Research themes

The research carried out at the Automata and applications team covers the fundamental aspects of automata theory, as well as algorithmic questions arising from concrete problems. The fundamental aspects concern mainly semigroups, combinatorics on words, foundation of databases, the link with logic, topology, games, etc. In the recent years, special effort has been devoted to the extensions of the notion of automaton : automata on infinite or even transfinite words, automata with output, etc. Concerning applications, the team is working on problems arising from model checking, discrete event systems modelling, databases, computer arithmetic, and on algorithms for the automatic recognition in genetic sequences.


Permanent members

Berthé Valérie @ 01 57 27 93 35 4014 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi
Carton Olivier @ 01 57 27 92 54 4037 Professor ASV automates
Choffrut Christian @ 01 57 27 94 45 4007 Professor Emeritus ASV automates
Colcombet Thomas @ 01 57 27 94 32 3042 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Fortin Marie @ 01 57 27 94 00 4016 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Frougny Christiane @ Professor Emeritus - Université Paris 8 ASV , ASD automates , combi
Gheerbrant Amelie @ 01 57 27 94 46 4039 Associate Professor ASV automates
Guessarian Irène @ 01 57 27 92 59 3032 Professor Emeritus - Sorbonne Université ASV automates , verif
Habermehl Peter @ 01 57 27 92 58 3022 Associate Professor ASV automates , verif
Horn Florian @ 01 57 27 94 46 4039 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates , verif
Laroussinie François @ 01 57 27 92 42 4034 Professor ASV automates , verif
Libkin Leonid @ 3042 Professor - Chaire industrielle ASV automates
Melliès Paul-André @ 01 57 27 92 48 3023 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , PPS automates , algebre , preuves , picube
Perifel Sylvain @ 01 57 27 92 29 4017 Associate Professor ASV , ASD automates , algocomp
Petrisan Daniela @ 01 57 27 94 00 4016 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre , picube
Picantin Matthieu @ 01 57 27 94 49 4043 Associate Professor PPS , ASV algebre , automates
Pin Jean-Éric @ 01 57 27 92 18 4007 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASV automates
Pouly Amaury @ Research Scientist - CNRS - Currently on leave ASV automates
Sakarovitch Jacques @ 01 57 27 90 86 3032 Senior Research Scientist Emeritus - CNRS ASV automates
Schmitz Sylvain @ 01 57 27 92 16 3048 Professor ASV automates , verif
Serre Olivier @ 01 57 27 94 18 4029 Senior Research Scientist - CNRS ASV automates
Sirangelo Cristina @ 01 57 27 92 35 4042 Professor ASV automates
Steiner Wolfgang @ 01 57 27 92 33 4044 Research Scientist - CNRS ASV , ASD automates , combi
Winter Sarah @ 4026 Associate Professor ASV automates
Yunès Jean-Baptiste @ 01 57 27 92 62 4047 Associate Professor ASV automates
Zielonka Wiesław @ 3015 Professor Emeritus ASV automates
van Gool Sam @ 01 57 27 94 05 4011 Associate Professor ASV , PPS automates , algebre

Non-permanent members