1.  R. Naserasr, W. Yu, Packing signatures in signed graphs, accepted for publication in SIAM J. Discrete Math., 2023.
2.  R. Naserasr, W. Yu, Separating signatures in planar signed graphs, accepted for publication in Discrete Appl. Math., 2023.
3.  M. Chen, A. Raspaud and W. Wang, W. Yu, An (F3, F5)-partition of planar graphs with girth at least 5, Discrete Math. 346 (2023) 113216.
4.  M. Chen, A. Raspaud and W. Yu, An (F1, F4)-partition of graphs with low genus and girth at least 6, J. Graph Theory, 99 (2022) 186--206.
5.  M. Chen, L. Dai, J. Nie, Y. Wang, W. Yu, Planar graphs without cycles of length 4 or 9 are (2, 0, 0)-colorable, Science China-Mathematics, 49 (2019) 1--22.
6.  M. Chen, W. Yu and W. Wang, On the vertex partitions of sparse graphs into an independent vertex set and a forest with bounded maximum degree, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 326 (2018) 117--123.
Manuscripts & Ongoing Work
1.  R. Naserasr, W. Yu, On the packing number of antibalanced signed simple planar graphs of negative girth at least 5, submitted, 2023.
2.  M. Chen, A. Raspaud and W. Wang, W. Yu, Partitioning planar graph of girth 5 into two forests with maximum degree 4, submitted, 2021.
3.  M. Chen, A. Raspaud and W. Yu, An (F2, F6)-partition of planar graphs with girth at least 5, manuscript.
4.  L. Beaudou, M. Csikos, R. Naserasr, W. Yu, Fractional packing number of signed graphs, manuscript.
5.  Density of packing 2 critical signed graphs (with Reza Naserasr, Ben Moore).
6.  Chromatic number of exact distance power of signed graphs (with Reza Naserasr, Daniel Quiroz, Robert Samal).
Research Visits & Seminar talks
•   2023.2.28-2023.3.19: Visitor, Instituto de Ingeniería Matemática, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile. Supervisor: Prof. Daniel Quiroz Brito.
•   2022.11.21-2022.11.29: Visitor, Univerza v Ljubljani, Slovenia. Supervisor: Prof. Riste Skrekovski.
•   2018.09-2018.11: Visitor, Computer Science, LaBRI, Universite de Bordeaux 1, France. Supervisor: Prof. Andre Raspaud.
•   2022.11.16-2022.11.18: Journées Graphes et Algorithmes 2022, Paris, France. Packing signatures in signed graphs.
•   2022.09.28: Graph Theory and Combinatorics Seminar of West Virginia University, Online. Packing signatures in signed graphs.
•   2022.09.04-2022.09.09: 30th Workshop on Cycles and Colourings, Slovakia. Packing signatures in signed graphs.
•   2021.09.16-2021.09.18: 5th Macedonian workshop on graph theory and applications, Online. Vertex partition of planar graphs.
•   2021.05.03-2021.05.06: HOSIGRA workshop, Online. Separating two signatures in signed planar graphs. [Link]
•   2019.10-present: Doctoral student, Theoretical Computer Science, Université de Paris, France. Supervisor: Prof. Reza Naserasr.
•   2016.09-2019.06: Graduate Student, Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University, China. Supervisor: Prof. Min Chen.
•   2012.09-2016.06: Undergraduate Student, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang Normal University, China.
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