Library OracleLanguages.Common

Require Export Utf8.
Require Export List.
Export ListNotations.
Require Export Equalities.
Require Export Bool.

Definition ret {A : Type} (x : A) := Some x.
Definition bind {A B : Type} (a : option A) (f : A option B) :=
    match a with
    | NoneNone
    | Some xf x

Notation "a >>= f" := (bind a f) (at level 40, left associativity).

Coplist: possibly infinite lists.
CoInductive coplist (A : Type) : Type :=
| CSingle : A coplist A
| CCons : A coplist A coplist A.

Definition coplist_id_force (A : Type) (l : coplist A)
  : coplist A :=
  match l with
  | CCons _ c l'CCons _ c l'
  | CSingle _ cCSingle _ c

Lemma coplist_id_force_eq:
   A l, coplist_id_force A l = l.

Definition first {A : Type} (l : coplist A) : A :=
match l with
| CSingle _ xx
| CCons _ x _x

Definition next {A : Type} (l : coplist A) : option (coplist A) :=
match l with
| CSingle _ _None
| CCons _ _ xsSome xs

Fixpoint skipn {A : Type} (n : nat) (l : coplist A) :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ Some l
  | S n'next l >>= λ l',
            skipn n' l'

CoInductive coplist_in {A : Type} : A coplist A Prop :=
| CoplistInHead : x l, coplist_in x (CCons _ x l)
| CoplistInSingle : x, coplist_in x (CSingle _ x)
| CoplistInTail : x y l, coplist_in x l coplist_in x (CCons _ y l).

Fixpoint take {A} (n : nat) (l : coplist A) : list A × option (coplist A) :=
  match n with
    | O(nil, Some l)
    | S k
      match next l with
      | None
        (first l :: nil, None)
      | Some l
        let r := take k l in
        (first l :: fst r, snd r)

CoFixpoint map {A B : Type} f (s : coplist A) : coplist B :=
  match s with
    | CSingle _ xCSingle _ (f x)
    | CCons _ x xsCCons _ (f x) (map f xs)

Applying a partial function n times, or up to n times

Fixpoint napply {A : Type} (f : A option A) (n : nat) (a : A) : option A :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒
    Some a
  | S n'
    f a >>= λ a',
    napply f n' a'

Fixpoint napply' {A : Type} (f : A option A) (n : nat) (a : A) :
  A × nat :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒
    (a, 0)
  | S n'
    match f a with
    | Some a'
      napply' f n' a'
    | None
      (a, n)

Property napply'_1:
   {A : Type} (f : A option A) n a a' n',
    napply' f n a = (a', n') n' n.

Property napply_napply'_Sn_iff:
   {A : Type} (f : A option A) n a,
    napply f n a = None
     n' a',
      napply' f n a = (a', S n') f a' = None.

Property napply'_prefix:
   {A : Type} (f : A option A) n n' a a',
    napply' f n a = (a', n')
    napply' f (n - n') a = (a', 0).

Property napply_napply'_0_iff:
   {A : Type} (f : A option A) n a a',
    napply f n a = Some a' napply' f n a = (a', 0).

Require Import Omega.

Property napply'_lt_id:
   {A : Type} (f : A option A) n n' a a',
    napply' f n a = (a', n') n - n' = 0
    a = a'.