int σ α)
    |ty_pair_r p q =>
     fun π =>
       cut (rea_r p ρ σ) (fun va => cut (rea_r q ρ σ) (fun vb => π (va,vb)))
with rea_l (Γ Δ:context) (A:Types) (H: Γ $ A e Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: intC A:=
  match H with
    |ty_var_l _ α => biorthC (lookup σ α)
    |ty_app_l u π =>
     (fun f =>
       cut (rea_r u ρ σ) (fun r => cut (fun ve => f (r,ve)) (rea_l π ρ σ)))
    |ty_mut_l c=>
     fun a => rea c (ext_int ρ a) σ
    |ty_pair_l c =>
     fun pair =>
       let (p,q):= pair in
       (rea c (ext_int (ext_int ρ p) q) σ)
with rea (Γ Δ:context) (H: Γ c Δ) (ρ: env_r Γ) (σ: env_l Δ) {struct H}: pole :=
  match H with
    | ty_cut t π =>
      cut (rea_r t ρ σ) (rea_l π ρ σ)
End Rea4bis.