Daniela Petrisan
Maître de conférences, IRIF, Université de Paris
- Pulications (full list). Most recent :
Monads Weakly Distribute over Themselves in Toposes
and Compact Hausdorff Spaces.
Alexandre Goy, Daniela Petrisan, Marc Aiguier, ICALP 2021
- Semialgebras and Weak Distributive Laws
Daniela Petrisan, Ralph Sarkis, MFPS 2021
- Learning Automata and Transducers: A Categorical Approach
Thomas Colcombet, Daniela Petrisan, Riccardo Stabile, CSL 2021
- Combining probabilistic and non-deterministic choice via weak distributive laws.
Alexandre Goy, Daniela Petrisan, LICS 2020
- PhD students
- Alexandre Goy (graduated 2021, co-supervised with
M. Aiguier), now a postdoc at ENS Lyon
- Luca
Reggio (graduated 2018, co-supervised with M. Gehrke
and S.v.Gool), now a postdoc at the University of Oxford
- Master students
Ralph Sarkis, Riccardo Stabile, Samuel Humeau, Olivier Stietel
I have served on several Program Committes: FoSSaCS 2022,
CSL 2022, LICS 2020, CSL 2018, MFPS 2017, FSCD 2017, CALCO
2017, CONCUR 2016, CMCS 2016, CALCO 2015, MFPS 30 , CMCS
2014, CALCO 2013, ICE 2013, CMCS 2012
I was the Program Chair of CMCS 2020, CALCO 2017 Early Ideas affiliated Workshop
Invited talks: CMCS 2018, ALCOP 2017, CALCO 2015, MFPS 2015
(invited tutorial speaker)
I served in the Publicity committee
of ACM SIGLOG up until 2018.
Email: petrisanirif.fr
Office: 4016, Bâtiment Sophie Germain, 8 place Aurélie Nemours, 75013 Paris
Work phone: +33 (0)1 57 27 94 00
Postal address: IRIF, Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7 - Case 7014, F-75205 Paris Cedex 13