
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Contextual Implicit.

Require Import Utf8.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Import Relation_Definitions.
Require Import TLC.LibLN.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import ImpAlg.Lattices.
Require Import ImpAlg.ImplicativeStructures.
Require Import Sets.Ensembles.
Require Import ImpAlg.Lambda.
Require Import ImpAlg.Adequacy.
Require Import ImpAlg.Combinators.

Implicative Algebras

Class ImplicativeAlgebra `{IS:ImplicativeStructure}:=
    separator: X Prop;
    modus_ponens: a b, separator a separator (arrow a b) separator b;
    up_closed: a b, ord a b separator a separator b;
    sep_K : separator K;
    sep_S : separator S;
    sep_cc : separator cc

Generalizable Variables separator.

Notation "a ∈ʆ":= (separator a) (at level 80,no associativity).
Infix "@" := (app) (at level 59, left associativity).
Notation "λ- f":= (abs f) (at level 60).

Hint Resolve arrow_meet modus_ponens sep_K sep_S sep_cc.
Hint Unfold arrow_set_l arrow_set_r arrow_set.

Section IA.
  Context `{IA:ImplicativeAlgebra}.

  Definition env:=@env X.
  Definition codom:=@codom X.
  Definition fv_trm:=@fv_trm X.
  Definition fv_typ:=@fv_typ X.

A convenient notation for λ-terms.

  Notation "λ+ t":= (trm_abs (t)) (at level 69, right associativity).
  Notation "[ t ] u":= (trm_app (t) u ) (at level 69, right associativity).
  Notation "$ n":= (@trm_bvar X n) (at level 69, right associativity).

  Definition neg a:=a .
  Definition closed_typ (T:typ):= fv_typ T = \{}.

We define again the tactis to pick fresh variables.
  Ltac gather_vars :=
    let A := gather_vars_with (fun x : vars => x) in
    let B := gather_vars_with (fun x : var => \{x}) in
    let C := gather_vars_with (fun x : env => (dom x)\u (codom x)) in
    let D := gather_vars_with (fun x : trm => fv_trm x) in
    let E := gather_vars_with (fun x : typ => fv_typ x) in
    constr:(A \u B \u C \u D \u E).

  Ltac pick_fresh Y :=
    let L := gather_vars in (pick_fresh_gen L Y).

  Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" constr(T) "as" ident(x) :=
    apply_fresh_base T gather_vars x.
  Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" "*" constr(T) "as" ident(x) :=
    apply_fresh T as x; auto_star.
  Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" constr(T) :=
    apply_fresh_base T gather_vars ltac_no_arg.
  Tactic Notation "apply_fresh" "*" constr(T) :=
    apply_fresh T; auto_star.

We define a simple tactic to automatize the proof that a pre-term is a term, when it is the case.

  Ltac fresh_term_abs :=
    let L0:=gather_vars in let L1 := beautify_fset L0 in
                           apply (@term_abs _ L1);intros.
  Ltac fresh_sterm_abs :=
    let L0:=gather_vars in let L1 := beautify_fset L0 in
                           apply (@sterm_abs _ L1);intros.

  Ltac fresh_typing_abs :=
    let L0:=gather_vars in let L1 := beautify_fset L0 in
                           apply (@typing_abs _ L1);intros.

  Ltac autosterm :=
  repeat (
      try (apply sterm_cc);try (apply sterm_var);try (fresh_sterm_abs);
      try (apply sterm_app);try (unfold Succ);try (case_nat);try (cbn)

Bunch of tactics to automatize typing, etc..

  Ltac autofv := cbn;repeat (try rewrite union_empty_l;try rewrite union_empty_r);reflexivity.
  Ltac autosclosed:=split;[autosterm|autofv].
  Ltac translated_sclosed:=split;[find_translated|autosclosed].
  Ltac exists_sterm t:= exists t;translated_sclosed.
  Ltac autoclosed_typ:=unfold closed_typ;cbn;repeat (rewrite union_empty_l);auto.

  Ltac typ_from_translated:=
    unfold neg;
    repeat (
        match goal with
          | |- translated_typ _ ( (_)) => apply tr_typ_fall;intros
          | |- translated_typ _ (_ _) => apply tr_typ_arrow
          | |- translated_typ _ ?a => apply tr_typ_var

  Ltac autotype :=
    repeat (
        try (apply type_fvar);try (apply type_cvar);
        try (apply_fresh type_fall);try (apply type_arrow)

  Ltac simplIf:=repeat (try (rewrite If_l;[|reflexivity]);try (rewrite If_r;[|auto])).

  Ltac autoget:=
        match goal with
          | |- _ # _ => apply get_none_inv
          | |- get _ EnvOps.empty = None => apply get_empty
          | |- get _ (_ & _ ) = None => rewrite get_push;simplIf
  Ltac autook:=repeat (apply ok_push);try (rewrite <- empty_eq);try (apply ok_empty); autoget.

  Ltac autobinds:=
    match goal with
      | |- binds ?y _ (?E & ?y ~ _) => apply* binds_push_eq
      | |- binds ?y _ (?E & ?z ~ _) => apply* binds_push_neq

  Ltac autotyping:=
    repeat (
      match goal with
        | H: _ \notin _ \u _ |- _ => rewrite_all notin_union in *
        | H: _ \notin \{_} |- _ => rewrite_all notin_singleton in *
        | H: _ \notin \{} |- _ => clear H
        | H: _ _ |- _ => destruct H
        | |- ok _ => autook
        | |- typing_trm _ (λ+ _) (typ_arrow _ _) => fresh_typing_abs;autotype;unfold open_trm;simpl;simplIf
        | |- typing_trm _ ([ _ ] _ ) _ => eapply typing_app
        | |- typing_trm _ (trm_fvar _) ?a => apply typing_prf_var;[autook|autobinds|autotype]
        | |- type _ => autotype
   Ltac exX a:=exists (a X).


Separators are closed under application.

  Lemma app_closed : a b, a ∈ʆ b ∈ʆ a@b ∈ʆ.
    apply (modus_ponens b (a@b)).
    - assumption.
    - apply (up_closed a).
      + apply adjunction.
        apply ord_refl.
      + assumption.

We show that any separator contains the interpretation of all (strictly) closed λ-terms.

  Hint Resolve sep_S sep_K.
  Lemma sep_Id: Id ∈ʆ.
    apply (up_closed _ _ Id_SK).
    repeat (apply app_closed);auto.

  Hint Resolve sep_Id.

Any combinator belongs to the separator
  Lemma sep_comb: A, combinator A A ∈ʆ.
    induction H;auto.
    apply app_closed;auto.

Any sclosed term which has a translated is in the separator

  Lemma sep_term: C, (exists t, translated t C sclosed t) C ∈ʆ.
    intros C (t,(Tr,Clo)).
    destruct (combinator_trm_translated Clo Tr) as (c,(Comb,Hc)).
    apply (up_closed c);trivial.
    now apply sep_comb.

Any strictly closed term has a translated element
  Lemma sclosed_translated_n: n t σ, size t <= n closed t translated t (trans_trm σ t).
    intros n; induction n;
      intros t σ Size [Sterm FV];[exfalso;now apply (size_not_0 t)|].
    destruct t;simpl in *;(try inversion Sterm);auto.
    - exfalso. rewrite<- (in_empty a).
      rewrite <- FV. now rewrite in_singleton.
    - cbn. apply tr_cvar.
    - rewrite trans_trm_abs.
      apply tr_abs;intros.
      apply IHn.
      + unfold open_trm. rewrite size_open_c;auto with arith.
      + split.
        * apply open_trm_term. unfold body. exists L0;auto. apply term_cvar.
        * unfold open_trm;now rewrite fv_trm_subst.
    - apply union_empty in FV as (FV1,FV2).
      rewrite trans_trm_app. apply tr_app.
      + apply IHn. now apply size_app_le_l with t2.
      + apply IHn. now apply size_app_le_r with t1.
    - cbn;apply tr_cc.

  Lemma sclosed_translated: t σ, sclosed t translated t (trans_trm σ t).
    intros t σ H. apply sclosed_translated_n with (size t);auto.
    split;destruct H;auto. now apply sterm_term.

Proposition 28: the intepretation of any sclosed term is in the separator.
  Lemma sep_sclosed: t, sclosed t σ, (trans_trm σ t) ∈ʆ.
    intros t H σ. apply sep_term. exists t;split;auto;now apply sclosed_translated.

Corollary 29: the interpretation of any type T s.t. there exists a sclosed term t of type T belongs to the separator.

  Lemma sep_typ:
   C, (exists t T, translated_typ T C closed_typ T sclosed t typing_trm empty t T) C ∈ʆ.
    intros C (t,(T,(Tr,(Cl,(Scl,Typ))))).
    destruct (translated_closed (typing_empty_closed Typ)) as (a,Ha).
    apply (up_closed a).
    apply (adequacy_empty Typ Ha Cl Tr).
    apply sep_term. exists t; auto.

In particular, the following terms belong to the separator
  Lemma sep_W: W ∈ʆ.
    apply sep_term.
    exX @lambdaW.
    apply translated_W.

  Lemma sep_Easy: Easy ∈ʆ.
    apply sep_term.
    exX @lambdaEasy.
    apply translated_Easy.

  Hint Resolve sep_Id sep_W sep_Easy.


We define an entailment relation.

  Definition entails a b := (a b) ∈ʆ .
  Infix "⊢":= entails (at level 75).
  Definition equivalence a b := a b b a.
  Infix "≈":= equivalence (at level 80).
  Notation "¬ a":=(neg a).

The ordering relation is including in the entailment relation Proposition 32.3
  Lemma subtyping : a b, a b a b.
    apply (up_closed (a a)).
    + apply arrow_mon_r.
    + apply (up_closed (Id)); auto.
      apply meet_elim. exists a;reflexivity.

We define a tactic "realizer" to automatize to proof that a given a∈A element belongs to the separator. This tactics takes a λ-terms t as input and try to show that t ≤ a. It might go to far in trying to find the translation of t, in which case realizer_step is useful.

  Lemma realizer_later: a, (exists b, b ∈ʆ b a) a ∈ʆ.
    intros a (b,(Hb,Ha)).
    apply (modus_ponens b _ Hb).
    apply* (subtyping).

  Ltac in_sep_sterm t:= apply sep_term;exists t;split;[find_translated|autosclosed].
  Ltac emeet_elim:=apply (meet_elim_trans);later;split;[later;reflexivity|].
  Ltac hnform:=repeat (emeet_elim;apply arrow_mon_r);adjunction_mon.
  Ltac realizer t:= apply realizer_later;later;split;[in_sep_sterm t| hnform].
  Ltac realizer_step t:= apply realizer_later;later;split;[in_sep_sterm t|].

We illustrate the utility of this tactic on a simple example (Rmk 30)

  Lemma composition: a b c, (a b) (b c) (a c) ∈ʆ.
  Proof. intros. realizer ((λ+ λ+ λ+ ([ $ 1 ] ([$ 2] $ 0)))). Qed.
The entailment relation is a preorder
Proposition 32.1
  Lemma entails_refl : reflexive X entails.
    unfold entails,reflexive.
    intro a.
    realizer (λ+ $0).

Proposition 32.2
  Lemma entails_trans : transitive X entails.
    unfold entails,transitive.
    intros a b c Ha Hb.
    apply (modus_ponens (b c));auto.
    apply (modus_ponens (a b));auto.
    realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ ([$1] ([$2] $0))).

Proposition 32.4
  Lemma equiv_sep: a b, a b (a ∈ʆ b ∈ʆ).
    intros a b (Hab,Hba).
    split;intro H;
    [apply (modus_ponens _ _ H Hab)|
     apply (modus_ponens _ _ H Hba)].

Proposition 32.5
  Lemma entails_half_adj:
    a b c, a b c a b c .
  intros a b c H.
  apply modus_ponens with (a0:=a b c);auto.
  apply (up_closed W);auto. unfold W.
  apply (ord_trans _ (((a b) (a b) c) (a b) c)).
  - auto_meet_elim_trans.
  - repeat apply arrow_mon;intuition.

  Lemma mod_ponens : a b, (a b) a b.
    apply entails_half_adj.
    apply entails_refl.

  Lemma modus_ponens_later: a, (exists b, b ∈ʆ b a ) a ∈ʆ.
    intros a (b,(Hb,Ha)).
    apply* (modus_ponens b).

This example is only given to illustrate the utility of some tactics. Actually, this formula is realized by λxyz.y(xz) and the following is enough to prove the lemma:
realizer ((λ+ λ+ λ+ ( $ 1 ($ 2

  Lemma contraposition_l: a b, a b (¬ b) ¬ a.
    unfold entails,neg.
    (* realizer ((λ+ λ+ λ+ ( $ 1  ($ 2 *)
    apply sep_typ.
    exists ((λ+ λ+ λ+ ([ $ 1 ] ([$ 2] $ 0)))).

Ex falso quod libet: Proposition 32.6
  Lemma exfalso_S: a, a.
    apply (subtyping _ _ (bot_min a)).

⊤ is the maximal element Proposition 32.7
  Lemma true_S: a, a .
    apply (subtyping _ _ (top_max a)).


Proposition 34:Double-negation elimination:

  Lemma dni: a, a ¬ a).
    intro. unfold neg.
    realizer (λ+ λ+ ([$0] $1)).

  Lemma dne: a, (¬ a)) a.
    intro. unfold entails,neg.
    apply (up_closed (((a ) a) a)).
    - adjunction_mon.
    - apply (up_closed cc);auto.

  Lemma dn: a, a ¬ ¬ a.
    intros;split;[apply dni|apply dne].

The relation of entailment is compatible with the arrow:
Proposition 33
  Lemma arrow_entails_mon_r: a b b', b b' a b a b'.
    intros a b b' H.
    apply modus_ponens_later. exists (b b'). split;auto.
    realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ ([ $2 ] ([ $1 ] $0))).

  Lemma arrow_entails_mon_l: a a' b, a a' a' b a b.
    intros a a' b H.
    apply modus_ponens_later. exists (a a'). split;auto.
    realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ ([ $1 ] ([ $2 ] $0))).

  Lemma arrow_entails_mon: a a' b b', a' a b b' a b a' b'.
    intros a a' b b' Ha Hb.
    apply modus_ponens_later. exists (b b'). split;auto.
    apply modus_ponens_later. exists (a' a). split;auto.
    realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ λ+ ([ $2 ] ([ $1 ] ([ $3 ] $0)))).

  Lemma contraposition_r: a b, (¬ a) (¬ b) b a.
    apply (@entails_trans ((¬ a) ¬ b) ((¬ ¬ b) ¬ ¬ a)).
    - apply contraposition_l.
    - apply arrow_entails_mon.
      + apply dni.
      + apply dne.

We define simple tactics to automatize the proof by beta reduction for goals of the shape λ- f ≤ a ↦ b or λ- f ≤ ⋂_ t

  Ltac lam_leq:=apply adjunction,beta_red;try (adjunction_mon).
  Ltac lam_meet:=auto_meet_intro;apply adjunction,beta_red.


  Definition forallt:=meet_family.
  Definition existst `{I:Type} (a:IX):=⋂[c](meet_family (fun (i:I)=> a i c) c).
  Definition ex_term t := λ- (fun x => x@t).

  Notation "[∀] a":=(forallt a) (at level 69).
  Notation "[∃] a":=(existst a) (at level 69).

Proposition 35: We prove the semantic typing rules for the ∀ type

  Lemma type_fa_intro:
     I (a:IX) t, ( i, t a i) t [∀] a.
  intros I a t H.
  now auto_meet_intro.

  Lemma type_fa_elim:
     I (a:IX) t, t [∀] a i, t a i.
  intros I a t H i.
  eapply ord_trans;[exact H|].

Proposition 36: We prove the semantic typing rules for the ∃ type

  Lemma type_ex_intro:
     I (a:IX) t, ( i, t a i) λ- (fun x => x@t) [∃] a.
  intros I a t [i H].
  apply adjunction.
  apply arrow_mon_l;exact H.

  Lemma type_ex_elim:
     I (a:IX) t u c, t [∃] a (i x, x a i u x c) (t@λ- (fun x => u x))≤ c.
  intros I a t u c H Hu.
  apply adjunction. eapply ord_trans;[exact H|].
  auto_meet_elim_trans. apply arrow_mon_l.
  apply meet_intro. intros x [i Hx]. subst.
  lam_leq. now apply (Hu i).

Meet: ×

  Definition prodt a b :=(⋂[c] ((a b c) c)).
  Notation "a × b":=(prodt a b) (at level 69).
  Definition pair a b :=λ- (fun x => x@ a @ b).
  Definition proj1:= λ- (fun x => λ- (fun y => x)).
  Definition proj2:= λ- (fun x => λ- (fun y => y)).

Proposition 37: We prove the semantic typing rules for the × type

  Lemma type_pair:
     a b t u, t a u b pair t u a × b .
  intros a b t u Ha Hb.
  apply meet_intro.
  intros x [c H]. subst.
  do 2 apply adjunction.
  do 2 (apply arrow_mon;intuition).

  Lemma type_proj1:
     a b t , t a × b t@proj1 a.
  intros a b t Ha.
  apply adjunction.
  eapply ord_trans;[exact Ha|].
  auto_meet_elim_trans. apply arrow_mon_l.
  now do 2 lam_leq.

  Lemma type_proj2:
     a b t , t a × b t@proj2 b.
  intros a b t Ha.
  apply adjunction.
  eapply ord_trans;[exact Ha|].
  auto_meet_elim_trans. apply arrow_mon_l.
  now do 2 lam_leq.

Proposition 39: We prove the adjunction for × and ↦ in the induced Heyting prealgebra

  Lemma ha_adjunction:
     a b c, a b c <-> a × b c.
    intros a b c;split;intro H.
    - apply modus_ponens_later.
      exists (a b c);split;auto.
      realizer (λ+ λ+ [$0] $1).
      apply adjunction.
    - apply modus_ponens_later.
      exists ((a × b) c);split;auto.
      unfold entails.
      realizer_step (λ+ λ+ λ+ [$2] (λ+ ([[$0] $2] $1))).
      do 3 lam_leq.
      apply adjunction. adjunction_mon.

We prove that × is indeed a meet in the induced Heyting prealgebra:

  Lemma prodt_l:
       a b, a × b a.
  intros a b.
  realizer (λ+ [$0] (λ+ λ+ $1)).
  apply adjunction.
  auto_meet_elim_trans. apply arrow_mon_l.
  now do 2 lam_leq.

  Lemma prodt_r:
       a b, a × b b.
  intros a b.
  realizer (λ+ [$0] (λ+ λ+ $0)).
  apply adjunction.
  auto_meet_elim_trans. apply arrow_mon_l.
  now do 2 lam_leq.

  Lemma prodt_intro:
       a b c, c a c b c a × b.
  intros a b c Ha Hb.
  apply modus_ponens with (a0:=cb);auto.
  apply modus_ponens with (a0:=ca);auto.
  (* λtucz.z(tc)(uc) *)
  realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ λ+ [[$0] ([$3] $1)] ([$2] $1)).
  do 2 apply adjunction.
  apply arrow_mon;adjunction_mon.

Join: +

  Definition sumt a b :=(⋂[c] ((a c) (b c) c)).
  Notation "a ⊕ b":=(sumt a b) (at level 69).
  Definition inj1 t:= λ- (fun x => λ- (fun y => x@t )).
  Definition inj2 t:= λ- (fun x => λ- (fun y => y@t)).
  Definition case t u v := (t@λ- (fun x => u x)) @ λ- (fun x => v x).

Proposition 38: We prove the semantic typing rules for the + type

  Lemma type_inj1:
     a b t , t a inj1 t a b.
  intros a b t Ha.
  lam_meet. lam_leq.

  Lemma type_inj2:
     a b t , t b inj2 t a b.
  intros a b t Ha.
  lam_meet. lam_leq.

  Lemma type_case:
     a b c t u v, t a b (x,xa u x c) (x,xb v x c)
     case t u v c.
  intros a b c t u v Ht Hu Hv.
  do 2 apply adjunction.
  eapply ord_trans;[exact Ht|].
  apply arrow_mon;[|apply arrow_mon_l];lam_leq;intuition.

We prove that + is indeed a join in the induced Heyting prealgebra:

  Lemma sumt_l:
       a b, a a b.
  intros a b.
  realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ [$1] $2). (* λxyz.yx *)
  lam_meet. lam_leq.

  Lemma sumt_r:
       a b, b a b.
  intros a b.
  realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ [$0] $2). (* λxyz.zx *)
  lam_meet. lam_leq.

  Lemma sumt_elim:
       a b c, a c b c a b c.
  intros a b c Ha Hb.
  apply modus_ponens with (a0:=bc);auto.
  apply modus_ponens with (a0:=ac);auto.
  realizer (λ+ λ+ λ+ [[$0] $2] $1). (* λxyz.zxy *)
  do 2 apply adjunction.

End IA.